If MH is supposed to be a mess Then throwing or leaving is fine

Then why did you order pizza?

Yeah, no.
I like it because it’s random.
You don’t know what you’re going to get.
It’s not mystery with limitations.

Squash games are going to happen regardless.
Trying to change the mode to get rid of a handful of games isn’t cool.

And yet you’re complaining about the mystery part of it.

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The real question is why do you think I can’t have steak on my Pizza. Tons of people in this thread throwing out good suggestions because “MAH RNG” when in fact, it would change very little of what people like about the mode and enhancing it for the people who get frustrated at it for its problems.

MH isn’t a joke mode. Random might be its core, but Random with restrictions is still random.

i think you confused total mayhem with mystery heroes there

mystery heroes is no less chaotic than the other game modes…theres nothing that says its supposed to be imbalanced or competitive…it has 1 gimmick to it and thats not being able to pick your hero…there nothing that says one team should automatically win a round after 1 min of game play (the main issue at stake here - how objectively game breaking it is)…and i say that as someone who benefits from it a LOT (82% win rate last i checked)…flaws are flaws

Mystery heroes as a mode is ridiculously predictable. I have over 300 hours on the mode and can guess the outcome of most my games (without accounting for throwing/feeding) because of the nature of it.

The team that gets the better comp wins the first fight, builds up ult charge and always has that snowball advantage due to the ult reset on death.

If I load into Dorado defence with 5 dps and a Hammond and the enemy comes out the door with 3-3 there really isn’t any point in staying because of how easy it is for the enemy to snowball and win in 2 mins.

This mode has the potential to be really good with some tweaks that don’t have to touch how heroes are randomised, which a lot of people also care about. But unless that happens, mystery heroes will be the mode to play a load of different heroes and not bother staying unless you win the first fight or accept getting rolled and dying over and over


Its a novelty mode intended for light hearted fun.

It most certainly is a joke mode.

Adding any sort of balance would remove the aspect of mystery, you know?

Just because the devs hate it doesn’t mean its a joke mode. It just means I’ll keep making threads until MrTickles agrees.

The dev’s don’t hate it?

Just because you have chosen to take it seriously does not exclude it as the novelty mode it is.

Its like the step-child that gets the hand me down car while Quickplay and Comp get shiny new ones. They don’t have to say they hate it, when they obviously show that they do.

the fun-removing mechanic is the part people are trying to address :sweat_smile:

Its almost like its a novelty mode and not the core focus of balance or development. :joy:

The fun mechanic is the rng. The part that you are advocating to restrict.

Its not the focus, but if they can have no limit comp then they can fix Mystery Heroes… or would you consider No Limits a serious mode?

Just because YOU think something is broken does not make it so.

Sounds like they like MH the way it is.


amongst other things…im still trying to enjoy the game itself…hard to do when the playing aspect has been removed…

i go play MH so that i dont have to worry about metas and people shouting over what i should play…not to waste entire matches trying to remove a specific hero because nothing can be done otherwise (and nowadays potentially have them come back as the same hero again and ruining everything all over again)

Its not just me, there are countless threads like these. Just because you think less RNG would ruin a mode doesn’t mean everyone does.

The inverse is also true. Thread counts do not reflect reality. They don’t really mean a thing.

Mystery heroes is extremely popular. If it is so broken and is not fun then why are people playing it so much?

Perhaps BECAUSE it is broken? Perhaps that is what makes it so fun? The fact that you can pretty much shrug a loss off because of how little control you have? The fact that you CAN end up with 5 Zarya’s on your team or on the enemy team?

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I play it because it doesn’t have a meta, there’s no counters, there’s just doing the best with what you have. Statistically, I’ll never get my “main” during most matches and that’s okay.

Saying that restrictions on the RNG would ruin it for many seems wrong, simply because most of the time you wont get through half of the roster to begin with.

i would remove the “think”…its objectively broken…

i was going to post these later in the week but i hate spamming forums with 1 topic when there are already threads about it…

add these games all from this week to my ever increasing 3 year old list of games “not ruined by a non-broken mechanic” - Most Broken Mechanic in game remains after 4 years (and its worse now)

(FULL LIST here - 🤦🏻‍♂️ Mystery Heroes + No Limits makes ZERO sense )

i would have way more from previous weeks/months if patches didnt keep deleting replays

DYMBCX - Hanamura - double mei/hog completely obliterates first point…defense puts up basically a 5 minute hold once they barely manage to survive point B only to succomb (instantly) to double zarya at end of match

WQQ748 - Dorado - double zarya storms through first point…double torb rofflestomps through point B…defense comes out with double winston…payload never moves forward again

3J5CNB - Lijiang - rd 1…quad meis which eventually turns into double zarya…enemy barely sniffs point…rd 2…double sigmas…once again…can barely call it a “match”

10PCCK - Route 66 - defensive domination…until…triple soldier…stomp all the way to end of map where after we manage to kill a soldier…another one spawns…

492BGE - Junkertown - a fantastic match…up until the double zarya/brig combo at the end removes any semblance of it…

you dont have to look at them if you dont want to…but you dont really need to because you ALREADY know that happens ALL the time…anyone who spends a significant amount of time in the game mode knows this