If role queue failed, what makes you think 1 - 2 - 2 won't?

People begged and cried for 2 - 2 - 2, and when that was finally realized to be the garbage solution it was they had to implment open queue to save the player base. This seems like the same with 5v5. Blizzard only created role queue to cave into a huge MINORITY in the player base that likes to police player picks and think anything other than a cookie cutter meta comp is throwing.


Role Queue didn’t really fail. It’s Tanks that failed because they’re too atrocious to balance the more there are. Specifically the shield variants.

That aside, RQ did really help with modes that people dislike goofing off in. Having fun? Sure. It’s easier to have fun with a balanced team! 4DPS? Hot mess. Nah.


Are we using alternative facts around here, or what?


If role queue didn’t fail they would have never added open queue back.


Let me stop you right there. Role Queue is one of the best changes to ever come to Overwatch. It makes the game so much better and consistent.

As for 5v5, I’m not a fan. I like my tank duo synergies, and I’m a Wrecking Ball main. No one’s going to want a solo tank Wrecking Ball. They barely give me a chance as is.


If role queue failed they would have gotten rid of it in OW2.


They are developing it OW2 exactly because it failed and they are trying again. Why would they be trying 5v5 otherwise?


lol Isn’t it obvious? It’s a bandaid solution to long DPS queue times. Catering to the masses while screwing the tank players.


So in otherwords, the playerbase is dwindling so they’re cutting out a tank to reduce queue times. Sounds like role queue failed.


Don’t blame role queue for the lack of tank and support heroes. Blame the over-bloated DPS roster and failure to cater toward the non-DPS players.

Role queue is the reason I have fun in Overwatch. Role queue means there will always be supports and tanks on my team, and I can play whatever role I want without throwing.


2-2-2 didnt fail, its just that queue times arent that great due to a shortage of tank players. But thats an issue outside of the actualy gameplay.


ah yes 2-2-2 didn’t fail, there’s just not enough people to play it.


It’s more popular than open queue, isn’t it? Why would that be a failure?


Now you’re catching on. Have fun in QP classic. :stuck_out_tongue:

if it was more popular why bring it back? They never brought back no limits into the main mode.

Actually it’s the hero creation & balance team that failed. They simply don’t know how and how not to create a hero. The game didn’t need another giant barrier tank. They literally could have reworked sigma and the rest of the tanks would have been fine. But apparently the dev team is more comfortable changing every tank and the base format of the game instead. lol brilliant


pbbbbbbbbbt. No its not.

The best change in Overwatch was the ability to give players to make custom games.


You mean QP? Yeah I agree that’s annoying, not sure why its not fixed yet. But in competitive both queues have equal prominence, and roleq is more popular as far as I can tell. I don’t see why it would be significantly different for QP.

I never even play custom games. Most people don’t.

Sure it’s nice they’re there, but it’s not even close to role queue.

People who didnt flex pick generally dont think role queue failed, but it really did, it narrowed the available strategies too much.