I thought Mercy was supposed to be useless now?

I thought you’d say that, which is why I included the jumping with other divers and multiple abilities. You know full well that a Moira cannot sustain a Widow. If she’s up there with her, that’s basically throwing. IMO a competent Ana should be able to sustain a Widow because that requires so much more mechanical skill and so that should be rewarded. A Mercy can have awful positioning and zoom away every 2 seconds, and literally has to press one button and can do a 360 and still be healing.

Win rates overall are higher for PC on overbuff compared to consoles. 50.9% for the median hero on PC, 50.1% on X-box, 50.2% on playstation. Curious why the PC data on the site is so biased.

How is “kill the person keeping my enemy alive” a bad argument? Moira and Ana can outheal a winston now why aren’t you pissed at them?

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Doesn’t really address my point though. Ana was a troll pick for an entire year and you haven’t cried about that :thinking:

im checking ur profile rn

ok. so you dont play any healers,

ana doesnt need to aim… yeah like, im sorry to shatter your dream, but try it. you can SO CLEARLY miss and still get the healing. healing people with ana is easier than with moira imo.

so basically, if someone has to aim, then they get to win. and if they dont need to aim, they should only be played in bronze.

that’s the vibe i get from you

have you been playing since release.

I mean, I did literally just answer that. Inb4 mimimiimi Mercy requires PoSiTioNinG she’s actually really difficult!! Low risk low reward homie.

she was a “troll pick” after the tank meta she created, dont see you crying about that.

this is where the back and forth ends. ok?

it’s not my job to cry for ana players, i’d rather advocate for someone i’ve loved since release, than someone i’ve been forced to play recently.

‘Have you been playing since release’
I did 20 games of comp in S5 and 6 and I got placed higher than your career high. Yes, Ana’s hurtboxes for healing are bigger but that is miles more difficult than literally clicking once and then being able to do anything for a constant stream of healing from Mercy. In an actual game, Ana will be contested etc so it’s far more skillful to provide even the same level of constant healing aside from burst.

EDIT: just to add, I’m not saying you should always pick Ana rather than Mercy unless you’re bronze, but since she isn’t as difficult to play, she shouldn’t be rewarded with higher HPS or the ability to outheal enemies such as Winston.

then why should winston, who only need to jump and press leftclick be able to kill anyone, he should have 30 dp/s he need to aim, it’s just not fair!! it’s LUDICROUS!!!

Same goes for mercy, and that’s why positioning matters on both.

Because most of us, actually, really, didnt hide and ress.

Because her old version required good ult tracking and decision making, positioning. Cause yeah sometimes you can get more from just ressing 1 person than 5, cause sometimes you keep track of ults and enemy positioning to you can counter them, sometimes you need to keep track of kill feed and enemy ults to know that if you have a fighting chance if you choose to ress even if theres people you wont be able to. Valk decision making comes down to: are we about to fight? yes. Press Q. Do they have hitscan/hitscan ults? Position accordingly.

Because pocketing an ulting Genji required a lot more from you cause you couldnt just Valk.

Sure using your pistol in Valk in fun, so is pulling of an insane ress, but its still a lot less than what was required of you with old Mercy.

I personally was always an aggressive Mercy player which is why I loved dive so much, going in with your Genji or Winston and keeping yourself alive by using the map and mobility was fun.

There was so much more that separated a good Mercy from a bad one. Now her most powerful ability is on a flat CD that just requires pressing a button in a relatively safe place. At 60hps Mercy already struggled to heal tanks, let alone at 50.
Theres so many situations now where you simply cant do anything but watch your teammates die and lose the fight.


Yeah, because she’s almost only paired with a pharah. Look at both of their winrates in GM. And also, balance =/= fun. And even if, (just pointing it out, because it is a thing) overbuff stats arent very reliable, since about 50% of people have their profile on private :woman_shrugging:

I’ve got like 80-100 hours on Ana, and she really is not that difficult if your team has two tanks, which is what most compositions consist of.


And when she had invuln Mass Rez she was used as a Pharah pocket in higher tiers.

Why’s it a problem now?

As I said already, he’s investing two abilities and his left click function to kill one person. His left click needs a little more aim than Mercy, considering once you’ve latched on you can actually do a 360 and still be healing.

And no, Mercy has an ability called Guardian Angel on 2 second cooldown where she can fly extremely fast to any 5 of her other team members. Ana can sleep dart once every 12 seconds but other than that she cannot run fast. She requires miles more positioning than Mercy, the character that is the least dependent on it in the entire game.

Lets not use the word “us” when you are describing your own SUBJECTIVE way you played.
The main reason for removing Mass Res was apparently due to the playstyle is encouraged (from Blizzards own statement on the matter)
I’m sure blizzard have the figures on how often it was used and felt it was justified to remove it.
We ourselves have NO DATA on how frequent it was used.
So lets not assume “temp res” was the most popular way to use it.


Because pharah was just buffed this patch, and now is at the top of the winrates. You almost always run pharmercy, because its just too good since pharah deals more damage, and is very hardly killable. Ofc her winrate will rise with that of pharah’s.

I’m not saying she’s difficult as such, but it is much harder to do the same amount of constant healing as Mercy. It requires a lot more aim and awareness. I’ve played my fair share of Ana too, and I agree that with tanks it’s actually probably easier to heal than Mercy since it’s slower now.

well, mercy is investing her only impactful ability to prevent him from killing one person, yet, if he juuuuust killed the mercy, he wouldnt have that issue! who’da thought.

I didn’t say anything about win rates or any of that.

When Mercy had Mass Rez, invuln, she was just a Pharah pocket at high tiers.

Now it’s a problem that she’s a Pharah pocket?

How would Mass Rez change that? It wouldn’t.

Just click her head bro :joy: :joy: :joy: Just kill the Mercy dude :joy: :joy: :joy: Like, she can fly away faster than a Winston has his jump pack ready again. It’s not that simple my dude.