I thought Mercy was supposed to be useless now?

You do know that overbuff goes off of statistics of OPEN profiles? That really does change the overall available data information

Even before the last nerf to her there were many people who felt he wa Underpowered becaue they in playingg her didn’t feel her power. Becaue Mercy’ power is in all the passive places that are out of her control

  1. Mercy’s favourite pocket target got buffed in this patch so of course Mercy is going to go up for a bit.

Undo her Valk pistol nerf tbh. Or any of the other 12 mini nerfs she’s had since they finally found “the one” that “fixed” her.

The problem is that they dissected her kit so much she’s just bones now. Static numbers. Static rezzes. Her potential is too limited… just so they can keep her rez on E.

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Yup. Becaue they don’t realize that Rez i too powerful for an E and has to be a Q in some form

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It’s almost as if that hero is more useful on higher ranks with people who are more skilled to handle her (like any hero). And almost as if those teams also know how to support their supports.

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tbh it used to be OP. Now, it doesnt really impact much because you either rez before or after a team fight. too risky mid fight and can cause server stagger.

i dont feel heroic :frowning: like, i know rez has its problems and all but that felt heroic at least. Its not easy to pull off a good Valk due to how rare you can coordinate it with teams plus I’d want to use it to damage boost and initiate a push but i end up just wasting it on healing and trying to keep team alive and its a big mess specially when enemy starts to ult, i cant do much but back away.

I understand where you come from c: although it’d still be nice if they provided a more impactful ult? the suggestion if keeping it a solo target with like 70 heals and increase of damage boost as well, like amping up a kit of the player, it’s pretty cool! at least i know i can out heal some ults to save 1 member or the other, toggle quick enough to help the other members too!

mhm i agree its not that bad but stats dont show how impactful a hero is and I still play mercy because i love her GA the best, the most fun to use but it gets tiring when I can’t do anything about a situation when my ult cant even help me improve my team

except his is aoe and she does ST healing…also doesnt her herself whiel being damaged.

but it NEEDS talked about so devs learn how sh*t it is and do soemthing about it…

Pharmercy I wonder? Mercy is still a boring sidekick other than that, being Pharah’s pocket heal/damage boost won’t change that.

If you want to talk about an ultimate that’s 0% fun, look at Genji’s.

Sure, when you get a nice highlight play out of it once in a blue moon it can be ‘fun’, but most of the time it’s not.

You spend 40-70 seconds on average using his underwhelming kit to farm up a Dragonblade then you need to wait for all the stars to align to be able to use it without being easily shutdown / countered.

Seriously, when you think about it, it’s really quite easy for half-decent players to shut down a blading Genji, so many tools at their disposal to do so.

  • Hack / EMP (Takes longer to unsheathe than it does to hack)
  • Transcendence / Sound Barrier
  • Flashbang
  • Zarya Bubble(s) / Graviton Surge
  • Brigitte’s Shield Bash, Armor Pack, Rally & Inspire give a non-nanoboosted Genji a hard time when blading.
  • Most of Doomfist’s kit
  • Bionade, Sleep Dart & Nanoboost’s heal + damage reduction
  • Moira’s Fade
  • Reaper’s Wraith Form
  • Mei’s Cryofreeze / Wall

Even just having decent target priority and aim can easily shut down a blading Genji, if they did buff him just giving him CC immunity or Heal-Deny on blade swings would completely fix these issues, but I doubt that’d happen and if it did the forums would probably riot regardless of if it was actually balanced or not.

ok so get a 2v2 winston and some dps vs mercy and some dps.

you are comapring a 1v2 situation there. get a dps to help that winston and mercy’s heals are BOOM gone. ana, moira, brigitte, even lucio and zen would better be off helping in that situation. they have abilities to help heal more AND deal damage or help in other ways. so like shhhhhhhhhhh enough with the winston ‘only does 10 dps’ you arent even putting it in a GAME where there is TEAM WORK. so like just sh pls not even a stupid monkey would jump a mercy and her dps without getting some sort of help.

also i know i just the team work thing but if mercy cant even help her own team, she’d better be switching off honestly.

WRONG! Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Can we please stop trying to make the most pathetic argument imaginable? Yes, you can’t statistically quantify “fun” so I understand how you guys latched on to that argument when stats fly in the face of every other Mercy argument you make, but PLEASE. Saying that expanding someone’s kit somehow made them LESS FUN is just asinine.

I got my first “Sharpshooter” Mercy POTG today while using Valk to murder two Pharahs. That was probably the most fun I had playing today. Anyone who says Valk is “boring” doesn’t make any sense when you compare it to Trans or Sound Barrier.

I’ve played her since launch and I am telling you how I personally feel, she has become less fun with every new iteration.

Old, fun rez: Mass rez: intense hide and seek then an intense game of tag where you either have a huge hero moment or a massive failure and waste of ult

New, less fun rez: Get frozen in quicksand for 2 seconds while you pray to Jeff nobody shoots you, if you lose visual contact or get out of hugging range you waste the 1 person rez

Old, fun valkyrie: Become super saiyan and fly around with a really deadly pistol of doom, frantically shooting around to rez up to 2 or 3 people and swing the fight in your favor

New, less fun valkyrie: Press Q to escape Genji, use a multi heal or a weaker Orisa ult

Old, fun bunnyhop/momentum glitch: shoot way past your target, instantly re-GA to a new target, if you were fast/skilled enough you could always outrun/outmaneuver people attacking you

New, less fun ‘official’ bunnyhop: go about 5 extra feet past your target and immediately hit a wall of invisible quicksand slowing you down, cannot chain GA’s together anymore

So yes, Mercy has absolutely become less fun with each new, worse build of her (to me at least, it’s my opinion)

Oh I misunderstood. Your definition of “fun” is horribly overpowered. Got it. In that case, no, you will never have fun playing Mercy again. Find another hero.

Got it. I’ll find another hero.

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What does her single target healing have to do with anything versus Winston’s aoe damage? Do you want Mercy to aoe heal all the time? I don’t understand

Would you look at that. It all dropped back down already. It only lasted for 2 days. But hey, making a forum thread about it without waiting for the waters to clear was smart.

Oh wow it dropped from 56.7% to 56.12% what a tragedy.

Yeah… But do that in Comp and not mystery heroes and you’ll get screamed at while your team is dying.

It’s also fun to nano Torb hammer or… Lucio but it’s not an optimal use of the ult.

Yeah it’d be fun if you could use your whole Valk to shoot squishies but in what scenario is that better than using it to try and keep your team alive?

I was referring to pickrates. They all exploded after the patch, in every rank, for about 2 days. And now they are going back down. Btw, having a 56% winrate with a super low pickrate doesn’t mean someone is viable.

Sym and Torb both had high winrates and super low winrates, and they both got reworked/buffed as a result. So if you’re trying to argue that Mercy is good because she has a high winrate to accompany her low pickrate, you’re basically saying her power level is the same as old Sym and Torb…

Also, stop looking at %'s from the “this week” section of Overbuff, they are inflated and skewed due to the 2 days she had an inflated pickrate/winrate after the update. If you look, they are already pretty close to where they were before this patch.