If Mercy were to get changed

I imagine the focus would be on giving her burst value, instead of consistent value.

Since the problem with consistent value, is that it’s either always the best, or always underperforming.

Where as burst value gives more opportunity for outplays (but also misplays).


Well Rez was her thing. Now it ain’t anymore; nor will it ever be again.

Valkyrie’s nice but isn’t grand. It might push over a teetering bout but it won’t make one. It’s decent as a fly out escape mechanism tho.

So what would you propose? Remember she’s a corpsmen field medic. What would you give an EMT medic as an ultimate?

Apparently saving lives isn’t her thing anymore.


But she doesn’t has burst value.
Or do you consider Rez a burst value?

Or are you talking about a second rework?

Rez isn’t bust simply because it has a long enough cast time to make her particularly vulnerable in getting it off.

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I don’t think that’s her style, though, and I don’t think they’re going to rework her again. Honestly, I think she’s fine with 60 HPS again. People forget that the following changes have happened since that nerf : pulse bomb nerf, armor nerf, dm nerf, reaper buff, lucio speed nerf, nanoboost buff, brigs release.

The game isn’t the same one where 60 HPS broke mercy, I honestly don’t think.

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Not really focusing on anything specific, just a general observation.

Remove res on E. Give her a burst heal on E, Valkyrie enables one res. Try 55 hps heals and see where she lands. If she’s fine leave as is, if she’s not boost heals to 60hps.


Well that’s what I’m saying, “don’t increase her hps”.

But something like a burst heal would be better.

For instance, a couple people have suggested making Rez have a burst heal when used on living teammates.

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Yeah I wouldn’t mind this. It’s also the quickest and least intrusive change that can be made.

Well, the least intrusive change would be lowering her weapon switch speed from 1.2sec to 0.2sec :stuck_out_tongue:


Putting a long cd and cast time ability into the game is weird in itself. I can’t even think of any other ability in the game that is similar. An ability that roots you into the ground is a bit ridiculous.


It really isn’t. And she had 60hps a long time without being OP too.

She’s like 20 damage Soldier. The game isn’t in the same spot when that was OP.


Would you prefer Rez is instant cast, but takes 2sec to trigger, but Mercy has a debuff instead. Such as receiving double incoming damage for 2sec?

60hps was fine when she didn’t have res on E or Valk. The game indeed is not the same when 60hps was fine. Even with 50hps because of Valk she only is beaten in average healing per match by Moira, that’s not even taking into account the “healing” value of res.

Well, one other big difference between burst and consistent value.

Consistent value is kinda boring.

And Mercy’s biggest problem right now is that she’s kinda dull for gameplay.


I agree that burst is fun but if we’re talking about 60hps vs 50hps it’s the same boring gameplay that Mercy has always had. People were still complaining that Mercy was boring before she got her 60hps nerf.

Changes I’d give to Mercy because she is not getting enough value when looking at stats on Overbuff, but also to make her feel better for the person playing her & play as intended:

Caduceus Staff

  • Healing increased from 50 to 55 per second


  • Cast-time reduced from 1.75 seconds to 1.5 seconds
  • Movement speed during cast increased from 25% to 35%
  • Cool-down reduced from 30 seconds to 28 seconds
  • Cast can no longer be interrupted due to distance from the target


  • Resurrect cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second
  • Regeneration self-heal increased from 20 to 30 per second

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to fly very high vertically without a vertical Guardian Angel target (no more super-jump, it’s like Mercy can do Baptiste’s Exo-Boot ability)
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to move full speed while Resurrecting a teammate during Valkyrie (it’s a bug on the PTR)

Don’t think burst healing for Mercy is the way to go outside of a potential new ult. It might be worth upping the healing to 55 hps though. Current form or rez needs to burn, nobody likes to rely so heavily on luck to perform what’s a “normal” ability. If it needs more than 20 s cd it’s not an ability, it’s a mini-ult (yeah, looking at you too Baptiste).

But it’s reinforcing “hold left click and don’t die” the best way to make Mercy less boring?

I would want some form of Burst Healing in a small radius when successful getting off a resurrection.