If we want 6v6 to stay

I mean regardless of your intention and arguments, the way you want your goal to be achieved screams fakeness.

It sounds like a state policy you can find in a communist country like North Korea, where people are supposed to make sacrifices for the sake of “the greater good”.

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I was a Reinhardt main in OW1. I cant wait to make my return

There’s a lot of implications that can be made from those statements, but I’ll go ahead and not take the bait.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt since you haven’t been in this thread the whole time, but I have stated time and time again, that to me, and other’s who think like me, playing tank when they prefer DPS in 6v6 is a far smaller sacrifice than playing DPS in 5v5. So if you want to talk about making sacrifices, *sometimes *playing a different role is a much smaller sacrifice to some than playing and entirely different format. Either way a sacrifice from those with that preference will be made, sacrifice not always playing your preferred role, or always sacrifice playing your preferred format.

Again, I’m not advocating for the removal of 5v5, so I don’t understand why so many people are taking it so personally when people are given a chance to play the game they fell in love with, want to do what they can to keep it.

Ah yes… no reply to the point so move to ad hominem’s. Happy for you man.

I didn’t say anything psuedo intellectual. I just told you things you should already know using common sense, but I forgot that some people on here lack said common sense, so when they can’t grasp it you throw insults to deflect away from your lack of point to be made. But since you apparently understand insults, I’ll put it like this:

Trying to compare RPG games to an FPS… is stupid.

Being unable to grasp at the fact that the problems 6v6 had were due to poor balancing… is stupid.


I don’t know what benefit of the doubt you’re talking about. My words are clear and they contain nothing toxic.
So if you feel that you have something to say in this regard, go ahead don’t hold it back.

Now back to the actual subject of this thread.
No one is supposed to make any sacrifice.

First, this is a video game. The game itself is supposed to cater to the players, not the other way around. If a game format is not fun or has problems, things need to be called out.

Second, even if it’s not a game, generally speaking it’s never advisable to ask people to suppress their convictions or true feelings.
If it sucks, it sucks.

If we depend on the community to save the game we are doomed

While I agree with you in principle, there’s a problem. Overwatch, 5v5 or 6v6 is a wonderful, deeply flawed game, neither is fully sustainable on it’s own. No matter what versions are in place, if either is to be sustainable, then some people will always have to be inconvenienced. If you find that unacceptable, I can understand that, but all that leaves is a game that’s destined to die, despite the fact that everyone enjoys it.

5v5 or 6v6, it sucks to be someone, but that someone still probably loves the game. Oftentimes it sucks a little bit for everyone, but they all still love it anyway. So we either pick our poison and cope with a little inconvenience so save the game we all love, or dig our heals in and say we won’t accept any inconvenience and let the game die, and nobody is happy.

The very thing that makes Overwatch so uniquely good is the same thing that makes it completely unsustainable on its own. That’s why it constantly changes format from hero restrictions to player count, because constant change is the only way to hide the fact that someone always gets the slightly short end of the stick

That’s OK we will play 5v5 and let the 6v6ers play that overrated mode in peace as long as the devs don’t touch the main mode

yes, way better than how 5v5 arrived,

shoved down our throats without questions?


I definitely agree with your message; however, unfortunately you are well aware that it ain’t how it is going to play out. If you had any faith in this community whatsoever, none of this would need to be said. And yet…

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Lmao you 6v6 lovers are so funny.

You get what you asked for, and now you’re scheming to avoid doing all the things that make 6v6 a worse format.

Here’s a tip, if you have to actively tell people how to play 6v6 in order to make it viable and fun, clearly 6v6 has its issues.


of course, because in 5v5 you can easily pick Junkrat into Pharah, and not be reported for griefing

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What relevance does that have to people literally masking the problems of 6v6 that supposedly didn’t exist?

Also that exact same issue is in 6v6 too.

okay tell me a 6v6 problem then

Going to get the stack back together, 6 stack for the entire time and just have fun without sweating. Lets keep those engagement numbers high guys.


I literally just explained them? They are even in the OP lol. How can you not see that if you’re telling the community how to play 6v6 to avoid making it look bad, that just means in reality the format is flawed.

“Hey guys make sure you queue tank in 6v6 to show devs there isn’t a queue time issue, and then we can all go back to DPS when we get 6v6 back”

“Hey guys dont play annoying comps that are only possible in 6v6 to show the devs and new players that the format is better!”

How can you not see how manipulative and fake this is? If 6v6 is supposedly miles better than 5v5, why are players being told what they should and shouldn’t do in order to avoid making the format unfun for people? And the nerve you have to ask “what problems”, lmao, that is next level delusion.

Because Blizzard clearly don’t want to bring back 6v6 so it needs to be overwhelmingly popular. If we as players can help that along by ahem behaving…So be it.

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It would be overwhelmingly popular if it was actually good without having to be forced. Blizzard will do whatever the majority of people want, they are a business after all. But you’re not going to get people to like the format by trying to mask its flaws. Any new player with a brain would read the OP and think to themselves “man 6v6 must be awful if we have to change how we play just to make it fun”.

Players being on their best behaviour isn’t forcing anything. See my above post about getting the old stack back together…Probably best for us to not sweat, stomp through lobbies and make people feel like the mode is trash. That could just have easily happened in 5v5 quickplay too but why would we when the only reason 5 of those players will be playing is because 6v6 is there?

The goal is to get 6v6 back and a lot of players will behave with that in mind.

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