That’s because Genji and Tracer have been meta for 14 out of 15 seasons straight.
Meanwhile Sombra becomes meta for the second time in 13 seasons, and everyone loses their freaking minds.
Thx Jeff.
That’s because Genji and Tracer have been meta for 14 out of 15 seasons straight.
Meanwhile Sombra becomes meta for the second time in 13 seasons, and everyone loses their freaking minds.
Thx Jeff.
This is the same garbage subjective logic that lead to blizzard removing the “Poor Teamwork” report category. “Gameplay sabotage” isn’t meant to be “Poor Teamwork 2.0”
No one has a “right” to break the rules. Filing false reports is breaking the rules.
No it’s not. Proof. And not picking what you team wants is not working against you team, it’s just not being a fill slave that’s all.
What is and isn’t throwing gets decided by the community. If Blizzard wanted to stop false reporting they would have by now, but no doubt most don’t care that one tricks are reported. Most probably feel the way we do about them.
They need to find some way to get people to flex and learn that their favorite hero can’t always be used, at least in comp.
I use xim regularly. And it is not all that great. Lots of input lag mouse doesn’t feel right. I would hardly say it gives a edge. Then again all I have for Xbox is ark and astroneer.
No, it’s decided by Blizzard. Blizzard’s game, Blizzard’s rules. Having many people choosing not to follow the rule doesn’t change the rule, it just means there are a bunch of people not following the rules.
You can’t force people to learn. That’s why there is a rank system. If someone choose to play a certain way, their rank will reflect their choice.
What Blizzard needs is to start punishing false reporters, which is easy to detect since plenty of them openly brag about false reporting on the forums.
Now I know who to report, thanks.
If you do not enforce a rule, is it a rule?
KBM isn’t a reportable offense. You’ll be false reporting.
Yes, unenforced rules are still rules, and remain as rules until officially changed.
That’s not the reality. One tricks are being banned. - fact.
False reporters? Haven’t heard of one.
Majority rules at the end of the day and if this is what people need to do to get Blizzard to reevaluate the things that are reportable. Then so be it.
Hmm. Well let me know once they start getting enforced, otherwise, its like anything else in the world. Worthless script on a screen/paper, and actual behaviors define reality.
Haven’t yet.
Lol for what? I don’t have overwatch for console. So you’re just admitting that you false report people? Cool. Reported.
You already admitted to false reporting KBM users.
I report on console yes. This acct talking to you isn’t on console. So, feel free to report it. Oh wait… you can’t.
So you’re just further proving my point:
It’s not reportable in itself, not being flexible is.
So for example, if your team is getting rolled and you are one-tricking, guess which person takes the blame first… Ya. Torby-boi. Because he is a niche character who should not be one-tricked until he is actually fully viable (same goes for Mei, Sym, Bastion, and possibly Sombra if you’re awful with her).
If you are one-tricking and constantly winning, you won’t be taking any blame because there is no blame to take. Also, you won’t be taking any praise. But still. No praise is better than all blame, amirite?
You can’t report someone who’s talking on the forum though.
Oh I can. I just recorded everything you said and sent it to a ticket. Enjoy.