If we keep the 2.5s GA cooldown

…or maybe such a high value ability should have downsides…? :thinking:


The downside is literally a 1.75s cast time alongside a -75% movement speed penalty and a limited cast range of 5-7m.

If that ain’t enough downsides to a single ability with a 30s cooldown, maybe you need to work on your situational awareness.

I play a lot of Sombra and Orisa and I can tell you very confidently:

If Mercy gets off a rez without cover, be it with or without Valk, that’s a YOU problem.


It already does though Sushi, and why the average resurrects sits around 4. Lower than the 6 in OW1

She’s slowed.
She’s locked into her resurrect animation.
As I recall, she glows.
And more importantly, It’s also the only E ability that can result in Mercy, her target, both, or one of her other team mate’s death. Which all benefit the enemy’s ult charge.

The downsides are the most strict for any E-ability IMHO.

So any extra time spent standing there after Mercy manages to pull off a resurrect makes it even worse.

If it were like throwing a nade, a cleanse, or dropping a heal, I would completely agree with you. But it’s far from a fire and forget ability.


Pretending that you should be able to have a guaranteed get away skill that already has a very low CD just for the sake of making it ultra forgiving is stupid.

If Mercy gets the rez, the skill is done, and just like any other hero, she should be able to be punished. Period.

Well in high elos mercy players would valk so they could res. The ult was often used to pull off resses that would be hard without the regen and still possibly risky with it. This is why the new regen passive is not good and the old one gave much more consistent value/usage.

The current one is niche and punishes you for healing allies to full. Mercy players are unironically leaving people below full hp so they can use them for self regen. How is this any different from the hide and wait mass res mercy? Mercy’s survivability was strong, but it was strong to make up for not having much of an ability to fight back (against decent players anyway).


Her restrictions and cast time for Rez are higher and longer than it takes for Cowboy’s ult to kill any average healthpool squishy. I feel like people don’t bring that up enough.

He even gets the capability to multi-kill, damage reduction during cast (on-top of his non-standard hp pool), can freely cancel at any time, theoretically unlimited range (I don’t think there’s a single sightline in any map that exceeds 200m, but maybe I’m wrong), and has a lesser movespeed penalty.
Mercy’s only leg up is she only needs LoS to initiate Rez, while Cass needs to have/maintain LoS to lock on and fire Deadeye.

If one’s bad/suicidal to use the other with less personal benefit should be considered as such too is all I’m sayin.

GA reset still leaves a full kill-shot Deadeye of time to kill (or knockback) Mercy while she casts but offers her a meger reward for judging a situation correctly.


It’s slightly shorter this buff will only save like .75 seconds maximum but more likely .2 as it takes time to get in range n press button

I even went forth and suggested and made a thread about this…

…good imo…? :thinking:

…that’s 4 times Mercy may have rezzed a high-value target like an ult-ready Rein tapping back a full-hp monster with a team-disabling ult in to a fight… :wink:

…people downplay how insanely powerful rez is… :wink:

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If they never plan on at least making GA 1.8 seconds then is the the next best solution to align with Valk and using GA to get out safely.

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Punish for the strongest ability in the game i recomend kirko she helps alot she help me get my rez per ten for 6 to 9.8 suzu is insane

That would absolutely make Mercy broken. Think about it, I start a long distance Max GA and then pretty much have GA back by the time I get to my target or just utilizing the target for omnidirectional techs. GA at that point in the hands of talented mercy players could be using GA pretty infinitely.

That sounds horrible to play against.

no shot, they need to delete rez. Broken ability ultimate impact.

iirc GA is 2.5 while rez is 1.7 so you are effectively sitting duck for 1second after already being a sitting duck for second and a half.

  • 30sec cd
  • can barely move during it
  • free kill
  • can be stopped by knockback or dying

suzu: lul dmg every 17sec w/o counter
anti nade: lul healing every 10sec w/ 1 specific counter.
1 shot snipes: lul living 24/7

but yes rez is the ultimate in power…

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Not sure how much it would matter considering by the time rez is over the CD is close to over anyways, but I definitely agree with this. Would be a nice QOL change

Free resurrects around corners/ on high ground, Mercy mains are boosted by resurrect. Most unhealthy ability in the game.

They made a monster who needs halfdead livestock


Can’t think of a reason not, a good QoL fix in my opinion

Please leave this post.
Infact, leave the forums in general cuz I have yet to see a single post where you gave any form of constructive comment EVER.

You’re just a troll and no one takes you or your Mercy obsession seriously.


It matters very much because after using GA to a soul and rezzing, Mercy still has to stay on spot for another 0.75s after completing the rez.

This just punishes her for using the ability in general instead if punishing bad rezzes that shouldn’t have worked in the first place.

Think of it similar to Genji’s dash reset, you either get the elim and get out or you don’t get the elim and die.

That’s not really a great argument as Resurrect already has the most limitations of any ability in the entire game, despite not being the most powerful ability. One could argue both Suzu and Nade are way better as they are also available more often and can be used with nit even half the risk.

If Mercy gets off a rez without cover with or without Valk, EVER, that rez is completely on you and she deserved it.

There is still plenty of raw firepower and boops, stuns to cancel rez at any given moment it is cast without cover.

Saving your cooldowns and guarding a soul, especially against Valk Mercy is your problem, not Mercy’s.

Just spitting facts but Mercy mains don’t like to hear it. Easiest/ worst designed character in gaming.