If these PTR changes go through I'm never playing tank again

Pretty sure this is a pro player owl player right here.

It should be balanced around ladder though.

Ok then why are her stats saying otherwise. Iv plated in your rank as well shes hardly the true issue there.

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Try adding an extra second to the time it takes Rein/Brig to raise and/or lower their shields

Did you even read the patch notes? When you stop using DM, it goes on 1 sec cooldown, so you can use it 1 second later. In PTR you can use it 2 seconds after you’ve “lowered” it.

And shields have durability, while DM eats everything except very few things. This change only makes sure you know when to use it and not spam it carelessly, as in “using it skillfully”. (I’m sure you’ve heard it somewhere before)

I agree with 90% of your post. Buffing reaper like that isnt going to work. Tracer is alreadly being complained about alot. Sombras invis as well. They trying some things with reaper right now. Im pretty sure the 50% life steal will not go live. It is counterable. You have to flash bang him or hook. Nano + “Q” Is pretty broken right now on him.

Of course being a support is vital, we get to choose who lives and who dies! lol

Ok? Things that need nerfs are game breaking. Bastions ironclad with spam heals making him nearly unkillable. Rember he could survive a hanzo ulti if being pocketed? Last time i checked D.va was not unkillable it was just players being out played.

I dont see anything gamebreaking about versatility.

Infinity blade was just a weapon, an item that can be easily removed without affecting the game or remove something from players accounts.
Brigitte is a character, part of the overwatch lore, that has tons of cosmetics and players that spent money and time with her. They just can not delete her.

Your comparison is stupid and non sense.

Tricky subject.
Brig was literally ultranerfed because of that. She is a versatile Support that can “tank” some damage and open spaces and also provide reliable damage to finish off targets.

See what happened to her?

Dva has a top1 clutch ability, 2 lives, one of the best mobility skills ingame and also a very good damage in close to mid range.

She does everything besides healing herself, and thats why she wasnt ultra nerfed but yeah, “toning down” DM was expected. And no, its not an INSANE change.

Basically, every time one hero can allow someone to get out of lower tiers without having a good team, nerfs are not too far behind.

I never saw d.va do that

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She is versatile, so you don’t have to switch. And SR system discourages switching in lower tiers.

You could say the same for rein. How does the sr system discourage people from switching?

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Rein is versatile, but as DPS he isn’t that great. D.va got mobility, decent damage output, and good zoning ult to make enemies leave objective.

It takes your performance among all heroes. For example, if you played half of the match as one hero, other half as another, and you got 1 silver medal on each, you would get less SR, than someone, who played one hero whole round and got 1 gold medal.

Lol!!! /20char…

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Yes, he isn’t great for damage. His only ranged attack is firestrike, and he can’t fly over wall to finish off weakened enemy. He can get decent damage, if all enemies are together…but who stays together in lower tiers?

Please tell me where u are getting that info. I could tell you last season the times i got the most sr were some if the times i did switch and not once but 3-4 times. But to be honest I was performing well on all heros played. Sure the system show indivudual performance per hero. But it looks at the combined performance from what I understand.

Did you get gold on all heroes? SR system requires you to do best on all your picks, and more heroes you picked over match, harder it gets.

And this performance ranking doesn’t apply at Diamond or above, for some reason.

Well i got 67 sr 2886-2953. 2nd match after placements if that says anything. Played sombra 76 bastion and D.va. That was me getting my poorly sr placed alt slowly where it belongs. Was flusterating getting back to masters. Infact i had games where i lost 0-5 sr playing multiple heros on a loss

LOL, we got to this point because of Tracer. Had Blizzard implemented a proper Genji/Tracer counter from the beginning we wouldn’t have this problem.


Honestly i see nothing wrong with tracer. Genji yes. His pick rate has allways been high hes allways been good just like D.VA where is his nerf. Infacts his stats have most the time been better too. If we nerf D.VA on this logic why not him as well.

People just want tracer nerfed because they get out played. Blame the char thinking shes op.

Tracer is the one of the most difficult chars in the game to play. Her stats reflect that. She reqires godly aim cool down management posistioning and game sense.

Recall is not a get out of jail free card it requires her to be at high risk if she decides to engage wile its on cd. Blinks just reposition her. You can snap your mouse and try to predict her movements as well. She has to predict where you might aim next as well too. She trades needing high skill and having low hp for her kit. She can be combo insta killed by multiple charaters in this game.