If Mercy were to get changed

Also higher winrate in all but the highest tiers, hmmmm pick the more important one.

They dont run goats succesfully cause they dont run strats in general or communicate and coordinate. That is why the thing goats shows, which is healers and tanks being far too powerfull compared to DPS, also holds weight all the way down the ranks, it also is an easy strat for noobs to use, since it is one of the least individually skilled ones and least coordination heavy ones, you see comps like goats pop up in all ranks and be successfull. You never ever saw Dive pop up and be successfull tho.

Look up how to use sarcasm then. Clearly you are not good at it, what so ever.

Good, you will easily be able to showcase this right, go right ahead and citate that right now.

Ressurrect guarantee something healing cannot do, it guarantees fights to be able to happen 5v6, Ana cannot with healing or normal abilities guarantee that. You can get lucky, pop ults etc and turn fights but you cant reset them like rezz can.

Rezz doesnt provide enough what ? Healing ?
She already does more heaing than Ana, at almost all ranks, if you added 6x5-600 on top she would far out class Ana in that stat. That is exactly right, you dont count Ana´s effect of others healing, cause that is not her healing, it is not her contribution and it would be very minimal, far less than 3k plus of rezz. it is an added percentage, that is on x amount of heroes once in a while, but only if other people actually do heal, the amount of variables means that is a low percentage of another healers healing that is amplified as a result of Ana over the course of a game.

So please keep throwing the phrase “Don’t bring up healing stats if you also aren’t knowledgeable either.” Cause quite clearly, you do not argue stats as you point out, you argue “Ana stats don’t count bonus healing done by allies” aka what is know as theorised stats, nothing accurate or even as a direct impact damage boost with no cooldown for reference… Now shush.

It’s an unknown variable. Which you seem to forget when trying to compare healing stats. Mercy getting a Resurrect is basically Ana or Moira getting an elimination. That’s her way of getting an “elimination” on the enemy by denying one. So yes, Resurrect provides her with an “elimination” stat while she is healing her team. Comparatively you can see that 6 Resurrects or “Mercy Eliminations” doesn’t equate to Ana’s 12 or Moira’s 24 even adding Mercy’s pistol eliminations is 1 leaving her at 7 total eliminations and “Mercy Eliminations”

Nobody in silver knows what a GOATs is. They think its what you milk when the farm runs out of cows. Nobody plays GOATs in silver or gold or platinum, I’ve been in those ranks and they just don’t.

She has 1% extra winrate over Ana in Silver. Oooh the way she just DOMINATEs. The fact that the so called “entry level hero” is less used than the “skilled” one in tiers where people have not yet learned that overwatch allows voice comms speaks volumes.

I can’t post links, go on Overbuff and check the support stats

Mercy: 836 damage
Ana (the 2nd lowest support in terms of damage): 4590

Mercy contributes middle of the road heals between 3 supports (mercy ana moira) and we don’t even know how bap will do and there is a canyon of difference between the damage and elims she contributes between them.

Okay i am done with you, you are so freaking unintelligent, that you think a ress equals an elimination. For information eliminations are gained even if you did 1 point of damage to the target…

Please stop spreading these unintelligent comments.

you say that as if OWL isn´t getting 250k viewers right now showcasing this comp and all the other videos around it, that all those low ranked see. They absolutely know the comp and a lot absolutely play it, your experience doesn´t matter, since in those same ranks the distribution of played characters still heavily indicate the same overall character picks, as in goats heavy Ranks.

She has between 1-2% as far as i am aware, depending on rank. Now the fact that you are unaware, that a winrate 2% above 50% is considered OP or extremely strong in games, just shows how little you know about the functionality of winrate indicators. So a 1-2% above Ana shows a clear higher viability than Ana, even if a lot of people want to learn and play Ana, they as a result clearly perform worse.

Again here you forget that this entry level hero actually dominated the game fully with 100% must pick status far beating any other character we have ever had, for more or less 6m-1y, that has heavily affected peoples lust for playing Mercy, no matter, what rank it is.

Now here you dont even do it justice.

Mercy gives close to equal healing to moira, according to the stats you look at
11.2k vs 11.5k

ana is 9.xk pretty much 2k below them.

So mercy has less damage and amp than Ana, but also 2k more healing and she got resses on top, so how is it healing she is lacking again. If anything, the simple to play design of Mercy completely rationalizes, why she should in some way fall short of the harder to play ana, now moira is another issue, but that again can easily be made up for, by her lack of DMG boost and ress. Both gives values that are easily more valuable than the 6k+ dmg a moira contributes to, that most of it is just healed all the time.

The reason DMG boost is viable is a sh*t ton of reasons, it adds timings and potentials to ults, that make them kill people in circumstances not normally possible, dmg boost is incredibly viable on heroes like Ashe, Widow, Cree etc for their insane potential to get kills that was otherwise not a thing, like a not yer charged widow 200 dmg shot etc peeking on an opponent Widow, yet still getting the kill cause you do more damage (faster).

Just the fact that you can ress a dead rein or widow with Mercy easily is more valuable, than healing for their full health bar at all times. Erasing a mistake is way more valuable than having the tools to prolong it, especially since healing the damage constantly feeds opponent ultimates…

My experience does matter and so does everybody elses. There are diamond players that don’t play GOATs. Just because some tryhards pee themselves watching xQc doesn’t mean they get to play GOATs in low ranks. Are you serious?

The fact that you do not understand that a higher pickrate usually indicates a small winrate simply because it’s fully expected that both teams win run the same healer the way Mercy had 50% winrate during moth proves that you are just nitpicking and choosing whatever stat you want.

And as for the last part, you are just justifying with “well mercy can do this and mercy can do that”. The healing is ok and damage is non existent. If you argue utility Ana has 10 times more value in that department as well. Anti nade is more powerful than Rez. Deny healing to a hog, reaper or how about the enemy team and making enemy moira useless>>>>> Rezzing a single ally or damage boosting a widow that can already one shot everybody that isn’t a tank.

One way to maybe give her a burst heal would be she can build up a charge of biotic energy on her staff so long as no one is targeted currently?

I would like 60hps back. Single target immediate res on Q. replace E with anything.

You just began going into denial instead of arguing facts, no your individual experience is trivial in a game as big as OW and i just showed you, why.

Small pickrates do not indicate higher winrates. You are so wrong it is laughable. Still a 50% winrate is good, i just proved to you, why a “measly 1%+ winrate, is very significant”. Cause you do not understand winrates clearly.

This is the kind of talk i would expect from a plat level player, you think you know anything about the game, yet no creditable sources to those statements, no one in their right mind would say that antinade is a more powerfull ability than ress. Sure it is good and in instances where it is 6 man anti on a zen ult it is way more worth than ress. Though that is almost never the instances it gets used.

The fact that you think denying one guy healing is so much more worth in a 6v6 team game, than actually bringing back an ally so it is no longer a 5v6, just speaks volumes of how irrational you are. Stop arguing, your lack of knowledge clearly shows how capable you are at talking balance.

You just said anti nade on a moira, hog or reaper is more worth than a rezz. I cant with these plat players…

This is still on the edge, i doubt it is balanced to give it on ult, which would mean less often than 30s on average, but could also be more often than 30s. This i dont think warrants it becoming instant again, which is insane, especially if you also want to up her healing normally.