I think it's safe to say to finally buff the pigman

Nah I’m sure I get reported, but, I’ve never been silenced or banned in game yet knock on wood

Silenced on the forums for 5 days though, but ya, I’m just as lippy and passionate about hating this game as everyone else and want my main buffed cuz it’s my main like everyone else.

Hog players.

Let’s be honest…there are only two “feelsbad” moments in every game.

  1. Reloading your 5 shots…ooph…it takes forever!
  2. Dying because you pressed Q. It’s usually a death sentence.

Difficult to have fun when so many comp games are total aids. Toxicity, QP mentality, disconnects, rage quits, etc…

You should play LFG.

It’s a better way to play. BY FAR.

People willing to work together towards winning…that being said…LFG for QP is literally the best community I’ve found in OW…competitive enough to want to win, but not screech-y about losing made up points.

Tried LFG, only marginally better experience. Pretty much same as solo queue, except much longer wait times and harder enemies for no tradeoff usually.

I’ve had trolls and throwers in LFG.

That could be a big difference between us, and there isn’t anything wrong with it— I’ve never mained anyone (well 76 when I first started), so I just move on from hero to hero and basically play whoever I feel.

Would I like to see Hog buffed? Sure-- even if he stays the same, I’ll still play him.

My actual hero pool that I played at GM: McCree (not in a great state), Pre-Buff and Post- Buff Hanzo, Hog, Zarya, D.Va, Rein, and DF. Majority have not really been a meta pick, and people complained, but we made it work.

I just stay positive through it, sure it sucks, but it’s not going to ruin my day/my playtime

Hooks connecting then breaking

General feeding

And yes, you’ll probably be reported-- you can’t control anything other than your gameplay, let that speak

If we’re buffing Hog (and we should be) the only place to start is his spread, same as Reaper. Just to help everybody understand, here’s a list of heroes with mid-wide spread, starting at Soldier:

2.4 = Soldier:76
2.7 = Sombra
3.0 = old Sombra
3.6 = Tracer
4.15 = D.va, Torb alt fire
20.1 = Reaper, Roadhog

Reaper and Hog have spread nearly FIVE TIMES WIDER than the next widest spread. There’s so much Room to buff their spread whilst keeping them as the widest, Tommy Wiseau just protested he did not kill Mercy.

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Last comp game I played my team let me start on sombra for 60 seconds, then asked me to switch. :frowning:

I did begrudingly, but I ended up rolling everything as Zarya, and I never play Zarya, so they wanted me to stay Zarya, until we went on defense, then I switched to Orisa.

It seems if I can’t play DPS I’m ok with playing tanks, but I don’t enjoy tanks if the team comp doesn’t favor them.

The hanzo widow meta is irritating at best if you want to play a shield tank, that’s usually when I switch to Roadhog instead, or Zarya.

I hear how gun-shy you are when playing your comfort pick— don’t ask, just lock her in.

My policy has always been is I’ll play around someone-- we get the Torb? What do I need to do to help? Orisa? Rein? Had many Torb players thank me after the game for the abuse they take, and can imagine that for a lot of people who play mainly one hero

Ironic though, this season my highest win % in comp is on my one trick Sombra.

5 wins 1 loss so far, :x

Granted I know it’ll never stay like that, but I try to lock her in more now at the start, I’ll switch if people ask me to, but I get most annoyed when I’m the one contributing the most on sombra and people ask me to switch.

That’s what frustrates me more.

In that game where they asked me to switch I had gold elims (granted not hard on sombra) but as far as securing kills, I wasn’t the only DPS on my team.

In any case, I switched to Zarya, and for some reason I just killed everything with Zarya, probably because Sombra is so track aim dependent and I’m a good shot with Zarya’s primary fire I guess.

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Then I wish I had your easy going mentality. I try my damnedest, I still tilt when the game is bad. It’s just not fun. That’s why I started playing dps more often, so I can carry better. Not much you can do with supports if your tanks never create space and your dps never kill anything.

Hog doesn’t even need much, just more consistency and better against Armor.

Only 56% hook accuracy?


Not to bad I guess.

Little less than mine, well if we include QP I guess. But meh I don’t do comp much with him.

It’s a whole team-- some want to do what they want, some don’t.

People have bad games, we all do, some people just throw. I can’t control their choices in game. Might as well just keep it light in the lobby and maybe I’ll influence them making the better choice

57% on my comp-only hours :slight_smile:

cough 59% in QP :slight_smile:

TBH hook accuracy is overrated, you can easily farm 65+ just focusing tanks.

I’ll go for the risky hooks on the supports/dps-- I hover around 55-57%, and make up the rest with good alt fire aim