because people still think torb is a throw pick and you probably are not very nice to people complaining about you
and i get it, when i play Ashe and 3 people cry about dps not doing anything etc. i can’t hold back that “still mad?” when i get a 63% kill participation card in the end…
If you are one-tricking and constantly winning, you won’t be taking any blame because there is no blame to take
This just is not true. I can be on the winning team with 4 golds, get potg and a card and still have someone saying they are going to report me. How well I do has no bearing on a lot of the people I’m playing with willingness to report me. Their mentality towards me seems to be: I’m Torb therefor I am throwing and if we win it’s because I got carried.
Also overwatch community? Isn’t okay with one tricking do you have any data to back this up. Because forums like in life have three sides on one tricking issue. The people that support one tricks, the people that don’t support one tricking. And the people that are in the middle. I fall into the people that don’t care.
If you’re queuing up randomly, it means your team has to work around you which can be frustrating to some people. And if you don’t switch when it’s perhaps not working, they could see that as poor teamwork.
I would personally make a group to work with or a trio that understand that you’ll be playing Torb. And even work with you for more SR climbing.
You’re asking this question when the OP is literally saying he’s getting warnings for one tricking? This isn’t the first topic and it won’t be the last topic like this either. It’s not about the forums it’s about people’s experience in game.
It used to be worse when Sym/Torb were worse characters but it’s nothing new.
And I wasn’t focused on OP. I was focused on the fool that said one tricking is an unspoken rule. And then that same fool has data to back up his statement.
Because its’ the path of least resistance. People don’t actually monitor what everyone is doing all the time, even if Torb is on the killfeed the majority of the time.
You’re calling him a fool when the data is right in front of your face. You have a person telling you that he has been reported for one tricking(a specific character). We’ve seen before tons of times literally what we have seen in this topic. People asking what the rules are because they’re being warned for one tricking specific characters.
Considering this is the only non-explicit rule that’s in contention and that people complain about being punished unfairly for… YES it is an unspoken rule among the playerbase that one tricking certain characters isn’t okay. If it wasn’t people wouldn’t be receiving warnings and bans for it.
I’m talking about one tricking as a whole stop bring up the OP. He said one tricking has an unspoken rule yet everyone talked about one tricking. He had no data on the whole community.
It’s not just about the OP. We’ve seen OP’s situation several times. You have 2468 posts. You’ve been here long enough to know the truth.
Regardless of the official rules and if people are for or against it; if enough people don’t like the way that you’re playing or who you’re playing you will receive a warning and eventually a ban for it. That is the community speaking and we overwhelmingly see it for Sym/Torb one trick players.
You’re being snarky because you don’t like the attitude of the first person who said it but they’re 100% telling the truth. Even people who disagree with that person and feel that people should be able to play anything that they want as long as they’re not throwing acknowledge that it is in the hands of the playerbase and the playerbase often gets people banned for one tricking.
That’s because I will admit I am snarky. that and I’ve seen this debate about 10 times and in my anecdotal experience which I will say is not accurate data. Is that you have 4 sides to this debate. The people that support one tricks, the ones that dislike one tricks, the people that are in the middle. And people that don’t care. the issue is how many actually fit into each category. And to be honest that would take over a year of doing the number and finding enough people to survey.
The issue with this is that it’s not about sides or how many people fit into what category. It is an unspoken rule because the percentage of people that will report you for one tricking is significant enough that people will be banned for it and those bans are seemingly never overturned unless you are a huge streamer or there’s clear cut evidence someone put in a false report.
That’s what makes it an unwritten rule, it’s not about whether it’s right or wrong. It’s defacto an actual rule because there’s teeth and enforcement behind it. It’s an unspoken rule that if you get mouthy with the police they just might ruin your day. It’s against actual law and there are going to be multiple sides for and against being able to be mouthy to the police, but we all know there can be actual consequences for doing it.
Man, a replay system would sure be awesome so people could actually look and see afterwards in a controlled environment where they can see all of what’s going on, that it probably wasn’t Torb’s fault.
I will say that there are enough people that dislike one tricking that bans happen to one tricks and that the support team wants in them. Because of the support team dosen’t seem to listen to the devs. the one issue I have left is how can be the unspoken rule when one tricks know that section of the community dislikes them. it’s not like when you work for a company and that has unspoken rules within the company that no one outside company knows about the rules. I guess that the part trip me on how can something known be unspoken?.
That wouldn’t change the issue. Because of players in the community wouldn’t care even with replay. Because they dislike one tricks on a principle bases.