If these PTR changes go through I'm never playing tank again

Tracer/Genji have loaded kits and entirely too much freedom when engaging the Tank/Support roster. Because of their freedom and mobility, we got Moira and Brig. Seagull has a video out detailing this same exact opinion. One I’ve spouted for a while.

Funnie if tracer is so good then why do i find my self switching to 76 so much for the win. High diamond/low masters player here. My tracer game play could use some improvement yes. 76 i find much more versatile and easer to be effective with in some situations.

I will 100000% agree with you on genji. He should not be allowed to do some of the things he can do nomater how hard it is to do.

It’s about Tracer/Genji strength skill curve. The argument is about the fact that she needed to have RELIABLE counters that weren’t DPS. Once you get good enough with those two, there is no reliable counter to you in the tank and support category.

FYI: they didn’t need nerfs, but we did need a Moira and Brig type character to counter them.

While i agree that brig needs some serious changes… she is nowhere near the catastrophic design of doomfist … i could even add genji before her :stuck_out_tongue:

Just quoting and highlighting this for visibility to the “we just need more tanks for variety” crowd.

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If you try to fix broken leg by applying 5 more bandaids, don’t be surprised, if it didn’t help at all.

“People just want D.Va nerfed because they get out played.”

That’s your entire logic.

narrator: “they played tank again”.

The secret is that Jeff doesn’t have a clue and just says things he think will benefit owl

First things first:

Have you ever seen games above 3500?
Plus nobody below 3500 is competent enough to run GOATS unless your 6 stacking, or your entire solo-q team is tryharding.

Brig didn’t single handedly create this comp. It can be run without a Brig, brig just made it popular. Do you not remember the Triple Tank metas before Brig? Not to mention every single tank isn’t being nerfed, armour is just being changed. Yes tanks may die a little faster, but assuming you actually play smart and as a team, this should be a very subtle change (Especially in low elo I.E. 2800ish or below).