If these PTR changes go through I'm never playing tank again

Didn’t Blizzard/Jeff Kaplan say the ideal situation is for all characters to be viable in every game? D.va fit that description and now the argument is that she was too viable? I mean I’m okay with making adjustments where needed but it seems like the argument is lacking logic.

“GOATS is hardly ran on ladder”, except its the trump card people pull out when they know they are bested playing their ordinary heroes.

If you play in GM GOATS creeps up in about 40% of your games and its disgusting.

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What’s he supposed to do if there’s a lot of armour around for whatever reason? Including armour packs? He can’t just run away from every tank. Hell, overloading Torb is a thing that can happen.

Look, the idea Hammond shouldn’t take on tanks is that his gun does such terrible damage against armour that it’s barely even worth it to go for headshots. Now headshots are really good against armour.

you’re a ****ing moron

go ahead and ban me mods, this guy is still going to be a ****ing moron

Even if Brig wasn’t in the equation, there will still be Ana with her insane Nano Boost buff to allow her, Lucio, and the Tanks to steamroll through the competition. We would’ve seen another Ana Age where a World of Tanks drives out the DPS.

No. Brigitte is only a reaction to heroes like Tracer and Genji being completely out of hand. Blizzard didn’t want to nerf either of them (keep in mind, those two aren’t being touched directly, which is telling), so they made a new hero instead. It is completely incidental that it also happens to “create problems”. She did not create those problems. By actually fixing the root issues (Tracer and Genji), she exacerbated some fundamental flaws in the game design/game balance.

But she did not create problems, that is a fundamental misunderstanding of her role to say she did. Besides, she is directly countered by quite the amount of heroes, interestingly the same heroes that counter tanks. Reaper, Pharah, Junkrat, Bastion, McCree, Ashe, Hanzo, Widow, to name those. Not picking those is just asking to get smashed by her.


It’s also worthy saying that while Brigitte was running rampart and Genji/Tracer were excluded from the meta for the first time since launch, two very good counters to them were reworked to be less of a counter to them: Symmetra and Torbjorn.

Brigitte got neutered just like Mercy. And when Tracer’s second coming arrive, she will have less counters than she had before Brigitte.

That’s why I keep repeating the devs need to nerf Tracer or buff certain heroes so that they can break into 75 damage territory, and make Tracer actually fit the ‘glass’ part of her archetype of “glass cannon”.

Can I also point out that with the damage increase, some heroes can farm tanks sooo much easier now for fast ulti charges?

Expect sombras to emp your zen 10% faster at least and hammond minefield spam. Especially if said sombra farms a dva now. Dva becomes a huge liability by becoming fatter ulti charge feeder with her lack of dm. Sombra can destroy an orisa with ridiculous ease if orisa is discorded too.

The only positive change about this patch is that symm primary might deal damage now. But that’s a small comfort when she will get destroyed by reaper, hog and hammond anyway.


Congratulations, you literally just explained why she needed a nerf. She’s far too versatile. There’s never a situation where you’re like “Man, I’m not sure if Dva is the pick here with this comp on this map…”

Let’s take a trip down memory lane, when Lucio 1.0 was changed, see what the devs said there:

“Lucio has often felt like a must-pick due to his raw healing output and the versatility of providing a speed bonus to your entire team”

Woah, so they changed his character because he was far too versatile? It’s not out of the norm for Blizzard to do this. There should always be a situation where X hero is not the optimal pick.

The versatility 100% makes Dva completely busted and should be nerfed or if need be, reworked, to a balanced hero.
Of course a rework is very extreme and highly unlikely to happen, it’s a suggestion that Space had brought up: https://clips.twitch.tv/VictoriousTallLadiesTF2John

I honestly don’t even feel like CC is that much an issue anymore. There are definitely some CC that exists in the game that is really annoying, but I think another issue is just how much sustain there is, and thankfully that’s what this upcoming patch is solving. You even said it yourself, you said that as long as Brigitte can keep her heals up, GOATs isn’t gonna die… So that’s what this patch is sort of doing, making armor less effective and removing permanent armor. It really helps heroes that are tickle damage or shotguns, and I think for an extremely long time, burst damage has completely dominated the game, so I welcome these changes (yes, even as a tank player).

I really like where the balance patches have been going lately.

Could you tell me where Mccree is ?

I think you’re right, the owl represent the best player of ow, but most of us are general player. And what the bizzard do increase the gap between these two kinds of perople. And if the general player don’t like the pro-player, the pro-player will go to next game, there are many fps game not only the ow .And of course general player will go to other game too.
And if the owl dead,maybe it’s better for general player

Why? Cause you are not OP anymore?

I think this change will actually make some of the less played tanks feel better in some ways. I’m optimistic that maybe WB and Orissa might actually feel like they can get picks or contribute to fights a little bit better. Being able to do more DPS on Orissa with her huge ammo count will probably feel good. And being able to machine gun the Brig you just knocked into the air and have her actually take damage from your headshots will be nice.

The only people this affects are spray or tick weapons. Someone like McCree with strong single bullets wouldn’t even notice.

And how did that (very minor) change end again? Oh right, Lucio continued to have 96% pickrates right up until Mercy 2.0 was added (truly the sign of a balanced hero when that is what it takes to remove you from meta) and resumed meta status the moment she left, all to zero complaints or further nerfs, despite being just as important to GOATS if not more so.

So if we’re talking equal treatment then after this nerf the you’ll all never complain about her again right? :rofl:

So let’s not pretend the pickrate is anything but an excuse. If D.Va had a 50% pickrate everyone would just be whining about how pickrates don’t matter and whichever hero did have a 90% pickrate was enabled by her.

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They won’t survive long enough to get picks. Especially Orisa, which already has hard time surviving with her 200hp+200 armor.

Tanks not affected by armor nerf, Roadhog and Zarya, will feel the pain from Reaper.

Ironic that they buff the DPS (McCree and Reaper) and then nerf tanks to oblivion as well as having the roster majority mostly DPS…It’s as if they are trying to force people to play DPS and not any other role… Healers are barley hanging in as it is and without a tank? I bet you can say goodbye to most of the healers too since they need tanks to help them (Zarya’s bubble, Winston’s shield) Is Roadhog the only tank that is fine? Can’t rely on the DPS for protection.

Well, guess it will be a 6 man team of DPS now.

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this means dva will no longer be able to take fights vs hanzo, pharah, widow, etc

You were never meant to. D.va is no Hog, she isn’t supposed to 1v1 dps heroes. Posts like yours only proves two major points - D.va was overtuned and she wasn’t played as devs intended her to. You are an off-tank who is supposed to block projectiles (and abilities) from behind your main tank’s shield, not go rampant at enemy dps like Hog.

And again, it’s 1 more second between uses, it’s not Junk’s 33% projectile size decrease, nor Hog’s primary nerf, nor DFs nerf to his whole kit, nor Sombra’s LoS buggy hotfix that made her much weaker… You should be happy they didn’t nerf her the way they usually do. You’d end up with 8 sec boosters, 12 sec missiles and 10m long DM.

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Nnooo, that’s called 4 sec DM.Va, and we had an entire half a year of people talking about how that playstyle needs to go (and how the category names are really just guidelines.)

Try adding a second of CD to Rein/Brig raising/lowering their shields, Lucio changing songs and/or Zen’s orbs and see what happens.

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But bronze-threw plat players made 3+ threads complaining about it every day. I would argure with them saying it didnt apply to them. I would be asked if i even played the same game as them etc. To be honest i hardly saw it myself playing on accounts ranged from gold-masters last season. But some how we had 2-3 new threads started by gold and silver players, heck even bronze, complaining about it everyday.