If we want 6v6 to stay

Tank players have already left the game

Why would you need to pretend/act differently if it’s better? That doesn’t make sense.

If 6v6 is so great it will just work without pretending.

Exactly, my wife used to LOVE playing tank in OW1 but now refuses to play tank because she hates the role so much. It’s not uncommon

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My close buddy completely quit at OW2. He played tank exclusively. I kept playing solo since I play support.

It’s not about “pretending” it’s about how blizzard is most likely dumb asf, and will just stick the 5v5 designed heroes inside of 6v6 and then people will complain it’s unbalanced.

Asking for people to not complain about it being unbalanced due to blizzard’s stupidity, isn’t much pretending.

Sorry to tell you this OP, but all the things you listed not to do is most likely going to happen.

THIS. It’s just giving the format some leeway because we know that if they stick with it it’ll improve

Lol this is incredible

6v6ers actually out here telling people ahead of time not to complain about the issues it’ll have, to force themselves to play roles they don’t really want to play to mask the lack of tank players, and to pretend everything is fine to try to dupe the devs into thinking it’s a sustainable format lol

You and the term “objectively” need to get better acquainted. 6v6 has problems, 5v5 fixes some of those problems but introduces new ones. Neither format is strictly better than the other, nor is either format objectively better than the other. It’s all down to what problems each player prefers to deal with while enjoying the gameplay experience they want. I like Dark Souls 2 more than Dark Souls 3, despite the community calling 2 the worst Dark Souls game. But to me, Dark Souls 3 is just a comfort zone game, designed to appease the people who wished Dark Souls 2 was just Dark Souls with a 2 at the end. All three are phenomenal games at the end of the day.


No, please gain reading abilities.

It’s about not complaining about 5v5 designed heroes in 6v6! Because blizzard will be stupid, and stick 5v5 designed heroes hardly changed into the 6v6 mode.

You can give feedback on changes to the heroes but it’s about not just going “oh my god this hero is crazy stupid, they don’t fit this mode how could you do this! Go back! go back!!!”

6v6 had balance problems.

5v5 has unfixable format problems.

That’s why 6v6 is objectively better for overwatch. That doesn’t mean people can’t enjoy 5v5 personally.

In basketball terms:

LeBron James is OBJECTIVELY better then Steph Curry at basketball, that doesn’t mean people can’t be a bigger fan of Curry and like him more.

6v6 failed because blizzard’s balance team is made out of chimpanzees that let multiple metas run on for multiple seasons in a row, and even up to years.

Why are you assuming it’s automatically gonna be role queue lol? It may not be.

You’re using opinions and saying the word objectively without any concrete data points to back it up. Which is an incorrect use of the word, what you’re looking for is “subjectively better”.

No… I’m using the right word.

When one mode has problems that can be fixed in a balance update, while the other mode has problems that will NEVER BE SOLVED. The first mode is blatantly better in every way shape and form.


Even at most if you want to argue queue times (which would be greatly ignorant for multiple reasons), the 5v5 format has introduced a plethora of problems that heavily outweigh the one negative of queue times in ow1.

To the people arguing with me in the replies, let me re-state my opinion in slightly clearer terms. I understand how what I said can be seen as asking for a bait-and-switch or manipulating the results to get our way, but that’s not my intention. What I am saying is that for those of us who truly, strongly prefer 6v6, if we want it to stay, then we, as a community, need to commit to not making the same mistakes that we made that led to us losing 6v6.

Yes, that means sometimes playing in ways other than how you’d like (like playing a different role) but if you’re like me, then the alternative is ALWAYS playing in a way other than how you like (5v5). So if you want 6v6 back, then prove that you want it enough that you’re willing to make those small sacrifices to make it work. If you don’t care about 5v5 or 6v6 that much, then play however, do whatever. but if you, like me, prefer 6v6 in any role vs 5v5 in any role, prove it by making it work.

You learn to read first. This thread literally calls for playing in a way you normally wouldn’t. That’s pretending

You responded to me! That means you’re arguing about what I said and not the main post!

Playing 5v5 is playing in a way we normally wouldn’t either yet here we are

I am not bowing to anyone.

If Blizzard wants to lose their playerbase with 5v5, it is their choice.

We get what you’re saying. And what we’re saying is if you have to intentionally do things you don’t actually want to do, like play roles you wouldnt normally play during the test to make queue times look better than they naturally will be when everyone just plays what they actually want, or not complain about issues it has (because it will have issues) then the format isn’t sustainable. It’s all an act.

The only way 6v6 could last is if everyone just acted as they normally would and it just worked without pretending. Pretending means inevitable failure.

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We get what you’re saying.

very clearly you do not. I, in words a 3rd grader could understand, went on to say that we should be doing that permanently if it comes back.