I was WRONG about the Microsoft acquisition... HUGE news

Clicked on the topic because of “huge news” then noticed who it was made by and my expectations instantly dropped. Then I read the actual op and was somehow still disappointed. No huge news it seems.

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Still, Cloud gaming can only be a supplement to regular gaming, about a 2/3rd majority of the homes in the United States (Which is mostly Microsoft/Blizzard’s audience) are in rural areas without fiber internet, which is required for Geforce Now, so it’s not really going to be appealing to the majority of Americans.

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I didn’t say you had a hidden agenda. I’m saying you never cared about the market quality. You literally openly stated you’d prefer Apple buy Blizzard which would be objectively worse for the market and the game. You just want the game on GFN/Mac, and you now approve of the merger since it now benefits you.


The thing is that it probably won’t cost them anything to add it (all kind of old and inde games are already on it). They just doesn’t want nvidia to be profiting from their IPs since it also has paid subscription.

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Hell, even in non-rural areas, you are limited when it comes to internet. Because, again, monopolies.

Ya cloud gaming does not go well with any fast paced shooter or any game fast paced matter of fact.
I have 1000 MB up and down glass fiber 1-5 MS ping and still most cloud games are unplayable if its a fast paced game.


Well that and mainly Blizzard’s audience won’t have the internet speeds capable for it, this deal isn’t a bad thing, not trying to make it out as that, just, it’s probably irrelevant for a lot of Blizzard’s audience.

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Why would anyone want cloud gaming for a competitive fps? I understand the appeal and have enjoyed plenty of turn based JRPG’s through cloud but I’ve tried Overwatch and it was pretty unplayable even with mercy.


You clearly have never tried to game on a low end laptop then.
At leas you can get similar input lag but with better graphics and higher rez and taking no disk space.

Let me remind you that there are people playing with a controller in pc lobbies right now. It can get worse that that

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input lag is one thing, but cloud gaming has a delay, you could be rein shattered in realtime and you would not know it until some time later.
Playing Overwatch on cloud is 100% throwing games.

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So does corssplay or anyone with high ping.

I have played paladins on it and even though it is hard it is not completely unplayable.

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Cloud gaming means u are playing on a virtual machine… the machine has the same ping delay as any of us, but then you have another delay on top of that.

I live next to the bloody cloud servers with internet no one here can beat and I often do some cloud games using my Nvidia shield and I tell you, fast paced games are not playable because of the default delay.

Idk how u even for a moment believe this works on a cloud service.


You can actually have better ping to the vm than to the actual blizzard server

if you are playing on a tv no wonder why you think it is unplayable. That alone adds even more delay.

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I think cloud gaming will get huge at some point, just… not yet.

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The virtual machine has a better ping then you also have a ping to the virtual machine, what level of mental gymnastics are you using here lol.

Nvidia shield is a device MADE for cloud gaming, its not part of the TV itself, I also played plenty on my laptop when not home and the same issue is persistent across all fast paced games.
The technology just does not allow to play fast paced multiplayer games at all.

PS: Just so you know, I tried OW1 using the XBOX remote play service so I am telling you from experience how unplayable it was. They probably did not even bother adding OW2 to the Nvidea now for that reason.


idk, i played just with 50Mb connection and it was servable.
I wouldn’t recommend for multiplayer but definitely playable especially if playing less aim intense heroes.

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If they can get the latency to be lower, then sure. But as it stands outside of maybe single player games, hard pass. And if someone already has a decent computer, not much reason to use it either.

Cloud gaming has a LONG way to go.


its not gonna be beneficial microsoft could of said that stuff jsut to get the regulators on there side and if the acquistion where to happen they would turn and say we lied we just said that to get you off our backs and plus microsoft is in the red in some things that shoudl show a red flag

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I will always view the acquisition as a necessary evil to just get Kotick out so these devs can hopefully work in peace. But it’s hard to say because every company, including Microsoft, is still filled with scumbag execs/management across the board. Definitely too many unknowns until it goes through and 3-5 years have passed.

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