I was WRONG about the Microsoft acquisition... HUGE news

I’ve always been in favor of it, it’s great for the future of Overwatch and Call of Duty IMO.

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I can totally see where you’re coming from, but Blizz has fallen so far from grace I really don’t care anymore :man_shrugging:

Since their terrible ‘deal with it’ xbone launch where the entire gaming community turned on them, Microsofts gaming division has really turned around its perception.

TLDR I have far more faith in MS than Blizz as a company to look out for gamers (cannot believe I am saying that lol)


I honestly don’t know who would be worse.

Microsoft games have been extremely meh in recent years. Forza Horizon is more stale than the carrot I left in my tray all year back in primary school. The more worrying one is Halo, Microsoft’s most known IP and flagship title has been left in the hands of 343 for a decade completely nuking the franchise from being one of the greatest and well known franchises in all of gaming to the joke it is now.
They LITERALLY gave mouse and keyboard users aim assist instead of nerfing it for controller players and unironically thought this was a good change.

If they care so little about their main IP as to let those clowns run it, I doubt they are going to do any sweeping changes to improve acti-blizz IP’s.


Yeah the technology just isn’t there yet but when it is there it is going to change the industry IMO.

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what do you expect? consumers to buy BOTH consoles? one has to be the better choice. and its littleraly only about the exclusive games.

this way, at some point cod might be pc and xbox only, and sony needs to up their game if they want customers.

i am fully fine with this as ms is much better for pc gamers than Sony will ever be.

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I expect games made by mega cap corporations to be compatible with xbox, pc, and playstation. Anything less is either lazy or greedy from my perspective.


the problem is why would anyone even think about buying a playstation if it doesn’t have any exclusive titles? just for the looks and the controller? (or a xbox)

i am not that deep in consoles but i think thats pretty much the buy decision, which exclusives do you want to play on the device.

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Brand loyalty, friends compatibility, price, reviews, all the things people should be considering. Exclusive games not only should be the very last thing consumers base that choice off of, that option shouldn’t even exist this late in the game, from my perspective.

I am very surprised that the companies still fail to realize they are hampering their own market by doing this. They still think it’s a good idea even though it’s archaic and benefits nobody beyond maybe having an easier deadline to meet.

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hey i don’t agree with them.
i simply see a game, see the playstation exclusive tag and the game is gone from my radar.

i have some respect to Microsoft bc they are pc and xbox which leads to me getting access anyway due to beeing on windows. not much better but i am unaffected no the opposite, i got access to xbox games all of a sudden.

iirc didn’t sony almost cry bc of the blizzard acquisition through Microsoft? fearing big drops in console sales once cod moves to xbox and pc only? (not sure about my source)

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I think it’s funny that most games still end up on all platforms eventually. Companies just miss out on all of that full-price revenue they could have had by releasing on all platforms.


Wait until they decide to charge you for every additional device you own or something.

Developers are paid an obscene amount of money for the exclusivity, and companies get revenue because some of those exclusivities are console sellers.

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true, i would have played Horizon zero down at release…
now its that old i can’t be bothered tbh.

thought hogwards legacy would be ps exclusive, was wrong, saw it on steam and already spend over 100h in it.

other games on pc do this too.
you can be an amazing game, if you are only accessible through a garbage 10th party launcher nobody is going to care about your game.

like gigantic, it was amazing, but they had their own wierd buggy unknown launcher or on origin, Uplay or whatever and the game just never got any Traktion and got shutdown soon after.

if it was on steam, the game could today be one of the known games with a big playerbase.

luckily satisfactory only did a 1year exclusive deal with epic games and is now on steam while still not beeing fully released.


Paid by the producers (microsoft and sony)? So not only are they making less money, but they are spending more money to get less in return by making exclusives? Lmao!

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So in summary you’re happy Overwatch is “coming” to Apple Mac which I’ve seen you post about tons.

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They do this with the hope that people buy their system just to play their exclusive content they will also get a part of the money when people buy it. Think about this, why would you buy a PS5 if you could play God of War Ragnarok on pc? And why would you even buy the game if you knew it will come to Gamepass?

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That does make some sense, but I would never buy a console just to play an exclusive. Some might, but I assume most will just wait, or go without.



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Isnt streaming for games kind of bad? From my experience, there’s always a bit of delay, but that was a few years back.

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That’s huge. It would change gaming to be able to stream games on less than 150 dollar devices

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Imagine someone wants to play CoD… on a Switch…LOL.