If these PTR changes go through I'm never playing tank again

Surely armour nerf is also a nerf to Winston and Orisa. Orisa I imagine will be fine as she’s the most “tanky” tank but Winston will get shredded much more easily.


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And what about the heroes that brought us brigitte?
Should we delete Genji as well?

Because you can’t forget that briggite has come for a reason, and this reason is still untouchable since idk maybe years?


Winston still gets more out of this. He’s not meant to take damage, he’ll do his job just fine. Less Brig means less armor, same with less Reinhardt and less D.VA. It’s a meta shift in his favor that gives him purpose again. Less heal stacking also means his targets will actually die.

I’ve actually seen a lot of people treat this as an Orisa nerf. I think she gets more out of this since she becomes better against armor.

actually goats has lucio and brig as mandatory. Rein can be swapped for winston and ana for zen.

The mistake was gutting Brig so hard. Agreed though that tanking is now going to be immensely difficult, and will come with the subtextual obligation of triple/quad support especially when up against reaper.

That being said, when the enemy has a Reaper, you should be swapping to Support heroes.

More than 3 support heroes can only really be shut down by Pharah and Snipers.

I think maybe you’re right ,without owl, bizzard will not be too stupid to want to change the game by a stupid way. And beacuse of OWL, most of the players has to bear the balance (maybe it’s right in the owl,but mostly it’s horrible in the low-rank ). I think the haughtiness of bizzard will make the ow dead,and the bizzard will be dead too

It’s hard enough to find one support hero in lower tiers, but 2-3? :no_good_woman:

GOATS isn’t Brigitte’s fault and being the third healer is her only chance at being usable given the nerfs she got and keeps getting.

GOATS is an issue that Zen, Ana, Reinhardt, D.Va and Zarya brought in.

Other than that I agree.

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You could probably lol a few wins by stacking 5-6 supports in Silver via LFG…

This. Her kit is extremely overloaded. I don’t understand how D.Va mains can’t see that. Good damage, good mobility, large health pool, extremely good defensive and peeling ability. Definitely needed some nerfs to rein her in.

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How is it overloaded? Good damage? She has to be literally in your face to do it. Large health pool that can be 100% to 0 within a few seconds, Defensive ability that for some strange reason doesn’t work as it should all the time, etc. The only thing she really has good for her right now is her mobility and even that itself isn’t perfect.

I swear this is like the same thing that happened a couple of years ago, everyone overexaggerating D.va like she’s this unkillable goddess when in reality, she can be demeched and staggered quite easily unless she has an amazing healer nearby…or maybe just the enemy team cant hit the broad side of a barn.


Well. It’s blizzard. They actually would most likely have kept the current patch. But since OWL is coming and we can’t have Goats that no one likes or enjoys watching as meta, they went with sledgehammer nerfs.

A proper balancing way would have been a complete rework for this garbage hero we call brig.

But i guess that’s too much to ask and takes too long. OWL will be ruined. Who cares about the gamers anyways.

I’ll take up the tank mantle. Flex players to the rescue.

It’s funny how posts like these never mention her weaknesses. It’s a very distorted way to look at anything. If you look at any thing and you can only see it’s good points then you’re not seeing reality.

“This house has 4 bedrooms two bathrooms and a swimming pool.”
“It’s also on fire.”
“Those are full bathrooms, not half!”


Roughly one third of the cast will benefit from the changes.

Her kit is powerful because she’s incredibly vulnerable. Without her matrix, she’s a Hog with more mobility, a lot less danger and zero self sustain. She also has a massive crit hitbox. If your Zen can get a Discord on her, she might as well jump off a cliff because she’s already dead. Her ability to “respawn” is a curse disguised as a blessing. On defense it’s sometimes good, but on attack, it’s almost never worth it for her to stay alive between pushes like Hanamura point 1 because she has to wait for her mech to come back and is incredibly vulnerable while charging it. A mercy can also waste her rez on the Dva because she will always rez as baby Dva.

Meanwhile look at the rest of the tanks. Zarya has one of the objectively strongest kits in the game and it’s not possible to debate that at all,

Roadhog can ensure you are always fighting a 6v5 every single fight and can instakill anyone who isn’t a tank or boosted while providing a massive self sustaining point presence AND an ult that can shred anything unlucky enough to get caught or force them off the point if you use it on Hanamura point 2, for example.

Reinhardt is incredibly dangerous in close range with favorable matches against most of the heroes, an ability to return to the point or instakill a single out of position target and let’s not forget his barrier.

Winston is able to force the enemy to divert their attention, even if he dies which is sometimes enough to win on it’s own and his ult gives him a total of 1500 hp to contest a point with.

Orisa kind of needs a buff badly.

Hammond has control of the battlefield that no other character has. He can make anyone incredibly easy pickings for a widow or open a team up for a shatter, Dva bomb, Deadeye or whatever, can lock an area down for several seconds, force people off of a point or out of a choke, contest some points incredibly well, and just generally be a massive PITA.

With all of that said, the ONLY thing Dva does special that no other tank does directly is use her matrix. Even then, a Zarya can cancel a Dead Eye on 2 heroes or a Dva bomb if your Ana just gets caught with her pants down or whatever. Nerfing her Matrix makes her an ult battery.


Spoiler: you are never playing tank again.
I’d advise also not playing at all. They like numbers now, so show them negative ones.

That’s why Overwatch can become F2P: numbers won’t matter then. Even if thousands of players will leave, who cares, when there will be even bigger numbers of new players coming?

Pretty much, they kinda go for it by that logic of trying to bring in masses of SWJ through approval(and again S76’s orientation is no problem, it’s the marketing stunt that is a problem).

3 years have passed and things sure went downhill in one year.