If you are getting absolutely destroyed without getting any value whatsoever then you would be in the worst case scenario just as bad picking another hero.
Also, if you are only caoable of playing Junk, maybe dont go into comp until you have a decently sized hero pool?? Crazy concept for some of you I know. But hey I would recommend it.
No, I saw an offense and reported it. You should be playing QP if you are going to be a detriment to your team by playing the game like this.
Its not that I dont like Junk. Its that at the 15th death in 4 minutes nit even a single tire you start to question why is junk not working. At some point it becomes obvious.
I do not report every junk I see playing against a Pharah. I do report those who KNOW they are being a detrimwnt to the team, KNOW they could fix it and still CHOOSE to continue being bad. If their intentions are lsing or winning the game is outside of my knowledge.
Me not being able to read what your true intentions are when you are purposefully playing badly does not protect you. Thats a loophole that would protect anyone in any situation.
(Does Anime powermove charging impression) (Epically looks at the camera)
no u
(Earth literally reports itself to god and implodes)
I completely understand this side of the argument, I do. I just don’t believe they are throwing. Plus, the devs themselves said that this action is fine and should not be reported, which makes me lean on the false side even more- because that’s exactly what they say it is.
I dont think its throwing either. I think its poor teamwork, and gameplay sabotage. That said, I dont report in QP and I havent done Comp in forever, so I dont even know what the report options are right now.
Yuh, it actually is. Not that I think you should do it, but if you aren’t TRYING to lose, then you are not throwing.
Let me make this clear really quick- I do NOT think one tricking itself is okay. I would much rather people just switch and learn everyone. However, I also do not believe it is okay to report one tricks when even the developers themselves said it isn’t a reportable offense.
I was saying “you” generally. It was not directed towards you, that’s my bad for not clarifying.
I mean 1 tricking kinda is reportable. If youre doing good & getting kills more than others then im fine with it.
But your putting your team in the situation where they need to work around you and its not making the game any better.
Some people are willing to swap but since theres so many dps players atm (atleast in lower ranks/diamond and such) not that many plays supports/tanks.
And if you see people saying that theyre gonna report you, just mute & report them if needed cause its reportable if people are toxic.
Some players always find a way to flame others in this game.
There will be more people who report one tricks, smurfs, and on console those who they suspect are using Xim4/m&kb.
The last is literally using a 3rd party product to gain an edge over those using controllers. Blizzard says that’s ‘okay’ and we can’t report them.
Clearly Blizzard is in the wrong when they allow any of these things in their games.
A one trick who is unwilling to cooperate with their team to play the objective is partaking in gameplay sabotage. Because the point of the game is to do just that. If your choice is proving detrimal and the 5 people report you, that’s their right. You chose not to cooperate.
With smurfs its people with a higher SR in a lower bracket. Doesn’t matter if they’re playing a hero they never played the game positioning and mechanics if a GM are down in an area it doesn’t belong. Doesn’t matter if it’s 10 games, all it matters is the 1 to ruin an experience.
Cheating is literally using 3rd party software devices, but console isn’t allowed to fight back? Screw that. I report what doesn’t belong in this TEAM BASED game.
funny how one tricking torb or bastion or symmetra get you banned but no one care about one trick genji, tracer, etc… Ever seen a one trick genji complain that he got banned? no, of course not.
My 2 cents…
Otherwise one tricks wouldn’t be getting banned since it’s not against the rules to one trick.
“Unofficially behind closed doors in a hidden agenda room, in reality and practice… One tricks get banned regularly by Blizzard.”
Which brings us to the moderation team, that does nothing to investigate the issue, and why appealing any type of disciplinary action on the forums, in chat, or in game, is a pointless endeavor.