I think it's safe to say to finally buff the pigman

Look- I’m not trying to go back and forth with this and could point out basic human nature and everything etc

I will point on one of your comments: The game has many flaws- but I will not subscribe that people cannot climb. Your skill level is an accurate representation of where you have been at/around for 11 seasons. There’s plenty of excuses as to why people aren’t higher— but it happens at every single elo

I’d imagine it would not be met with a positive response. I personally don’t mind it, but im also someone who doesn’t mind the increases in CC in the game. However, it doesn’t take long to realize that there is at least a vocal minority who find the increases in CC so unbearable that they make frequent threads asking for severe nerfs, or outright deletion of newer characters. Thats aside from the various woe-is-me quitting threads that also blame their bad experiences on a single character more often than not (you know which one LOL).

I feel like this wouldn’t be a bad thing to revert at some point, its just a bad time for it right now.

I don’t have an excuse, I know why I’m at where I am. I don’t play nearly enough.

That doesn’t mean I’m not unlucky as hell, though. I could easily be 300-400 SR higher, but I need to play more. Many people told me I could be there. I also see many people at ranks they don’t belong in. The ranking is accurate, but you have to admit there’s a 250-500 SR (depending on rank ofc) “deadlock” ,if you will.

I watched a lot of coaching vids, and some players who are 300-500 SR above me definitely do not deserve their ranks, at least judging from the gameplay. Also seen VoDs where, judging from that gameplay at least, they should be higher up.

But again, that’s not why I’m complaining about Hog, I’m not even complaining, just making an observation. I do play him sometimes as a flex option, but I’m not a main.

Excuses are one thing, 8000 games of experience with stats so deep a GM couldn’t climb on my account when I had them try they actually scored a lower career high than I did myself.

No, sir, I’m afraid, there are situations that are not excuses, and despite what Bliz/Jeff claims this game forces a 50% win rate, it’s even more noticeable in QP.

Nicky, you seem cool and civil, and I will tell you this, I’ve been in the pro FPS scene before in the past, just not for a game like OW, because this isn’t a pro game worth playing in my eyes.

I played pro FPS for 6 years, years ago of course, and what I see in this game is not what I call a competitive FPS game.

The balance system hurts people’s progression, there comes a point in FPS gaming where hand holding and spoonfeeding needs to stop, and people need to discover what sheer determination really is.

I dont’ ask my GM friend or master friend to boost me, I only ask them to group with me in QP so I have a chance to see better skilled people and try to learn from them “Trial by fire” is the fastest way to learn, not watching videos about what works for other people, because that doesn’t work for me personally.

I will head their advice of course, but I will not try to be Codey, and no FitzyHere doesn’t impress me, Codey does in terms of Sombra Mains.

Agree- in more of the “bell curve” ranks you’ll see around 200-400 SR differences.

I was much younger, but I also used to play MoH:AA (ww2 fps game from 2002) at a pro level. I had much more success, but then I also played it day n night. Balance was much better, of course. You could easily carry your team, too.

Same I used to play 8-16 hours/day 7 days a week.

But of course as always life kicks in, and you have responsibilities.

Fair points-- and I’m not taking into account my platform-- XB1 as well, where the community isn’t as vast as PC. So, we are playing different games in some senses.

Back when Halo was big I played competitively for 5+ years so I read you on gaming professionally.

The game itself has some serious issues-- which is why I play for fun only, which is playing with my friends, and the biggest reason why I decayed my account out of GM so I could play with them.

And it’s commendable you don’t ask for boosts-- had a few of my friends ask, and I obliged, but their skill ceilings peaked and they were outclassed in a team game. I don’t try hard in any of the games now, tbh, I play off meta (unless it’s King’s Row Zarya), and just have fun. We win some, we lose some

Same for me, I stopped cearing about stats, when i realized how the balance system worked.

Now I just play for fun. Some games I try hard, other games I just like messing with people to see how far I can stress them before they break.


Roadhog is one of the best characters to do that on.


You should see how triggered my GM friend gets when I solo ult the entire enemy team on sombra… knowing damn well it annoys him lol

It’s more the fact that HPS and DPS are so high that a moment of being out in the open or not being pocketed can mean certain death for a character who tanks with his face.

Hey now, roadhog doesn’t have to tank with his face in fact I developed a tactic strictly to avoid the headshots he may get.

“The art of @ss Tanking™”

Be amazed how much fun it is to fux with widowmakers :smiley:

Oh trust me, I know the spin and lean while you huff…tactic.

But generally tanking with your body is “face-tanking”

lol ya, I love body blocking people in doorways,

I ignore genji’s and tracers most of the time when they attack me from behind.

I just use them to charge my ult.

Same thing for me as Orisa…hey…can someone turn and look at where the shurikens in my butt are coming from…I have to focus this Rein down.

Final point— and maybe I’m reading you wrong (please correct me if I am), you’ve invested a lot of time into the game and I read some frustration into your posts, perhaps caused by the stigma of your hero choice, my recommendation is to stop caring.

Games are meant to be fun, have fun, play who you want and do your best.

Ironically though sombra is one character that can destroy orisa at point blank range, if orisa doesn’t have a healer.

Her spread is literally the size of orisa head hitbox at point blank range.


Ya but I still would like to play my main in comp without worry of getting banned for it… :x

I think it’s mostly fine but if he needs a buff it should be the ult, likely recoil reduction

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maybe a small reduction in spread (which should increase “DPS” like sombra)

Honestly wouldn’t worry about it- if anything shows the flaws in reporting and the community. Take videos of your play just to have ammo in case something happens

Short of you actually being toxic and throwing games, you’ll obviously get reports, but nothing of the volume that would ban you