If Mercy were to get changed

Yeah but the difference is, we were talking healing, you specifically said her healing output was too low and i proved it is some of the strongest in the game on average. Then you fled the subject matter, beginning to complain that the damage of her is also an issue, i then provide the very core function that Mercy can ress people, giving way more usefull direct value than most other abilities in game and have no inherent risk of missing/blocking it like many other abilities.

Sure anti nade can land on 6 people doing something great, yet that almost never happens in reality, where as Mercy pulls of almost all her defensive rezzes and quite a bit of offensive ones. Enabling scenarios the other supports cannot handle like an attacking enemy pouncing on your now 5v6

I’m saying Mercy needs to heal/sustain more because she does not do enough damage & healing when combined, & her other abilities don’t make up for it. There is serious risk when you try to Resurrect an ally because you can extremely easily get booped, hacked, stunned or killed when you try to Resurrect an ally, which will put your 30 second cool-down ability on cool-down. You also do not get to heal or damage boost during the cast-time. For Ana, even hitting Anti-nade on 2 enemies can mean a won team fight. When buffing Mercy, giving her more healing/sustain potential (a bit better Rez) instead of damage seems like the better option.

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Yeah you can get hit by all that, but you most likely won´t in most of the scenarios, where it is used, which is defensive resses against pick offs. That is why i said it. You press a key and you either get interrupted or not. All the other heroes got abilities that can get interrupted the same way, gets the same cooldown activation and they also can miss, get eaten, blocked with shields etc. That is far higher risks than Rezz has. Smashing your head into 5 enemies to try and rezz, then saying that those circumstances are hard to pull off a ress, yeah no sh*t, Rezz wasn´t meant to be pulled off, when in combat, that is the whole idea behind the ability.

Doesn’t mean you can’t make it a little easier to pull off so it’s more balanced. Look, if you won’t except all the stats when looked at as a whole that say Mercy needs a buff, then I think we’re done here. Go to Overbuff & look at all the stats compounded for said particular hero.

Yeah and maybe, maybe that is why… Listen here, let me tell you why.

She was c tier, with a mass rezz and 60hps, cause the mass rezz was never gonna happen at high tier play so tempo ressing, mostly 1 or maybe 2 players was, what she was good for, with an ultimate.

Now she has a guaranteed ability, that ensures tempo rezzes on a 30 second cooldown, the same survivability, buffed mobility and a new ult allowing for her 60HPS back, but also making her massively more survi/mobile, while chaining either her healing or damage boost to all of the team for a rather long duration.

If you cannot see, how the current Mercy is far better and usefull than mass rezz mercy was. Then i don´t know how to explain high level gameplay to you otherwise.

Oh will you people shut up about it already. There is nothing guaranteed about the current rez, it’s trash and almost completely an out of combat ability. If Mass rez which was mostly instant, useless in top tier play how do you expect a single slow rez the be of any use to anybody. I’m not talking about mass rez, I want 60 hps on the current version and that’s it. Keep it as it is, hell, just burn the damn thing for all I care.

Yeah go to Overbuff and look at all the stats, cause you clearly have no clue, you argue vague points and fact check nothing you say. Give me the stats that actually provide a reason for buffs.

In no way can you argue for rezz to be easier to pull off, it is already as piss easy as it gets, press button, wait x amount and guaranteed full health hero. The developers want this ability to counteract pick offs to dominate the game from going one sided. You just want it to always guarantee a rezz of a teammate.

You are basically saying you want something equal to, or actually slightly better than an easy to use and pull off one shot ability.

Thing is, she doesnt need the 60 hps, what so ever, she already heals enough, the stats clearly show that. You are delusional and wont admit to it.

Does she need buffs ? maybe. If goats die, she will instantly surge in popularity cause she is used far more with almost any other comp, than ana/moira are. They are almost only dominant in tank heavy comps of people that want inherent value of solo play skillful potential.

But buffing her healing is clearly just pandering for no reason, stats prove healing is not an issue for her, other aspects might be, but most certainly the meta is by far the biggest right now.

55 hp/s would be the sweet-spot. I say 60 hp/s for Mercy outside of Valk is too much. If she still requires more buffing after 55 hp/s, buffing other stuff about her is a better idea so her strengths are unique from other supports.

She needed it with this all powerful “instant 5 men rez that she used to pull off all the time”/s, so she def will need with one that is so much more situational. She doesn’t heal enough to compensate for basically completely forgoing damage by picking her, especially when it’s not burst enough to sustain against burst damage. Idc about your dam meta, I DO NOT GET TO PLAY YOUR META, I DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE IN PLAYING A META, NOBODY I KNOW, NO GAME I HAVE EVER HAD INVOLVED THE META. get this through your heads, nobody knows that GOATs is anything but a farm animal in my elo and in my region.

The only other thing you can buff is rez which will make her OP or damage boost which will make her both OP and completely boring to the person playing Mercy so no. 60 hps or bust

There are many things about Resurrect that you can buff & nerf ever since it got the 1.75 second cast-time & 25% movement speed during cast nerf.

Those restrictions are what keeps rez in check. Normally one would assume a requirement for ult charge would but bygones. How would you buff it without opening pandoras box? It’s too risky and too controversial, 60 hps is both safe and will avoid getting people tilted mostly.

I think the complaints were meant more so focused on the long cast time and slow mobility of Rez and/or Valk being one of the least interactive and impacting ults in the game. I can’t speak for everyone obviously, but I’d be happy if they made Valk either single beam or something where the primary target got something better while the spread beams were weaker (say 70 hps/40% damage primary and 40 hps/15% damage for the spread beam targets).
Bonus points if Rez movement was increased a bit or cast time of 1-1.25 seconds.

But if people were complaining about Mercy being primarily healing/boosting, then that hasn’t really changed. Mercy had more impact, which I think made her more enjoyable for people to play as. But with the current kit, Rez is a cooldown ability and her ult takes even less effort to play than base play.

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All of or some of these buffs would not break Resurrect in any way:


  • Cast-time reduced from 1.75 seconds to 1.5 seconds
  • Movement speed during cast increased from 25% to 35%
  • Cool-down reduced from 30 seconds to 28 seconds
  • Cast can no longer be interrupted due to distance from the target (or perhaps just increase the range a bit for what it takes to interrupt Resurrect)

Ok buddy the average Resurrects per game is 6 even if all of those Resurrects were tanks Mercy still doesn’t provide enough. You also forget that Ana stats don’t count bonus healing done by allies. So she has an entirely different stat missing as well. Don’t bring up healing stats if you also aren’t knowledgeable either.

I see you do not care, cause you are an uninformed platinum player (not meant as an insult but you are middle of the skill curve on player skill). While it seems you just want to argue, but no provide proof, i on the other hand do want that. Mercy has far higher healing per 10, than ana in your rank, buffing her healing down here is clearly not needed.

You are so uninformed, that you actually think 4-5-6 man resses was something Mercy players actively pulled off regurlarily. Never mind the long time it took to get a ress on average, which is far higher than 30 sec. I just told you that high ranked players actively sought to go for tempo resses of 1-2 people, this was one of the counter arguments for people calling her 6 man ress op back in the day.

Here is another fact to prove your “instant 5 men rez that she used to pull off all the time”/s

Back in the day everyone gained SR that fluctuated depending on how well they did and how well certain stats were performed on certain heroes. Now Blizzard confirmed that Hide and Rezz Mercy was a tactic abused by bad players to boost their rank, the reason this worked was, that by simply getting off 1-2 4-6 man resses in a match, the SR system thought that you as a Mercy playing was doing something insanely out of the usual, which meant huge SR gains and very minimal SR losses.

That is only possible, ONLY, when Mercy players on average never pulled those big resses off.

Now is there more things you want me to debunk ?

Smaller pickrate than Ana in Silver/gold/platinum/diamond/masters/GM

Here are your facts, now please tell me about how Silver players Run GOATs meta and cycle defensive cooldowns and move in a coordinated fashion through chokepoints.

Sarcasm. If the “/s” didn’t give it away idk what will.

Another fact, though she is 2nd among main healers in healing, the amount of damage on average even with damage boost stats included is still 5 times smaller than Anas who is the 2nd weakest among supports in terms of average damage dealt. So basically no damage, minimal utility and ok healing. That is not a good composition and since we can’t buff damage boost or rez then all that is left is her healing.

I haven’t been following y’alls argument well and am not choosing a side. but I will say res isn’t “piss easy to pull off” just diving in and pressing E on a hero mid fight without any scope of the enemy position or dangers is asking to be killed. When rezzing mercy is almost nearly stunned and completely vulnerable.

Not to mention it’s 2 seconds of no healing (100hp potential out of ult, 120 in Ult) that could mean the death of a teammate. Making the Rez useless in the end.

Then that gives even more of a reason to buff Mercy because she is even farther behind in terms of value than Ana than I thought.