If 1 tricking isn't reportable why am I getting hit with warnings?

Actually yes. The game is built on hero swapping and they are refusing to take part in arguably the main mechanic

Here’s the thing- I don’t care about the rules blizzard necessarily had to make because of people who cannot take criticism

Also- It is necessarily antithetical to the most fundamental mechanic in the game and ALSO wasn’t accounted for by the developers, so of course it isn’t against the rules to 1-trick when they didn’t even think people would 1-trick to begin with

Things are generally more complicated than one would think


Tbh if your one tricking in Comp… then tbh that’s basically throwing

one tricking = most likely im not gonna counter what the team has

also one tricking is saying your only caring about your self than the team by only playing what you want (like if 50% of your team make picks that they don’t want to play)

so yes you can one trick but when you do basically when your team start losing people start to think “is he throwing?” “why he want switch to to counter that hero when i can’t when im playing this tank or (etc.)” “why do i have to build around a 1 trick that only cares about himself than the team”

for example you can be the #1 genji in overwatch but there is a number 1 winston, a number 1 moria, a number mei, and number 1 symmetra that can easily counter you… and if you won’t switch people start to think your throwing over your selfish desires on the character

so basically one trick = teammates think of your selfish / throwing / not countering cause you don’t want to counter = throwing = sabotage game but not help countering

so if you excuses is that you should play anything in comp then thats a back excuse because playing comp is a “serious game mode” and there is a “meta” that in the game and “all heroes are not balance”

even if you take one tricking seriously… your not take comp more seriously by playing counter or play meta… either play counter or meta or not play comp because one trick make it hard for for other players to make a stable comp or a comp that thecan “enjoy”


I nwver talked about META. Thats you just making assumptions my friend.

I wont play META unless thats what te team as a unit is going for. Thats on competitive. On qp I do whatever I want.

And your “decision” is literally stated by the literal developers to be false reporting, yet you continue to do it. Your interpretation is literally “this pick isn’t very optimal, therefore they are throwing. I am going to report them because I think they are why we lost.”

Does one tricking suck? Of course, it can be very frustrating to play around. Are they throwing by one tricking? No. They are not.

Edit: forgot my kiddo.



It’s true though. Having a private profile if you’re a person who’s regularly plays ranked is kinda…yea.

Back to one tricks, this is just something community and the developers are going to have to agree to disagree on what gets defined as “throwing”. For example, when 5 out of 6 people want to go goats but then there’s that one guy who only wants to play Mei, you’re probably gonna lose 9 times out of 10 if the enemy team is running a full Goats comp.

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The game is built on hero swapping, but that does not mean you are required to do it.

Aren’t you a baddie, look at you.

That doesn’t matter, though. They didn’t think it would happen, but they specifically said that the action is not reportable.

"One Tricking is not bannable and should not be reported (it even says so in the text)

Throwing is bannable and should be reported. We appreciate your help here.

False reporting is bannable. Don’t misuse the report system."

I don’t know how much clearer it could be. You are abusing a system, and that’s that.


Mei GOATs is literally a thing, though. I know it was an example, but I’m just saying- it would still be winnable. The majority of losses that come from one tricks are often caused by the loss of morale within their teammates.

There is no way to determine intention on a report. I genuenly feel like they were not engaging in te game and were playing badly on purpose. After all in my example the Junk is the one thats deciding to keep getting destroyed by the Pharah. There is no way in hell you are not concious about what a detriment to your team you are being, and thus, you are purposefully being such a detriment .

Play whatever you want. I will avoid and report you if I genuenly feel like you commited an offense willingly.

Reporting someone even if you know they did nothing wrong IS false reporting, kiddo.

It’s looking like the devs are making strides to change the core fundamentals of the game.

As we know, Overwatch was based on the premise of “hero switching”. Team compositions are supposed to be constantly changing as the match progresses.

However, we can see that patch after patch the developers have been bolstering heroes’ individual power rather than fulfilling their original niche, we can see this clearly with the Torbjorn and Symmetra reworks, attempt to make them viable in all situations rather than their initial “defense” role.
I believe that over time this game will evolve into a more Team Fortress 2-esque style, where the strength lies within the individual (for the most part) rather than team-oriented synergies.

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If you cannot play someone else, and you will get more value out of that hero, then you should stay Junkrat. If you are not TRYING to lose, then it is not throwing.

You should just be avoiding.

You know what else is false reporting? Reporting someone for gameplay sabotage because they were playing a hero you didn’t like (even though they are genuinely trying to win) o:

slams down reverse card


Irrelevant, as it still happens. Tenor is correct.

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Yes, he is right. It is an unspoken rule of the OW community. But something being an unspoken rule does not make it okay (:

It is still abuse of the reporting system.


It is what it is. Blizzard knows how the majority wish to play. One tricking is counter to that for the majority of players, especially off metas.


What does that have to do with anything? Someone having a different playstyle than you doesn’t mean they should be falsely reported.

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I have no clue why I am even defending one tricks as hard as I am right now lol.

This is the only one of your questions that matters. Why do the devs allow abuse of the report feature?

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Because Blizzard has it’s own agenda, and does not investigate anything related to disciplinary action, on the forums, in chat, or in game.

Thanks for your $30.


I felt this finisher in my heart.

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It’s like being Stunned + FTH’d, or Brig’d to death.

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I disagree on it being ‘false’. If your entire team is swapping hard to try and form a valid comp, and some one trick just keeps one tricking, are they really trying, are they not sabotaging the team?

If you have 5 people pick Dive heros, or Goats, and you Torb, are you working with your team, or against it?