If role queue failed, what makes you think 1 - 2 - 2 won't?

Blizzard have stated that they are happy with the reception of role queue. If it was such a failure I doubt it would be returning for OW2.

Becuase a minority of people still like OQ. If role queue is the colossal failure that you believe it to be why hasn’t it been removed already?

This was posted by Jeff Kaplan. Blizzard please keep classic comp - #51 by Megadodo-11847


Because role lock was for healthier games and the DPS hated it, and 5v5 is for DPS and will make games actively worse.

5v5 will stay because DPS like it, despite it dumbing down the game significantly

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a) not only dps hated or hate role lock, and many dps players just dont like long waiting times.
b) saw many people who main dps wanting role lock to be a thing back in the day. And from forum it seems many still like it.

They brought it back because the open queue community wanted to play Competitive their way (which is a fair request)


You have to admit the majority of people still whining about role lock are DPS, come on.

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Yet it’s still played less than role queue… Just admit it, it’s not a fail, you just don’t have enough patience to wait for dps.

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There’s just not enough people playing tank. It’s played by millions.

Role Q didn’t fail, in fact it’s the best thing that has happened to the game. End of the topic


Wow, a game loses players over time. Shocker.


Yes, 122 might prove to be unsustainable as well. However, I don’t think they would have put resources into RQ in the first place if OQ OW wasn’t in danger. It could be that 122 OW 2 might fail, but they know that OQ OW 2 will fail.

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good games keep or gain more players mate


Its nice that they gave more ppl the option, but its clear that rq is way more popular than open queue. Just look at how top500 finished as diamond in open queue, and gm in each role…

No Blizzard failed at balance and making necessary roles “fun”.


That’s why OQ has massively less players, because it’s successful compared to RQ.



I know of no valid data to support the claim of a minority

Role Queue didn’t fail, hence I will at least give them the benefit of the doubt.

Every single source of evidence we’ve had available since the release of RQ, including official dev quotes, disagrees with this statement.

RQ isn’t even close to a failure. Case on point: It’s not going anywhere, OW2 and beyond!

Stick to OQ, OP.

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The difference between open queue vs role queue and no limits vs 1 hero limit is VASTLY different. Role queue makes the game more structured in general. No limits makes the game an absolute clutter flick. They’re two completely different things that have nothing to do with each other.

Also, no one plays Open Queue.

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Lots of cope being slung around here. I quit shortly after role queue and pretty much everyone I knew who played quit as well. Taking away the ability to switch roles mid game and adding queue times killed this game. I watched this game slowly lose it’s streaming spot on Twitch after role queue. Role queue, coupled with OWL changes killed this game and OW2 is going to be doa. Screen cap this.


Hard to say They were catering to the minority of player with Role Q as the people who benefited the most were DPS really. Sure the que times went higher but given the fact people still are willing to sit in those que’s for 10+ minutes instead of playing another role it’s pretty obvious the deterrent level isn’t that great.

What it did do was allow DPS to play their role without having to worry about some one else locking it in first, arguing about getting a tank and a healer etc. Cause you know they won’t switch but demand every one else does.

Role que just gave a balanced team to all the DPS instant locks out there. It’s also allowed a lot of people who are really bad at playing DPS to que up without having to get into an argument with the Top 500 Widow on their team about who should play widow.

Edit: Basically while every one wants to play DPS for the most part, few want to be on a team with 5 other DPS. Basically they always wanted other people to flex into what ever role needed while they refuse to switch. Role que did that for them.