I thought Mercy was supposed to be useless now?

How exactly is her kit expanded? She does less now than she ever did.

The only part of her that makes her somewhat worth playing are her GA hops… which was just a bug that they left in.

I think the argument is that her ult should at least be fun if it’s not particularly impactful or game-changing like the other support ults are.

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That list counters almost every single ult… Not just Genjis.

Others have it worse tbh and can be eaten by Dva or blocked by a shield … on top of everything on that list

We used to be GM fart-breath.

If you’re not GM anymore then you’re not good.

So does Overbuff works properly for everyone else? It’s stopped updating my stats since Thursday and shows that my profile is private even though it’s not. I tried switching it to private and back to public in the game options, but nothing changed on Overbuff, it still shows as private.

Tfw triple moira’s pickrate in gm is a “super low pickrate” hashtag justice for Moira

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As opposed to the issue of only being a selective data set?

Yeah it’s best we got…blah blah…it’s still only guessing

Honestly, if Mercy is only useful in Pharmercy, that’s worse than being useless as far as I am concerned. Playing Mercy in Pharmercy is extremely boring.

Overbuff’s stats actually stayed static when the change hit. So it’s still pretty accurate

So should Mercy be able to outheal two people attacking a target then? Are other healers capable of that? I still don’t understand.

Ana can keep one person up against 3 different people, Mercy can’t keep even one Zenyatta up if they get attacked by a tracer.

The difference in a static and pitiful 50hps and 93hps that can get boosted by a nade is night and day.

Yes, but is that 93hps going to save you from someone actually landing their shots? Tracer for instance could very easily one clip a Zen, and with headshots included none of the healers could prevent that without two of them or an ult.

I’m general, damage is not meant to be outhealed except in specific cases against very low damage characters. If damage could be outhealed on the regular, then the healers would be too powerful.

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We did get a taste of this in early season 10. Brig’s sustain factor when combined with two healers was absolutely ridiculous.

It was a big reason snipers took over because they were the only things that could actually kill anything.

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Any scenerio where you have the best chance of taking the enemy down. I let my main tank die and then rezzed him after the 2 kills. In comp, that could have been Pharah and Mercy, with our hitscan dead. It’s better to kill their Mercy then their Pharah and let my Rein die than to have my whole team die to heroes they can’t kill themselves. I’d do it in comp any time.

No, i was just trying to prove a point that people are usually on about 1v2 situation and its usually not the case in a qp or comp match. The wintson cancels out any healings that mercy would do and melt the person down by the help of a dps that’s with the winston. if other healers were helping in that situation, they probably would have a chance to either win in a 2v2 situation or at least help the dps get out alive or it might go bad and they lose in the situation but it just feels as if all the other healers have an advantage over mercy.

Not saying she is bad, i think is is slightly underperforming? but can still manage, just with a lot of communication.

tfw Mercy’s GM pickrate dropped to 1% again yesterday, the same as Moira’s. It’s almost as if both Moira and Mercy are being overpowered by Ana, who has a 14% pickrate. But hey, let’s keep debating whether Mercy or Moira is weaker instead of buffing both of them to balance the main supports :slight_smile:

Let Moira heal through shields
Give Mercy 55 HPS, make Valk impactful

Nah Mercy should have 60hps. There was no reason for that final nerf.

I don’t think 60 HPS will work with rez as an E ability in its current state. I personally would prefer 60 HPS, but I think they would need to make Rez an earned ability to compensate.

Then if anything they should drop the rez and give her a damage reduction shield. Her healing shouldn’t be lowered to make up for a trash to use rez.

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