I thought Mercy was supposed to be useless now?

Even that isn’t really true, Mercy still out heals him because Winston has to reload.


so do I. they just made the wrong changes, it’s like, you get a perfectly fine vase (mercy 1.0), and a small piece breaks(giving her invuln), you either glue it back on (revert the invulnerability buff) or you throw it out and buy a new vase (the crappy rework :face_vomiting:)

I didnt say its the only option/solution, I’d be very VERY open for another rework, but blizzard feels like she’s in a fine spot, which I strongly disagree with (still talking about fun here). And I wasnt talking about the “get big rez with hide n rez” I was talking that there was the possibility to get something good out of this, even without having to hide to get the “5 man rez”. She was almost never picked in any pro tournaments/owl.
With impact/reward, she’s not really rewarding for good play, except for game awareness. That is just fact. And im not the only one saying she isnt really fun anymore, arguably most of the mercy community probably is.

i feel like it mainly affected healing tanks, it tacked on an extra 1 second of healing a dva/road from low hp… like, when she’s supposed to be “the go-to for raw healing output” (J.Kaplan) she should be a little faster. right now, raw healing output goes to ana, it’s just less consistent.

I agree. There’s much more fluctuation in those roles. I dunno about Moira outshining Mercy during Deathball though. I mean, lot of peeps thought Moira driven quad tank would take off and it never did. Moira is very much in the shadow of the rest of the supports rn, regardless of her high heal numbers.

I agree. There was a number of adjustments made to create the current support pick spread. Snipers got nerfed on the same patch that brought in the support changes. Def has effect.

That’s definitely something worth discussing. It’s kind of crazy too that just adding a 300 HP burst heal on Nano was enough to make Ana launch into must pick. It shows how close to balance the support class is imho. I like that.

I agree. Mercy doesn’t have shine moments or anything like that when playing her really. I do think she needs more of that. I can understand why they would be hesitant towards large shifts in her kit though, as like I said in another response the support class seems close to balance. Small changes making huge pick rate shifts.

I can’t really comment on the fun other people experience playing a hero, that’s why I don’t really comment on it. I can appreciate why you’d feel Mercy is lacking in “punch” so to speak tho.

I can understand this perspective. It definitely had an effect. I still think the -10hps change was unnecessary. I would’ve liked to see how things played out with Mercy still at 60 hps. Thing is, we didn’t know at the time of the nerf what it would take to bring Mercy down. Lot of people said the HPS change would do nothing… At least now we know I guess…

It’s been a brutal series of trial and error… Much torment on all sides of the conflict.

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That’s a non argument, Moira is in the exact same boat as Mercy except she has a limited resource and even less utility than Rez and Amp (and I’m not even sure Coalescence is any better than Valkyrie?). No one complains about Moira being the objectively worst support in the game by design “shrug.”

If anything, the Nano Boost buff was completely unnecessary and didn’t learn a thing from “instant Rez on Q” is really good.

Oh btw what I forgot to add, without “advocating” for rez or anything, and im very happy that this mess of a rework got restrained to not be this must pick monster anymore, but what made her ult an actual ult (impact etc.) really was rez. It was very broken, but since many people even say her ult is pretty bad now (because of healing too, yes.) is because the most power in all of this was her rez. Her rez was always the ult in this rework, even if valkyrie took the spot of it.

Im very sad about the rework having to turn out like this, since I get the idea behind this. It was actually a pretty good idea to make her more engaging and fun, but they just overdid it and now, how you said, are afraid of changing anything because it could just make things worse again.

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I really hope Blizzard readdresses Valk. Like nothing extreme necessary really, it’s just that it’s clearly this shell of an ult that was originally built around Rez CD refreshes and timings, and now all that’s been removed and you’re left with this… Soulless mess in a lot of ways.

I’d like higher impact with a shorter duration for sure.

This imho sums it up pretty well, and now that rez has been removed from the ult… The ult needs to be adjusted accordingly. Right now its lackluster af.

^Exactly this, sadly I dont have any upvotes anymore for this day.

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How exactly is it a non argument? Other healers have utility and as such their healing should be lower by default (If you want to balance things). If you want a pure healer who does nothing else that one should heal more than everyone else really.

The problem Moira has is that while her high AoE throughput is extremely powerful in the current deathball meta (whether you go GOATS, Quad or simply 222 Deathball), she’s hardcountered by Anti-Heal, and Ana is currently the undisputed queen of healers right now.

300 HP on Nano wasn’t a small buff, especially when you consider the DR, it works out to essentially a 450 heal on something like a low HP Reinhardt and ensures that there’s almost a zero chance of combos like nanoblade failing as well as providing versatility in usage like saving key members of the team (like Reinhardt) from dying.

I think Support balance is mostly in the right place, but Ana needs to be toned down a little far more than any other support needs a buff.

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Yeah, except for Mercy she doesn’t have pure healing and has a ton of utility.

Yeah I can’t really think of any situation where I’d want a Moira specifically as opposed to an Ana.

Fair point. That 300 HP is a huge change to the dynamic of nano boost, and also opens up so many doors and such as to when where and why you use it. It was a big change.

Imho I have no reason to disagree with this. Ana is undeniably above and beyond the rest by a fair degree rn.

Mercy with a negative winrate ~ omg fix Mercy!
Mercy with a positive winrate ~ yeah we don’t trust overbuff data.


She was really only used in a pharmercy combo, on which, pharah recently got buffed. of course her winrates will rise as much as pharah’s will rise. Doesnt mean the character in itself doesnt have any issues/isnt unfun to play.

I think the best usage of Moira is against Doomfist, simply because Moira can survive being dived by him more reliably, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the rise of Doomfist is why Ana’s win-rate has been dipping.

Good point. Doomfist is performing spectacularly in higher tiers. Definitely worth consideration, and definitely contributes to things like Moira’s pickrate.

You’d expect more Moira representation all things considered. That said, it’s no surprise Moira is so hard niche in this meta tbh.

i’d say that’s fair.


She’s still good as a pocket, and her best hero to pocket just got changes and is in almost every game right now. It doesn’t change the fact she’s the worst support in the game and is incredibly boring to play.

It’s really frustrating that everyone just wants to look at almost meaningless statistics to say Mercy is fine and ignore all of the support players saying she’s not.