If 1 tricking isn't reportable why am I getting hit with warnings?

Im reporting a dude for gameolay sabotaje while he is actively choosing to be inneficient and getting countered on purpose. Thats not a false report. You are expected to know better when you hop into comp. If the system punishes you then its working perfectly.

However I would never report someone for having a bad game or playing bad. That is not what Im saying.


It’s exactly what you are saying. You did not like their pick


The person that’s one-tricking is not sabotaging the game, nor did they intend to.
I don’t want someone who primarily plays a specific class, or in this case, hero, to play a different role that’s out of their comfort zone. You simply cannot report them for playing the one hero they’re experienced on.

If you must, ask them if they can switch, for the love of God be nice about it, and if they refuse, that’s the end of it. Continue to motivate them and encourage them, you know that if things start getting bad the pressure is on and the one-trick knows that all eyes are on them. You’re a team, you win together, you lose together!


That is not how that works, Koala. The option is to report for gameplay sabotage. If they are trying to win, they are not throwing and it is NOT to be reported.

I can play whoever I want without throwing. If I am TRYING TO WIN, then it should not be reported. I don’t know how you aren’t understanding this. Even JEFF said this.

"Let’s be clear here and not confuse policy:

One Tricking is not bannable and should not be reported (it even says so in the text)

Throwing is bannable and should be reported. We appreciate your help here.

False reporting is bannable. Don’t misuse the report system."


Gameplay sabotage is actively trying to lower your team’s chances of winning. Gameplay sabotage is not someone playing a hero you don’t like in a situation you don’t approve of.


No dude. I felt I was clear.

If the enemy runs Phara, you are Junk, and are dying constantly to her and not getting any value all the way to the second round. Ill ask you nicely to switch so we can work with something.

If the respone is: “s t f u idiot” then you are getting reported.

If you try to cooperate or at least somewhag tell ud what you sre trying to do with Jubk here then I wont bc you showed at least the intention of making things work.

I wont stand still while some douche ruins the game for everyone in competitive. If you are that kind of player, you shoild be on QP.


Why do people assume I’m trolling when I pick widow?

Same thing applies to all heroes. Even with rein when there’re high grounds to contest. Like Gibraltar.

The problem with 1 tricks: not switching when getting hard countered. Doesn’t matter if you’re one tricking hanzo,ash, mccree or whatever.

It’s unfair for you to ask 5 others to switch to their non main roles to adapt to you if you can’t do it once in a while.

If your team decides to run dive. And you assume reaper is a good pick, fine. But if you’re not contributing anything to the team, it’s throwing. According to me. You can have different idea regarding throw. But that’s fine.


Because it is - as everything is technically reportable. Nobody actually reviews these things unless you are some sort of high profile streamer. If you play off metas (1), I’m afraid you take in the risk to get banned any time my friend. Welcome to Overwatch.

(1) Don’t think for a second it is about anything else. Genku can “one trick” all day long without getting a warning. They could stay at spawn 24/7 actually throwing while berating that off meta in his team and not risk anything. If you are Sym, however, you better carry harder than Seagull and Dafran combined or else …


Then you should report them for abusive chat - not for gameplay sabotage.


They kinda just need to review torb and sym reports…

I can’t get behind being so accommodating to people who refuse to play the game how it was meant to be played. Sorry.

It’s a selfish play-style and deserves reports.

(I only report for abusive chat btw, so I don’t report people for it, but I do think they deserve it)


With the way you’re sounding, you take any pick you don’t find optimal as throwing. Nobody should need to explain themselves to you, kiddo.

And if you’re that kind of person, you should be on a different game. (:


This is what you should say to the people who refuse to learn all but one hero actually (aka, the 1-tricks)


I understand it’s difficult for most common people to do, but ultimately it will assist you in winning. Team morale is one of the key things to victory, as well as communication, a well balanced composition, etc.

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Actually, no. But I do encourage people to learn more than one hero, for sure. Here’s the difference- one is literally stated in the rules as acceptable, the other is 100% false reporting.


Well, let me know who are the ones in your team actually starts with flaming first.

Ideally, it’s the person who wanted to play the role s/he wanted to play. And there’re a lot of matches which are lost because someone decided it’s a loss.

Hence the term “unspoken”.

Kinda like having a private profile when playing ranked. It’s frowned upon by the majority of the community.


They dont need to. I will make my decision based on their actions. Im not forcing anyone to do anything. However I would expect you to be in for the win, not for your ego points, kiddo .

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The truth here is insane.

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Watch yourself with that private profile comment around here, Tenor. I wasn’t arguing that it’s an unspoken rule, but I just don’t agree with reporting what is said to be okay by developers.

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