Just delete Doom

I mean it’s pretty evident you don’t actually care about the hero anyway. So just delete him, at this point I’d rather have him gone because then it forces me to play something else but there’s genuinely no point anymore.

It’s like the changes made to effect high mobility heroes don’t get ran by on how they’ll effect doom first. Doom was already awful… and then you give cass a homing sombra hack does also does 60 dmg? Like… excuse me?

Sombra is still busted too. See her in practically every other game, even on my team included. It’s just dumb. I’ve never seen a character in a game get this disregarded in my life.

So much in this game that just doesn’t allow the doom to PHYSICALLY play the game lmfao. It’s illogical. And I still must ask…

Why is doom the only tank not allowed to have ANY ounce of actual of ability to eat damage and actually… TANK shots? Why is doom the only tank not allowed to be able to do more than 5 points of damage? Why did doom get nerfed into being one of the worst heroes in season 2, and it’s now season 5 and he still has yet to receive a singular buff? Why is doom still a heap of garbage and buggy mess?

I mean seriously, I can’t even punch a mercy out of GA anymore… I can’t cancel sig ult. I can still get ghost slams. I can still get ghost punches. I can still have a horrendous ana player miss sleep by 15 feet and STILL get rewarded with a hit.

So why is he in the game. What purpose does it serve to have a hero in the game you’re going to neglect and constantly make him terrible for 6 years now.

The fact doom got buffed (in a terrible way btw) and lasted TEN DAYS before getting nerfed, is absolutely atrocious. And he wasn’t even the best tank at that time either… HOG WAS BETTER.

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