If Brigitte Can't Shield Bash Through Barrier

I’m just saying its a real sloppily done nerf, and I still dont think it was needed

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Forgot to comment on this my b.

I personally still don’t like how Zarya received a nerf to grav, Mercy a nerf to damage boost, and Hanzo didn’t get any nerfs to his kit.

My personal opinion that Hanzo should have taken changes to some extent as opposed to Mercy and Zarya taking the fall.

Sure I can, you dont get to dictate my arguments. Learning to adapt is much more valid when it comes to changing the point from where you shield bash from vs “A character comes out that utterly dominates 2/3 of the roster”

You are wrong man. This reason shield bash was an issue is cause people thing brig is a low skilled player while Genji, Doomfist and others are high skilled. So they wanna nerf her down.

Yeap. If you wanna slaughter of supports one by one, Start slaughtering DPS too.
Doomfist shouldn’t be able to punch through Rein, Genji too shouldnt be able to dash. Tracer shouldnt be able to blink, Torb and Symm can throw turrets through shield. Hammond cant roll through shields.

Make it fair, make it fair for all. Not for the whiny DPS kids.

Yeah. I find it very jarring. There is 0 consistency what can pass through shields and what can’t. For example why Firestrike can pass through shields if most other projectiles can’t. Why moira’s orb can but symmetra’s one can’t even when they are almost the same size and shape.

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I meant when you want to have a open debate. We can go back and forth like many do and proclaim what is skillful or not too and be judgmental of what we think is what is fact.

Doesn’t mean we should.

Telling people to learn to adapt is basically starting a battleground where no one wins on these forums and plenty of posts have proven as such. Nothing constructive comes out of it.

I don’t agree with you very often on these forums Hana but I’m with you here 100% with the headaches this stuff brings.

it is if…it makes heroes unique

how about instead giving her shield bash an activation animation like reins charge?
has you say yourself, one of the reasons its a problem is that its instant with no real counter play.
i fear if she no longer can punch through barriers, rein will be even more hated for being used and then he ends up nerfed to “balance” the game.

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It’s getting nerfed because pros mainly use Shield Bash against the enemy rein and then their teammate’s Rein Earth Shatters the entire team for an easy team fight win.

Look at what happened with USA vs UK in The Overwatch World Cup. You can’t deny it either. lol

I would imagine the pros could do what I have seen people do in Masters + in competitive play which is run a Zarya that bubbles Reinhardt so it doesn’t happen at the correct time.

That or just work around the enemy comp in a different manner if you really don’t want to run Zarya.

I think this is more easily done in our competitive play environment vs OWL though because when people see Reinhardt people like to generally go with Zarya as the combo for tanking as is. In a tournament / scrim environment people do a lot more of the wacky comps due to their own internal testing of how the team works.

But there has to be some consistency at least in the way those attacks looks.

Imagine if some hitscan can pass through shields but others can’t and they both uses the same effects.

how is the moira balls, which give off an ethereal feel, or firestrike, which is literally a pillar of fire, similar to syms ball or any other projectile

i hate how scary the words “we’re going to put to PTR” have become

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Symetra and Moira balls all looks the same.

Before, the logic behind it is was: large and slow projectiles can pas, small ones can’t.
Symmetra’s change threw all that out of the window.

All attacks that passes through shield should have at least the same color so when you see it, you know what it does.

Now with Brigitte’s change, we will have the first melee attack that can be stopped by a shield.

moira’s damage ball is a dark red because its combining red and purple, while sym’s is a lighter red

But if you are a new player, how do you know which ones will be stopped by your shield and which won’t?

It makes no sense from aesthetic point of view.

its called learning.

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To me that sounds perfectly adequate, as Brig is using a barrier against another. Seems pretty logical that they would clash with one another. Shield bashing a Rein for a combo was cheesy anyway.

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You know it because you have spend 2 years in thegame. There are like 30 heroes right now every one of them doing their thing but it is still consistent for the most part. Healing for example is always yellow. Lucio and Soldier’s auras looks similar so you know you will get healed when you stand in it, etc.

There is also a reason why all shields have the same texture and color, so you know what they do when you see them.