If role queue failed, what makes you think 1 - 2 - 2 won't?

I don’t think strategies are enlisted very much in quickplay, and in Comp you have the option to play Open. So what’s the issue?

By this reasoning open queue didn’t fail. 2-2-2 failed as it is being replaced by 1-2-2.

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I would have quit a long time ago if they didnt implement role lock.


no they added open queue so people who liked having free roles were still able to choose free roles and not just 1

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Role queue was the best thing ever made for Overwatch.


Role queue didn’t fail at all. It is by far the most popular mode. It’s much more popular than open queue.


The vast majority of people prefer role queue. It didn’t fail at all.


If the majority prefer it why did they add open queue back?

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Blizzard admitting they failed? Ha

OWL is great success as well


What about hero pools?

Nah, it’s just the default mode. If you swapped them around people would not actively seek out RQ like they do with QPC. LFG failure is a good indicator of this.


More options for people who preferred OQ. In case you were wondering just how much, Blizzard had released the actual data on it so you don’t need to spread a false narrative. But it is plainly obvious by looking at any T500/leaderboard or even simply just playing the game and sitting in the ridiculous queue times for OQ.



They are trying to sneak those back in already, they have bans for the June Joust or whatever. Hopefully that stays OWL only, but idk, 5v5 lends itself to bans MUCH more reliably.

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I mean in general role que worked in that you had less fights and more matches that semi worked. However the DPS que times were insane up to 10-20 minutes in some cases depending on the time of day and the server your on.

Then mysteriously they dropped to about 5-10 minutes for no reason… except now match making seems to be a big joke and 6 stacks are going up against 6 randoms. People 500-1000 sr higher put up against people and so on. Basically they removed most if not all the match making restrictions just to throw people together.

Role que didn’t do that but rather the fact Tanks are not allowed to be fun. If a tank so much as looks viable or fun to play they get nerfed for “Being to hard to kill” or “Doing too much dmg”.

The main problem with OW for a long time is the focus of the game, namely flashy kills that looks good both on Twitch and in an OWL stream. Blizzard in general seems to care more about being appealing to an audience than to people who play the game.

So DPS being able to push Q and kill off en entire enemy team is fine, a shield that blocks that attack or a healer that prevents it is frowned upon and must be nerfed.


Or if the tank is the one getting the picks. People act like alpha chad Piggie Smalls was bad because he isn’t allowed to get picks. Only our lord and savior dps can do that!

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An unsourced image, i’m sure to believe that.

If by minority of the player base you mean OWL, then yeah. Though I don’t specifically remember them requesting it so much as Blizzard deciding they needed it to try and juice their numbers.

I think it’s pretty obvious Blizzard does not and has not given a :poop: about the general player base for a while. They want OWL to succeed but otherwise they’re banking on PvE from OW2 bringing in an entirely new player base. At that point it won’t matter what the tiny, old player base wants.


bold of you to assume role que failed, i love the 2-2-2 system and hate doing open que. as sleepy would say this post is very sussy baka
(am i cool yet? did i use the lingo good?"

I wouldn’t really say it failed, but I wouldn’t say it fully succeeded either.

It “succeeded” in the sense that it eliminated things like GOATs from OWL and 3 - 6 DPS (outside of Arcade and OQ Comp)

But, it also failed in the sense of DPS Q times, Tank balence, people playing/throwing just for rewards (role incentives and passes) and so on.

5v5 (and its changes) seem to be trying to fix other issues about the game. For example, double barrier. Can’t have that, if you can’t have 2 Tank. Also, I’m sure their attempt at making Tanks more “brawl-y” is to try and lure in DPS players to play them.

Though, I’m sure 5v5 will have its drawbacks too. It might alienate some Tank players either because they don’t like how Off Tanks get changed, or because they don’t want to solo, or whatever. Also, if left unchecked DPS heroes that have one shots (like Widow), are flankers, or are shield/tank busters could become problematic, as there is only one Tank per team for protection and all that. Things like this will have to be looked into before the release of OW2/5v5, of course.

But, really, no version of Overwatch will ever be perfect, honestly. That’s just how it is.

As for what the future beyond now holds, no one can be certain until we play it. Like they said, to them this just feels like the next iteration of OW (for better or for worse). And I guess that’s just how it will be. Whether you’re a fan of it or not, it looks like it’s coming. So, it (sadly) looks like your options are: adapt or quit.

Lastly, I will say that based on everything we’ve seen over the years, like: the removal of No Limits from the main game, massive and multiple reworks for heroes (like Sym), the intro of 222 RQ, and all that, it is best to not take anything for granted. If you enjoy something about this game, whatever it may be, it would be best for you to get as much play time with it, as you can, because you’ll never know how long you’ll have with it.

The (somewhat sad) reality of Overwatch, is it will never be the way it once was. I’m sure everyone has had things they liked about this game take away or if it stuck around it was morphed in some way they disliked or just shoved in the Arcade (to be seen and played as a relic of what once was). And, really, there’s no telling if even 5v5 (122) will be the last “shake up” of this game. It’s possible that we could love or hate it and a year after launch, it gets changed to something else, or heroes and maps get reworked again or whatever.

I know one might say “well, that’s the nature of a live service game.” And, I suppose they’re right. Doesn’t make it suck any less though when you lose the things you enjoy. So, that’s why I say, if you like certain things about the game now (whatever it may be), enjoy them as much as you can, because they may not be here forever.


yet significantly more players played this game pre-role queue than during role queue

makes you think