If Brigitte Can't Shield Bash Through Barrier

you should learn this with in a week of playing if you aren’t just playing casually, even then, you should learn quickly

but that doesn’t mean it is good game design.

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But in a scenario where Brigg can shield bash Rein, Doomfist can do it as well, he doesn’t need to charge if that close as well, so he can just tap and knock Rein’s shield down.

I also dislike inconsistent mechanics, it’s not very elegant.
I’m also worried that Brigitte, a frontline hero, might get better value by going on idiotic flanks to work around barriers.

I’m not saying Brigitte should never change, just that those are my concerns.

and…then what?..if the rein is on his own, why waste the rp like that, if he has a team, why did the team lets doom do that

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Good game design and the name Brigitte should never appear in the same ZIP code

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Doom stun also doesnt drop the shield


I honestly thought this was an actual anti-inconsistency thread.
Turns out to be another Brig support thread.

Disappointed, but nice bait.

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That can’t be done because then she wouldn’t be able to fight Genji, Tracer, Sombra, Reaper or Doomfist.

I must admit that I did not know this.

I see the nerf as an interaction of a barrier smacking an opposing barrier.

Isn’t the hitbox for shield bash the barrier itself?

I mean… I made the post specifically titled with Brigitte and I also make mentioned of how self damage works. It’s a few lines long and not a big read. I don’t know what to tell you.

This one i do get a bit, since theyre both stuns.

He should, since he doesnt stun rein if he dashes through

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That is my only real issue with the shield bash nerf. It makes melee-barrier interactions inconsistent.

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I gotta say I appreciate you piecing your opinion on this as most don’t even want to consider anything other than “burn Brigitte to the ground”.

I think the problem is Doomfist if he does not hit a target behind a barrier he does still go through it. Same goes for Genji as does Brigitte currently. They all share this common value for how their ability works. You need to consider what Brigitte does to barriers outside of Reinhardt when you consider this topic because Geoff is on record stating “Brigitte won’t shield bash through barriers”.

With the proposed changes however Brigitte miraculously can no longer move through the barrier and clanks up along side of it, because it’s acting like a barrier to her own move ironically lol. This is why it looks very inconsistent with Genji and Doomfist because it’s about stopping the force of their movement through the barriers to execute their attack. Not just how the interaction of how Reinhardt functions.

Brigitte is forced to be an extreme melee range character and she no longer will go through barriers on her initiation attack. Doomfist and Genji are not entirely point blank as they have mobility to get around and dive in.

My overall question here is… are barriers supposed to be creating a barrier to prevent movement into them while they are up or not?

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I do believe in fun, fairness, and balance of all heroes, not just the ones i like. So the brigitte threads have been fun to explore.

the big issue with this also, which id make genji be pushed out of the conversation is, that genjis ability in swift strike is fully developed and advertised as the ability that strikes through your enemies, hence making it normal for it to also go past reins shields, with doomfist, i do kind of understand lore wise why hed be able to punch through the shield as the gauntlet is very very very powerful, and should be able to knock a rein down a bit. But Brigs shield, since the ability makes it that brig kind of jumps at the enemy, so the maximum power it can have is the power of brig, which is significantly lower than reins, so rein shouldnt be knocked down for it.

I do believe he kind of means that she cant stun targets behind barriers, but that she can still go through them, not sure, nor can we be before it hits live/ptr.

But it would not be canonly good for a doomfist to not be able to punch someone a bit back, as stated before, the gauntlet is incredibly powerful and can oneshot almost any squishie in the game, so i do think it should be able to knock a rein shield back a bit. And genji again, goes through everything with strike, turrets, enemies, friendlies, barriers, the only things he cant go through is walls. And if it was the case that heroes cant use movement abilities past barriers, it would make symmetras ult incredibly strong.

But maybe theyre trying to push brig as more of a mid-line character, that doesnt start the attack, but goes alongside someone like rein, or mccree, and benefits from them being able to knock down some enemies for hits/stuns. Since i dont think they expected brig to be an extreme frontliner when they first made her.

But they have to have mobility to survive aswell, as they dont have self heal, or a shield, the biggest shields being doomfists shields that he gets from attacks, and genjis deflect, which are both unreliable in fights.

i think theyre trying to prevent stuns from barriers more or less, since stun meta isnt really healthy for the game, atleast atm.

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I actually think this change would be fair if it applied to all targets with shield/melee interactions. Take away Genji’s ability to swift strike/melee through shields, make DF not be able to either as well. Frankly I think that’d be a great buff for Rein and remove some of the more annoying stuff of playing him right now.

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just delete brig, problem solved :slight_smile:

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tbh it’s a fine change that makes shields less-bulliable. It should apply to all Shield Bash type moves (heavy hitting AoE moves), which would essentially be all of Doomfist’s kit (except da gun).

The trade off being that Doom/Brig would collide with shields as if they were solid walls. But would deal +30% to +100% damage to them (depending on whatever sounds fair overall).

A downside to Brig getting a nerf is she’s going to need a buff. She’s an OK healer, just OK, basically Lucio with more utility (Shield Bash through Shields). Soooo take that away and she’s a worse Lucio. With an Ultimate that makes Molten Core deal extra damage to her allies. lmaoooooo

Here comes dat 8m flail and 600hp/bigger shield, y’all.

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Doomfist has more velocity and force to his punch than Brig ever could with her shield bash.

There is a reason why he smacked the hell out of genji and winston in his reveal video.