If meccree needs a nerf

Mccree, tracer, hanzo, hog, widow, echo, and soldier need nerfs. I say soldier because once the other hitscans are under control it’s gonna be obvious how powerful that spread reduction buff was and that’ll need to get toned down. Ashe feels pretty balanced and just revert hogs recent damage buff. Wasn’t needed

Shield break isn’t even the problem. It’s just how much he shreds all the tanks with a flash+fth combo. If just one other person focuses the target with cree it guarantees a kill on every tank which is insane. Cree should not be a better tank buster than reaper aka THE tank buster.

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70 or 75 to 40 to 45 to 55 to 50

imo just fully revert the falloff

Tracer also has half the pick rate of cree

Fine with me. I hate Tracer and McCree is OP :smiley:

I’d be down for a nerf to both. That seems fine. Let’s do it. (:

They already did revert this, though.

I don’t disagree with most of your post, except for this sentence here. McCree is not Tracer’s hard counter at all. I believe McCree vs Tracer is a skill match up. It is completely in Tracer’s hands whether she gets stunned or not, and she has every way to outplay flashbang. Aside from the flashbang, McCree has difficulties against Tracer because her size, mobility, and strafe animations makes her the single hardest hero to aim at in the game.


She just needs her falloff reverted. 13m is ridiculous for someone who can one-clip and kill half the roster in around a second and has arguably the best mobility in the game.

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Points for creativity.

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I feel like most people got this from the old school days where he was Mercy pocketed. And then they forgot it was the Mercy that flipped that MU into his favor.

Not that I believe he loses it, per se. It is close to 50/50. I would rather be the Tracer, though, just because baiting or engaging while flash is down is far easier than consistently landing on her while she has a get out of jail free card.

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Stop trying to balance the game around GM or the average forum user. Tracer doesn’t need a nerf at all. Half of you are not even in GM and even less of you know how to play Tracer or even aim with McCree. I agree McCree needs a nerf but not Tracer, the disillusion within the OW community is always high, just play better it can’t be that hard??

Torb has been a solid pick forever now. Tracer has nothing to do with it.

So what your saying is that Brig needs a buff

What’s the benefit of making Hanzo, Widow or Ashe become the top DPS in GM?

I dunno, what’s the benefit of having tracer become top dps in GM?

Easier to prevent DoubleBarrier whenever they get around to having more than 1 good SingleBarrier Tank at a time between Orisa/Sigma/Rein.

Since you’d need a hero that can

  1. Get past the barriers
  2. Get a kill
  3. Get out without dying
  4. Ideally, be a threat to Tanks

And Tracer is kinda purpose-built for doing exactly that.

And also, Streamers and Pros typically prefer Dive, over Poke comps.

Sure that makes sense but no hero should be perma meta.

Until they figure out how to solve Tanks, or get a ban system equivalent, I don’t really see a better alternative.

A lot of people ignore the idea that what they want to get rid of should be replaced with something better.

Not just shuffled around aimlessly.

Sure, tracers not really much of a problem anyways aside from in OWL.