I thought Mercy was supposed to be useless now?

you have to shoot 3 times, and you’ve fully healed a squishy, that takes mercy 4 seconds.

it’s not ana’s job to be consistent and slow, its her job to do lots in a short amount of time (bio nade)

Where else are people supposed to derive their information from though?
Anecdotal evidence is absolute garbage in comparison. Overbuff is the best we have.


Did I ever talk about mass rez? No I didnt. The argument you could bring up about mass rez was, that she felt more like she had her own moment, she could do something too. Now she’s a pure pocket, she doesnt do anything else and isnt used for anything else. That isnt very fun.

ok, then why’d you dive the widow in the first place my dude. if she’s getting pocketed, back off and wait for mercy to move on. ITS NOT HARD AND COMES DOWN TO DECISION MAKING.

just DONT dive if a mercy is pocketing…

Fair, you didn’t talk about Mass Rez, I assumed. My bad. But your follow up seems I was on point.

The only time you used Mass Rez outside of bringing up Pharah was when the team you were fighting was bad.

If the enemy team was bad and disorganized, sure, you could pull some moment, or something, out of the chaos.

When all things equal though, just a Pharah pocket, and your ult was just used to bring Pharah up… Super exciting. Same thing you can do now tbh. Not a damn thing changed when it comes to that.

It’s just you can’t LULZ on bad teams.

Ok, that’s a very strange argument. Timing =/= easyness. You have to actually hit every single one of those shots on the squishy for that. With Mercy, you literally click. That’s it. Once you’ve clicked once you can look away. Ana has to focus those seconds entirely on the squishy. Also, Ana is not an off healer so it’s not really her job to simply do lots in a short amount of time. She has to maintain the team the entire time.

Could it be that maybe Mercy had higher and ezpz healing because that’s all she brings to the table outside of res? Ana for example has CC. She stops all healing, burst heals and further boosts healing with one single ability. Lucio heals everyone around him, can displace a team with his rightclick, speedboost. Could the Mercy pocket healing be strong and should be strong because thats literally it. She does NOTHING else whilst healing someone. She can’t.

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and she can, because she can shoot for something like 90 hp and then shoot someone else. mercy has to wait almost 2 seconds to heal anywhere near that amount.

mercy is a main healer too, mercy cannot do anything effectively, other than heal. its her sole job, and she’s trash-tier at it on her own.

Ok, I don’t think this argument is going anywhere. The game is probably very different in Gold/Plat and it’s unfair for me to assume that you will have an aware healer on the team that wouldn’t leave the Widow to be totally vulnerable. Saying ‘don’t dive if the Mercy is pocketing’ really doesn’t make sense. Can I say to you, DONT HEAL a Widow if you see monkey coming because she’s going to die anyway?

Is that really fair though? Like… Having the second best avg healing in the game, only ever in remote competition with Moira, who at higher tiers is a more niche/rarely picked hero… Is it fair to really say Mercy healing is trash tier? I don’t think so…

I’ve watched many and many mercy streamers/streamers in general, and I saw that her ult wasnt only to bring the pharah back. The thing also is, she could have the possibility to have this heroic moment, (I know, its because its a playmaker ult blah blah, but still) her current ultimate doesnt really contribute to that since

  1. It doesnt feel very rewarding/impactful, this may also be because her skill ceiling is so low currently and
  2. Because flying into the skybox, making everything easier which I already do, isnt really fun to me, idk about you though. Zipping somewhere with GA is kinda fun, but thats it to an extent :woman_shrugging:
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I dont see how would this be done. I really dont know how would you be able to gather reliable in game data on Mercy hiding and ressing or not. I personally see no way on how this could be calculated and gathered through statistical data by itself. Disconnecting her beam? You disconnect the beam for a ton of reasons, people still do it to this day for Rip tire for example.
If you do, feel free to let me know.

From my PERSONAL experience, Ive been accused more than I can count of ‘‘hiding and ressing’’ say on Kings row where as the fight was going south I would walk through hotel behind the enemies and ress. I was there, they saw where I was positioned, then I literally walked through the small hotel thing and come up behind them to ress.
Hell even frekin takin cover was sometimes considered as ‘‘hiding’’.

So have I. And many pro tournaments, OWL and before, and etc. These heroic moments you described are just capitalization on bad play. I’m not saying that that’s a bad thing, it’s just that you can achieve that without Mass Rez. Mass Rez is by NO MEANS the ONLY option or solution. And God only knows how useless it might be with cast time and LOS restrictions.

As for your feelings of impact and reward… Iunno shrug. That’s a complex, subjective, emotional, and opinion-based subject. Hard to discuss meaningfully.

yeah i think it’s fiar. when you look at it, after 10 minutes, yeah sure, she’s got a big number, but in the moment… you’re going soooo sloooooooooooowly. sure, by the end of the game, she’s healed 10K amazing whoopdie doo, but she likely has little/no hero damage, whereas moira can heal more than her, snag runaway elims, and deal a lot of damage over the course of the game. mercy having a lot of healing at the end makes sense, it’s slow but consistent

sorry for the ugly wall of text lol

That data looks to be skewed by the event taking place at the moment. I wouldn’t trust it.

Who’d have thought that two different characters would have different playstyles?

I match your need for an emphasis on fun with an emphasis on fair. Personally, I preferred old Mercy but I also understand why changes needed to be made. Mercy completely outshined the other support heroes to the point where they were practically obsolete. I don’t really want to see Mercy put through an intensive rework again anytime soon, but maybe someday a better Mercy 3.0 will be created.

one thing we can say for sure is that a lot of people FELT it and then they didnt anymore.

Absolutely true.

The difference typically exists when one hero fills a mandatory role, like Reinhardt being an anchor tank with no functional replacement, which Orisa cannot fulfill due to the nature of how she works as an anchor tank.

But that’s typically a Tank problem. Healers and DPS are typically much more interchangeable and pick-rates offer a far better correlation to their strength.

With some exceptions of course, like Ana/Moira outshining Mercy during Deathball and Ana struggling during Dive.

I don’t think it was a sudden shift, as much as people complain -10 HPS “killed” Mercy, but rather a death by a thousand cuts with Mercy and Snipers (who massively enabled Mercy) slowly getting their power whittled down and the final buff being delivered with a massive buff to Ana.

To me the current problem in the healer meta isn’t that Moira or Mercy are too weak, but rather Ana is simply far too dominant and should probably have some of the power they added to Nano shaved back off.

I dunno. I didn’t notice a massive shift from the -10hps. I mean yeah, I can’t save stupid people as well as I could before, but if they play smart I still top them up and stuff… Wasn’t a big change.

And like… Lot of these arguments be like “the healing bruh!” and the only healer that comes close to Mercy is Moira… and Moira drops off HARD in Masters+ where she’s like the lowest picked healer in GM and pro play. Kind of crazy.