I was WRONG about the Microsoft acquisition... HUGE news

Honestly, 10 years isnt a very long time for this sort of thing. I’d be more satisfued with 15.

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As a Switch owner and Nintendo fan, I agree with you.


Games for Windows live has been one of the MOST intrussive and taxing Overlays on computer systems. Its a PC Overclockers NIGHTMARE to deal with as it does not “save the frames” and from a “green” standpoint it is TAXING on the system and draws more power.

So if you are like some of us that love to Overclock, pull more frames and squeeze every watt of power, build massive fluid cooling loops to cool off your MOSFETS and your CPU, with a big AF 360mm radiator and a D5 pump , just to get every last drop from your system to pull MORE FRAMES. (and consistant ones). NO THANKS.

let alone anyone can download glasswire and see where extra information is being sent from your PC in REALTIME as it clogs up your NETWORK. even while you are GAMING.

Don’t get me wrong. Love the features and the games they have on there. But the folks from Microsoft aren’t too far off from a Certain person that had a certain island (You can guess, but keeping this “G” Rated). Regardless. Anything that requires the Microsoft Store or “games for windows XBOX” to run is a “no go” for me. Plus I rooted it from my system and it sure runs a HECK of a lot smoother than when it use to run in the background, chewing up my resources.

My other beef is, they have become a MONOPOLY and if you make them MAD, they are bound to be more abusive than Activision or even Behavior interactive.

(Behavior interactive takes the win for the litmus test for taking it OUT on players). literally I’ve been banned on BHVR networks for submitting bugs and issues in their games, and got in trouble for hurting their feelings :rofl: ) With microsoft not too far behind them. Yes, their community “managers” on BHVR are :poop: .

Despite the problems, Blizzard and Activision isn’t bad here and honestly if anything needs to happen. They need to SELL the rights to World of Warcraft, Diablo, Overwatch and Starcraft directly to the Core staff at Blizzard and just SEPERATE the company itself. Nobody in this universe really cares to play games like “Call of duty”. and Im sure their staff would rather spend time on Fantasy games, vs War monger Games in the long run.


i can see myself grinding WoW again if they put it in the gamepass. (will most likely not happen)

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I cant wait personally!

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That’s odd, but it ok :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:.

The Switch outsold the PS4 without a single CoD game, so most Switch users don’t care for CoD or ActiBlizz games in general, those games are like a fart in a hurricane for them (luckly IMO).

isnt the switch still outselling new gen consoles as well?

The switch is actually available. PS5 are never in stock.

That’s the funny part to me. They ran one the most beloved FPS franchises into the ground, and people have expectations that they will somehow save Overwatch, Blizzard and the gaming world as a whole?

Their track record says otherwise.

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They ran their own console into the ground, microsoft does not have a good track record when it comes to gaming.

Hell, games for windows live was worse than origin and uplay combined.


This is exactly why the EU is trying to block the merger, and it’s also gamer bait by Microsoft.

The main issue with the merger is that the PlayStation console would be much less competitive with XBOX, on top of SONY having a much smaller share of premier gaming franchises with so much going to Microsoft. With this NVIDIA thing, SONY would be hurt even more than the acquisition of Activision alone. This move might even kill the merger, but it’s about getting gamers interested.

I think this is Microsoft dangling the carrot. If the acquisition fails, they can say HEY but come to us because you can now stream your games everywhere! If it succeeds, PlayStation is really going to be hurting.

That is because Sony has an awful logistic system, I mean, the PS5 is 2 years old now, have some supply problems in the months after the release of a new console is normal, but 2 years… :neutral_face: :zipper_mouth_face:.

In this case, the only solution is invest in first party IPs; Microsoft has enought money to buy whatever it wants, so no third-party company/IP is 100% safe…

Yea and this is exactly the EU’s issue with it. CoD in particular might be enough for a few million gamers to switch to XBOX because Microsoft would definitely pull it from PlayStation once they own it.

So if this deal goes through, with Microsoft’s money, they can just buy up the most popular titles, make them XBOX exclusives, and then SONY is doomed.

So what? That is how exclusivity works; In the past, Sony payed to keep content within its platform, it happened a lot, ironically, with CoD games.

Sony even payed to keep whole games out of other platforms, such as Bloodborne, some Final Fantasy games and, according to some rumors (that personally, I don’t believe), CoD from Switch.

Microsoft couldn’t buy Sony’s first-party IPs.

Because of MSFT’s strong position as a tech behemoth. Exclusivity of probably the biggest 3p title of all time with them hurts SONY badly and stifles competition.

MSFT won’t be buying Sony’s exclusives but 3p titles would gladly accept a MSFT deal, even if it requires exclusivity, due to their immense reach.

It doesn’t hurt competition, it hurts only Sony, but that is Sony’s problem, Nintendo is also a Microsoft competitor and they couldn’t care less about CoD.

That is not how it works; Even after the acquisition, Sony will have the largest user base, and such user base won’t simply disapear because most of them invested too much on PlayStation ecosystem.

Microsoft can be a tech behemoth, but in the gaming market, they usually end up in third place, behind Nintendo and Sony.

One of the best things I enjoy atm is the ability to use Xbox Game Pass to play xbox games on PC through cloud gaming. It’s actually quite massive in terms of use.

Side note: Sony has their own version or HAD their own version of cloud gaming in “PS Now” for PS1/2/3 games to be played on PS3/4 through streaming it via cloud.

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Agree it’s capped by physics and needs to not be at the top of the list.
It might work in 70 years with quantum entanglement.

We should be working towards new devices and peripherals that reduce latency and augment the experience to be as fast and real-time as possible. Not some clunky turn-based cloud-and-back-again architecture that is just…ewww for impulse.


Have had zero issues with latency or input lag at all on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate using their cloud gaming… So… What?

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That’s a you datapoint. I don’t care what you feel or don’t, cloud gaming caps your i/o, throttles out that real-time intimacy, and because physics, will always be more laggy (latency). Many have experienced it, and it sucks.

Cloud gaming → not fine for FPS esports.