If we keep the 2.5s GA cooldown

The solution is simple. Let Mercy teabag during Res.


Lmao there is a reason no one ever agrees with what you say.

You are just mad Mercy exist because you are traumatized from Moth Meta or sth.

I recall you hating on Mercy since OW1 even what she was hot garbage tier…

Maybe it’s about time you seek a therapist cuz you got some serious issues to harbor such deep rooted hatred for no reason.

If you hate the existence of supports like Mercy in the game, maybe Overwatch is not the game for you, go play Valorant instead.

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You only have to ask for peeling like every other support does to do something. Mercy would be more unfair to play against.
You can ask your dva to matrix you, if your kiriko has suzu in case you need that.
Mercy is really good rn, she makes every hero unkillable while having good mobility and a resurrection.

Mercy enables smurfs and is the most boosted hero. The pocket is broken/ braindead.

The character has always been broken. How do you go from mass rez to rez on cooldown. DELETE REZ FROM THE GAME

At its core, reversing kills while powerful is still worse than the utility offered by denying kills in the first place. Its largely while Kiriko has still been immensely useful being able to deny group wide kills on a 15sec cooldown.

Rez is plenty punishable now with both the 1.75s wind-up and the lack of flight potentially if Mercy has to GA to a target to get the rez quickly allowing an additional ~1sec to kill the Mercy letting you go 1for1.

Rez at this point is still largely a long range counter and not really a rush or dive type of counter.

maybe run flankers?

if you know enemy supports playstyle adapt?

i mean pretty much ANY flanker can kill her easily now.

ahh yes “boosted” because they have an average of 5 or 6 rez over a match duration.

[slaps ana and kiriko]
Can fit so many unhealthy times in these 2.

in fact if u solo queue she is arguably the hardest to climb as she has no individual carry potential. She is entirely reliant on her team to be good.

… this pretty much showing you don’t understand what your saying.

Smurfs don’t need any hero to help them.
They out skill the tier they play in…you know the reason WHY ppl smurf.

and yet in S1 she was mid tier at best.
OW1? she was one of worst supports for yrs. (yes, she was flexible and usable but was always a better choice)

again you are just a pure hate of hero not if shes too strong or not.

she was far from broken for 1st yr of game (zen/lucio beat her & when ana came she was who you picked for tank healing over mercy)

and again DPS called for a rework and this is what you got. (don’t blame mercy blame devs)

also please learn: dev’s rarely EVER “remove” an ability.
afaik only ability ever removed was sym’s shield gen. (and maybe ow1 bast self healing)


you killed someone. you got ult charge, you got a temporary 2 enemies out of combat for 2 seconds (as mercy cant heal when she rez)

you gained advantage and can easily kill 1/2 others within time rez takes.

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Almost every smurf is in a duo being perma pocketed, it’s the only time any dps feels oppressive to play against besides maybe Tracer/ Widow. A team can outplay a smurf, they can’t outplay one with a pocket tho.

They’ve removed a bunch of abilities from the game. Torbs armor, Dooms uppercut, level 3 turret, Cassidy’s CC, shield gen.

If they removed resurrect, immortality field both ultimate’s on cooldown. Damage boost/ nerfed nano this game would be perfectly balanced.


…please don’t attack other forum users by name-calling as they are entitled to their opinion on the topic as you are yours without being attacked for it… :slight_smile:

…and as I said, it is a hugely powerful ability and thus, fairly has limitations applied to its ease of use… :wink:

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Actually smart, very rare for a Mercy main. Thank you OP, I’ve found my faith again.

No fix needed, mercy is more than mobile enough… you can still fly forever… if you manage your abilities.

Mercy should have never gotten compensation buffs in the first place. And you talk about more buffs. GG

Rezz should be even more punishing. It is a very strong ability. Why is Mercy for example not interrupted by damage during a rezz??? Sombra can’t even hack someone when she is damaged during the attempt. But you need to CC Mercy to interrupt a rezz!

To be honest: Rezz is such a game breaking ability, it should be an ultimate, not a basic ability. I tell it again: In HotS (also from our beloved game company) the hero “Auriel” had a rezz which was her ULTIMATE! No hero there was able to rezz with a basic ability. Rezzing someone in a shooter should also be an ultimate. It is nuts to give a hero a rezz ability without any downsides. Heroes come back with full health no matter what their healthpool is. No other punishments for them like unable to use abilities for a short time etc.

Instead of buffing rezz, it should be nerfed.

I see a trend on this forum, that Mercy mains are demanding changes to “their” hero that basically always go into one direction: Please make Mercy op. Seriously. There is no other hero where so many entitled mains come to the forum and demand changes that in the end only would be buffs.

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Suzu and or lamp make it a no risk ability do it all the time


You act like Mercy was back in her Moth Meta era which is not the case.

Mercy is not broken and she wasn’t broken before this patch either.

Mercy has always been the same, Sojourn made her “broken” by dragging her into a meta she was never part of.

Stop lying to yourself, Mercy was never an issue until Sojourn became dependent on her damage boost for her instakills.

As soon as Mercy became meta y’all started pulling up even more bs outa you bums and suddenly everything about her is op when it has been fine for 3 years?

Dmg boost is op, Rez is also op, her movement is also op, her healing too, her hitbox too.

If she was THAT BROKEN as you claim herself to be, why was she never meta until Sojourn was “nerfed”?

Punishing a Resurrection is not hard unless Mercy has cover, why are you acting as though she got her instant Resurrect back?

If you seriously think that Resurrect should be interrupted by damage and compare it to Sombra’s measily 4s CD Hack ability, I don’t think your opinion is worth listening to.

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Hot take, resurrection shouldn’t exist anyway