If these PTR changes go through I'm never playing tank again

In the past I haven’t been very cynical this way, but who thinks a bunch of changes seemingly intended to break up GOATS are fast-tracked before the beginning of OWL season 2? The current competitive meta remaining would have been embarrassing at least.


In a game of endless shields, bubbles, armor, defense matrix, and burst healing, something had to give. Defense Matrix is the only ability that straight up deleted DPS, and she shouldn’t be able to spam that while also having an amazing mobility skill, having tank health/armor, not having to worry about reload, having a powerful zoning ult, and then on top of that having an irritating second life feature that often allows her to stick around forever.

If she can force a fight with her boosters then she shouldn’t be able to negate all damage at the same time.

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This isn’t World of Warcraft.


I get they were trying to make Brigitte’s Rally Armor to be…worse, but these nerfs are really shortsighted. They’re trying to make the armor Brigitte gives to be weaker, but in the process, they are making every tank weaker as well. I’m especially worried for how Orisa is going to fare. She’s already one of the least picked tanks in the game, and her HP is half armor. This is just going to make it worse. She is probably the squishiest tank in the game, and this will just make her squishier.

The armor only cover 20%-30% of tank health so it’s not a big deal also only heroes with spread weapon will benefit from the nerf.

Your doing yourself some big favors OP. Not worth the frustration pre-patch. Totally not worth it post patch IMHO. Maybe if we’re all lucky, DPS mains will pick up a tank for once in their OW career?

Here’s the problem. You see playing tank as a “thankless task.” This is a game, no one should be doing a “thankless task” they should be having fun.


It will affect tanks by giving heroes like Reaper extra value, but as somebody who flexes tanks, I’m not too worried. With the exception of the very high pickrate DVa (chosen for DM and 2nd life), most the tanks either don’t have armour anyway (Hog, Zarya) or rely on shield up-time rather than body-blocking (Orisa, Rein).

The only one I really worried about is Hammond. He’s already quite difficult to get value out of. But maybe it just seems that way because I can’t effectively play him and have yet to see anybody else do so.

I’m more likely to find tanking difficult atm because of CC, and because of inattentive/lack of healers. (Tanking for four DPS and a Moira/Ana that mostly target enemies is hell and I don’t typically do it anymore.)

thats because the game is too support focused. im sure tanks and dps would get more respect if support wasnt so vital to everything.

Multi tank metas are so common, less people tanking is probably a good thing.

Not my tanks, this is a buff for them.

Although I don’t like Fortnite, in one of their previous patches Epic added a weapon called the Infinity Blade. This weapons was broken but that’s not why they removed it. They removed it because they saw that it was unhealthy for the overall game. I hate Epic for taking resources away from their other games to work on Fortnite but I respect them for owning up to their mistake and not being garbage devs. Brig is an actual cancer. She came in, created issues, and for whatever reason the overall game has to be balanced around her.

Blizzard from my perspective have this tendency to be pretentious. That everything they work on is perfect and of quality, hence the term Blizzard polish. I have no respect for Blizzard as developers. The company’s god complex isn’t something I’m willing to put up with.

If they are going to nerf the tanks and DM, and buff Reaper at the same time, shouldn’t they revert Mercy healing back to 60HPS?


Brigette is one of the biggest reasons, yes, but she’s shouldn’t be deleted. Reworked or changed is more acceptable.
What annoys me is that Dva will be played less and GOATs will die out, and that’s great, but what annoys me is the lack of overall balance within the tank category. Dva is good in every composition, and Reinhardt has been in every meta except for dive.
Orisa is struggling due to being a situational Reinhardt, which makes no sense considering that in all of her good situations, you can just play Rein instead, who is easier to use and an absolute god in teamfights. Her armor is also a huge part of her survivability, and so this nerf will hurt a lot, but it’s expected that she will get no compensation.
Zarya will remain 100% unaffected due to her lack of armor. She’s only really meta when Rein or Dva are meta, though, so it could hurt more than expected.
Hammond probably isn’t receiving compensation either. Yeah, in the right hands he’s amazing, but he really is just super weak. But hey, nothing for Hammond because why should players use him when they can use Rein instead? eye twitches
Winston will be affected, but he should overall be fine. He sort of just goes in and out, so it won’t be major. Worst case is that his synergy with specifically Dva ends up hurting him.

You know what feels bad? I just recently started to swap to being a main Tank player. FeelsBadMan

My mind for changes is as follows:

• Allow Orisa to PUSH players around (only with Fortify active). Most times you can body block players in their spawn by just standing in a door way or ice blocking/walling with Mei. Allow Orisa to simply push her way through any character or obstacle while fortify is running. This would make her much stronger at contesting in overtime by getting to the point un-impeded as well as do things like push an ice-blocked Mei away from the CP/payload and break through Ice-walls.

• Change Reaper’s lifesteal to 25% vampirism / 25% damage reduction. This makes him harder to simply one-shot delete without making him immune to sustained fire. His biggest problem in a brawl is simply getting burst down immediately (Roadhog is particularly guilty of this) and a 50% life-steal makes him an absolute NIGHTMARE against certain characters while NOT fixing the actual problem, which is just getting deleted outright. The DR gives him a little sustain versus ANA bio-nade as well, which completely negates vampirism.


By then it’ll already be F2P lol.

Time to switch to learning the poster girl then.

At most ranks Zarya has a higher pick rate than D.va. She was only an issue in OWL and Contenders.

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What tank got a buff?

This is good news for Roadhog, Orisa, Hammond, and Winston. Not D.VA though, since she’s getting nerfed.

Armor messes them up, besides Hammond, he’s more shafted by the cc heroes that flourished during GOATS.

I’ve heard a smart guy say that he thinks we’ll see beyblade with also genji or tracer, with a grav ult combo with them following the Nanoed Blossom.

McHanzo bunker can fight that though.