If meccree needs a nerf

Tracer needs one aswell. She is the second most picked dps hero in gm even though her hardest counter is the most picked one. Her real counters (brig, moira and sig) got nerfed into trash. If meccree gets nerfed and tracer stays like she is right now a good one will be unstoppable.

In owl she is the most picked dps hero and even the best supports who always peel for each other arent enough to make her pickrate drop.

They need to revert the dump range buff. She got it in the first place becouse she had real counters like brig but now they are gone. Tracer will still be real good in skilled hands but she now cant play in the range her supposed counters cant counter her anymore.


I think youā€™re right on this one. Sheā€™s doing very well for a meta sheā€™s not supposed to be good in and her hard counter is slightly overtuned right now.

But honestly, I know people will hate the ā€œskillā€ argument, but sheā€™s just so damn hard to use effectively for pretty much everyone, which is why I doubt sheā€™ll be nerfed. Weā€™ll see how everything turns out once a mcree nerf rolls in anyways (IF it happens of course).


Originally, the dev team said that Tracer was sort of the blue print for how much power they wanted out of a character.

I like the concept and think she shouldnā€™t get many changes.


Iā€™m completely fine nerfing both

And nerf hanzo ā€˜Eā€™ while youre at it and buff his speed to compensate


No, Tracer gives Torbjorn value by making him worth picking. Sheā€™s solid.


I always said this. Mcree ,tracer and hanzo are dominating all laders, and they are suposed to be " hard" characters.

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You must be joking. That has to be the dumpest argument to not nerf tracer ever.

Lol, be real. The devs would start world War 3 before they nerf tracer


Its not surprising at all that you use Tracer with Winston and Ball

Its also unfair from you that you say Tracer is OP because she is the most picked Dps, but then say Brig is gone while being the most picked Support, that just makes no sense

Also: Her ranked pickrate is kinda worthless if you consider that people just hate playing Mei on ladder and Tracer on the other hand is one of the most liked Hereos in the game. GMs say by themself they play offmeta for fun

Tracer dominates all laders. Brig only gm

1.: How does Tracer ā€œdominateā€ all ranks?

2.: Since when are we balancing for low elo? This place has way too many influenzes and a Hero being picked a lot there has rarely really a lot to do with how strong they are

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With that logic tracer should be nerfed becouse she is insanely strong on owl and the high ranks. Brig is horrible in gm and isnā€™t really dominating in owl aswell (even though she is good there).

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So this is only valid for tracer but not for brig?

Tracer and McCree are both totally fine right now, imo.

Good idea, letā€™s nerf both of them.


When did I said this? I dont remember requesting Brig nerfs

No, I leterally said nerfing somrone just because of a high pickrate is stupud if you dont cobsider the context as a whole. I never said nerf brig, I named Brig as an example qith an sinlar pickrate in OWL since this was an argument to show that just looking at pickrates isa really bad nwthod to declare what needs nerfs and buffs

They didnā€™t even nerf him and we are already moving on to the next victim. We are just getting better and better at this.

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Iā€™ve been saying this too, if youā€™re gonna use pickrate as a reason McCree should be nerfed then Tracer gets the chop too

But the reality of it, low ranks canā€™t use Tracer to the same success so they donā€™t view her as problematic even though sheā€™s been the top DPS for nearly the entire history of Overwatch

Can we just nerf hanzos storm arrows before we nerf mcree? :skull: (with a consistency buff, FINEā€¦)