I already know that 1 tricking is frowned at, but after getting hard stuck at 2300 and genuinely working with my teams for 40 hours of gameplay this season alone I started to 1 trick Torb, and I’ve gone up to 2950 doing it. I’m consistently doing work, getting golds, and winning more often than I am losing. Even when the other DPS is doing nothing, it’s the Torbs fault. I average 2.5 kills/min, 1200 damage/min, which is higher on average than what I would do with a lot of other DPS. Even when we win I get people complaining that they are going to report the Torb.
-Why is Torb in the game if people view him as a troll pick before the game even starts…Even if I pick first?
-Why do so many reports go through if I’m playing the games within the guidelines?
-Why is it always Torbs fault, even when it isn’t?(Like I said, I’ve climbed over 600sr since switching to Torb, so clearly I’m not throwing games or getting carried, I must be contributing to climb consistently)
Edit: This warning VERY QUICKLY turned into a suspension. like less than 5 games quickly.
Edit 2: People are comparing me 1 tricking torb to playing Battle Mercy or only healing as Soldier, thats not apples to apples. I am playing a character in the role and intent he is supposed to be played AND I am playing him well during that time. “If it’s constantly a 5v6 because he’s getting countered and dying” yeah, if I’m FEEDING that is gameplay sabotage, but I’m not, I’m consistently doing well enough to climb almost 2 tiers.
My main point is that people are reporting me EXCLUSIVELY for playing Torb. My skill, my contribution and my general disposition have NOTHING to do with me getting reported. 5 other dps? Torbs fault. Other player intentionally feeding? Torb made him toxic. Solo healing as Brig? Torbs fault.
It’s one of the “unspoken” rules of the Overwatch community: one tricking isn’t ok.
If you’re good at him and carrying with him, cool; You’re proving them wrong. Getting blamed when your team loses is the occupational hazard of being a one trick.
I mean Gameplay sabotaje is reportable. If you play a horrible Junkrat into a Pharah, are constantly dying and you dont even try to switch I would report you. And I wont feel bad about it.
Or they could actually try with their report system.
And actively punish false reports.
But that might take effort from the team
And that is a false report. You are the problem
Yes, but Jeff said it’s okay and not reportable.
That’s literally false reporting. I’m glad you feel good about that, though.
OP, I pick Torbjorn if and when I want. If I’m outperforming our other DPS and they are still complaining, I honestly don’t even bother. The loss isn’t on my head 
Because blizzard left it up to the players to decide what is reporteable
Yeah i’d honestly could see how people could see you’re hero choice and think that you’re throwing because reports are all about perspective and wheather or not you’ll see people performing or not as well as them having blind hatered to close out themselfs from seeing you perform exceptionally
but ultimately i have no idea what your case is as I have no frame of reference and little to no information to make the assertion of your case but if you’re innocent I wish you the best a good day my lad
Because refusing to work as a team is against the rules
So all of them are reportable too then
How is it false reporting. You are literally chosing to be a dead weight to your team. Making dumb decisions on purpose and losing the game by yourself.
I wont feel bad about calling out your bs. If you want to olay selfish then go on QP. In competitive you are expected to be part of the team and to compete for the win, not ego points.
No, it isn’t. If you aren’t intentionally throwing, it isn’t reportable.
In my experience other people are willing to swap. The one person who is not willing to swap or work as a team is the only one deserving of a report in my opinion.
You can call it false reporting all you want. I will disagree with you and blizzard.
(by the way I almost never report for anything except abusive chat)
Yes yes, it was him, and not you guys playing like crap. What ever makes your bad team feel better. You are the issue with the report system which would be solved by punishing false reports
There is no way to distinguish intent on a report. The ppl reporting him genuinely think he is throwing therefore it is not a false report
No, they are just upset he is not playing meta. It LITERALLY says playing off meta heroes is not punishable. It’s false reporting to make bad players feel better about their loss
This isn’t about meta. If someone is 1-tricking a meta hero and being countered or they are not getting value I will ask them to swap too.
That’s the nature of people. Blame the easiest thing. Torb can be good, buth often isn’t.
Dafran got banned playing torb, then later playing lucio. He was doing work on both heros. But people expect something different so they report the easiest thing.
What to do if you are losing? Report yourself for gameplay sabotage because you haven’t done anything all game? Naw, report the off meta player.