I think mercy mains are right

Ah yes because High Noon and Shatter are integral to a DragonGrav.

And Death Blossom is key yo a NanoBladeGrave

And Tact Visor with RipTire are best paired with an EMPBomb.

…combos are fine it’s when 4 ults are thrown at once because they just can be is where the problem lies.


We now have Baptiste to do this, So I think we are fine for now

It really wasnt. In chaotic ladder matches and such sure ish. With the whole hide and rez nonsense etc. It was still a pretty bad tactic.

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The counter to ult spam is and has always been defensive ultimates.

The issue is Blizzard keeps reworking or only releasing supports with ultimates that just boost killing power or heal slightly above what they already do. Realistically there is only one true defensive ultimate in the game left, Transcendence.

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Actually is kind of was, more of in a psychological way. Back then people would try to bait out the rez before going ham with ults. People used to do this amazing thing called “thinking and planning” and not press Q to win.

I will give you most posts about it aren’t the full story, but usually people would plan things out a bit before engaging at the end of a round.


They still do plan things out.


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Twice? It’s been like 4 or 5 times

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If four ult is thrown then it will result in empty ult economy for the enemy which they will be in disvantage if they fail.

That why I always see countering enemy ult with single ability or ult is better, if the enemy use visor and deadeye use barrier to counter both of them then your dps will destroy rip tire and zen will save you from grav.

Now you has more ult economy than them.

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Yeah, I mean at the very least he’s come out and said it once on the forums and once on the interview. There’s probably more times when he’s said it too.

Just pointing out Ult Spam is a thing it’s not just Ult Combos. People blow their ults more frequently now because there’s really no punishment for it.

No Mass Rez shouldn’t come back-but something should be done to punish Ult Spamming.

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Maybe with some Mercy Mains but I wouldn’t have done that! And I doubt all Mercy Mains did anyway! And I found Mercy had more skill with the healing until rez became active as in if someone died they stayed dead until respawn now rez!

Not as much anymore, now it’s just a race for ults and whoever gets them first wins.


That’s what ult economy is all about.

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No it isn’t. Mass rez mandates more ults be used to counter it; effectively, it enforces poor ult economy for the enemy team.

Not to mention that ult spam counters itself.


How is saving ultimates in case of other ultimates poor ult economy? Zen saves his ult for Grav. Sombra (can) save her ult to cancel Lucio’s entire ult. There are a ton more.

Why is it so bad that people would save ults in the case of a Mercy Mass Rez? Are those really so different?


Because it mandates a third ult when the original intention was, say, a double ult combo. That gravstrike or whatever, which won the team fight, is also effectively wasted. The team that won the team fight shouldn’t have to botch their ult economy to re-win the team fight they already won.


How exactly does it MANDATE a third ult? You can win a team fight without using any ultimates. My point was that using ultiamtes to react to other ultimates is VERY common in this game, so just because Mercy’s acts a little different doesn’t mean it doesn’t belong at all.


Unless she hides beforehand


Your Overwatch is nothing but clickbait and community catering. It’s so easy to make pro Mercy vids and rake in views, which is the only purpose of their channel.

They are the furthest you can get from genuine discussion and opinions.


Even in silver rank the only thing people ever agreed on was “wow we probs used too many ultis then guys”

Ulti spam is pretty much just lack of team communication and the team that just threw all their ultis in 1 basket knew it was a bad move

Unless it was on the last point with sub 1 minute in which case even mass Rez wouldn’t stop people from trying to blow each other up

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