If we want 6v6 to stay

Then we’ll need to all be on our best behavior when it comes out. That means:

  • Queuing tank (or any role) more than you normally would to keep queue times down to show that this is viable and we can make it work
  • Not running to the forums to complain about how it isn’t balanced like it was in OW1. There are new heroes, reworked heroes and changed abilities, it’s going to be a bit unbalanced. Don’t let the fact that they’re trying to shove a lot into our preferred format without community testing make you come here and complain and sabotage our chances of getting 6v6 back the way we wanted. It’ll take time, this is just a test run.
  • Don’t use the worst team comps you can come up with or the most toxic plays or anything else to make it unpleasant for the lobby. If we want 6v6 back we’ll need to persuade at least some people who never played OW1 that 6v6 is at least as good. Making the matches miserable for them will not do that.
  • Don’t demand that it replace 5v5. Seriously, if you’re salty that 6v6 was removed against your will and you’re forced to play 5v5 or not at all, then don’t turn around and demand Blizzard do the exact same to those that do prefer 5v5.

Here’s what we should do to keep 6v6

  • As mentioned above ( but I cannot stress this enough), play the roles that are needed to keep queue times reasonable
  • Give feedback in the forums, but keep it constructive. Is ram/rein a combo made by Satan himself? Don’t complain that everything is awful and claim that they made it bad on purpose to shut us up. Come and say that that combo needs readjusting (reduced shields if there’s two per team, increased cooldown for shields, etc).

If we do that, then for once there really is a chance that everyone wins.

Normally I’d take a much more cynical approach to this announcement, but the fact Aaron mentioned being nervous for the heavy disagreements about this, and the fact that they’re willing to put so much effort into optimizing the engine to make it work makes me fully believe that they’re actually willing to give this a shot. That’s just not the type of effort you put into something JUST to spite your audience.

Keep it wholesome and constructive and we may get 6v6 back yet.

tldr of the replies:
me: let’s be better guys, we can make this work
5v5 supremacists: How dare you


So, in essence, bait-and-switch?


More like ‘show them how much we mean it when we say this is what we prefer by being on our best behavior and being less toxic’ but yeah I guess if you really want to be a cynic then that too


So that we can have insane queue times when people stop queuing tank out of necessity and instead play to have fun?

Kinda odd tbh. I’d ask the opposite. Play exactly what you think is fun so that we can find out whether 6v6 is actually good or not.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if you only queued for DPS in OW1 and continue to do so in OW2, you have zero right to demand 6v6 comes back.


If a DPS player was willing to queue for 6-8 minutes on average and believes 6v6 is better even with that caveat, it seems to me their opinion carries the most weight lol


My point is they are the cause of the game becoming 5v5.


I don’t know, I don’t think the skeptics would enjoy buying a car only to see a drawing of an engine under the hood.

I didn’t think “hey if we want this thing, we should be better as a community” would be such a hotly contested sentiment

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We should be better as a community, but we don’t live in Shouldland.

queueing tank… maybe a bit but even during the 6v6 role queue days i didnt pick tank much

still didnt they say it was gonna be role limits… so yea people are gonna be playing tank if they dont pick fast in the hero select screen… or they wont play the mode at all

at least i think thats whats gonna happen. they said multiple types of 6v6 or modes?

So you want people to just be as toxic as possible? Why do you have such a problem with me telling people to be less toxic? I’m not saying should in a “we should have done this” kind of why, I’m saying it in a “we should do this” kind of way, as in let’s change the future, which is very much possible. Not sure why that’s such a bad thing

6v6ers already trying to manipulate the test results to mask how bad it’ll be lol

6v6 will fail, and this post proves it. There will not be enough tank players. There will be many complaints. There will be awful team comps (which is more detrimental in 6v6 because you have less individual impact) and delulu 6v6ers will demand it replaces 5v5 for imaginary reasons

Attempting to dupe the devs by playing in a way you normally wouldn’t, and acting in a way you normally wouldn’t, just to pretend “everything is fine” just shows everything is not fine

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I don’t want 6v6 role queue. It was awful for 90% of the player base. It needs heavy innovation to be playable (I suggest no limits no dupes draft/ban). It also can’t exist with 5v5 as is since there are only a limited number of players that actually want to play tank regardless of the mode.

If you do want 6v6, then you need to figure out how to solve the OW1 problems. You need to find a way to siphon off all the excess Damage players so that queues remain stable, figure out how to avoid losing at hero select because one team has good tank synergies and one doesn’t, and how to make Damage role seem impactful when nothing is dying. Not saying it’s impossible, but they couldn’t do it in OW1.


I don’t know why you have to take things in extremes. I’m pointing out that it’s unrealistic for people to maintain the level of saccharine delight you propose and that they’ll go back to their miserable selves shortly after the ruse is done serving its purpose.


Yes… so that we can get an actual format that works for the game going.

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If you have to try to rig the test results by playing/acting in a way you normally wouldn’t then the format isn’t as good as you think it is lol. People won’t put on that act forever, once the test is over and they act normally everything will crumble


Or, hear me out, some of us prefer 6v6 so much we’d rather play differently than be forced to only play 5v5


And I can drink til something’s fun, but that’s unsustainable. Something would eventually give.

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6v6 is objectively the better format.

Idc how we get to it being back in the game. As long as it’s back in the game.