I think Hanzo needs fall-off on his arrows

Um… They already are at that level though? Like they already need 2-3 shots or a couple of seconds to kill people or need to rely on their team to lower or finish off people.

Like that is how 99% of the heros are designed? Only widow atm can really play without her team as she doesnt need anyone else to deal damage as she 1 shots.

No they arent, is why Hanzo is considered one of the worst DPSes, Hanzos overrall design loses more from the changes in breakpoints alot more than other characters, needing one more shot on Hanzo is worse than 1 more shot on Cass for example.

What heroes dont need 2-3 shots to kill or 1-3 seconds to kill?

Again, Cassidy is a good example, his rate of fire is 2 shots per second, so .5 second more for in his TTK (if that, since if you headshot it is still 2 shots for an elim), while Hanzo needs like ~1,2 seconds to charge his Bow to max and at least a good second to get to a decent speed on his arrows.

And Widow didnt get changed at all, pretty much, she just has to charge a bit longer.

Ok? But he still requires 2 shots, ya he has a shorter TTK, but mecree also has some of the lowest TTK mainly because damage is all mecree does.

Hanzo TTK is between ~1.2 and ~2 seconds depending on how you calculate charge time, and alot if not most heroes have TTK around that 1-2 second range.

If you look at storm arrow, hanzo can even rival Mecrees TTK. Storm arrow does 75 (150 headshot) and fires every .24 seconds, meaning if he lands 2 head shots it only takes .48 seconds.

Now obvious people can miss, both hanzo and mecree, but you get by point.

Hanzo is average for TTK and has the potential to rival the highest TTK in the game outside 1 shots.

And earlier I said I want her reworked away from 1 shots as well, or at least remove it from primary fire. Link it to a ability or something.

Also if you want to talk about TTK, just look at syms orbs, she needs 3 orbs to kill a 250 health tarket making her TTK around 3 seconds.

Hanzos rate of fire, outside of Storm Arrows is among the lowest (if not the lowest) in the game, specially considering his arrow’s speed is also dependent on charging the bow, not quite on the average.

And then when you consider that Storm Arrows has a pretty hefty cooldown of minimum 8 seconds (after the ability ends, around a 10 second downtime minimum) ,

Hanzo is just sitting there shucking noodles at people for a long time, until someone makes a horrible mistake of pushing him without help into his Storm Arrows, thats a recipe for a weak character and it shows.

Unless shes significantly compesated, she would be just as bad as Hanzo now, but with her, its somewhat worse since thats basically her whole identity, so one might wonder what would be the point of the character then.

Symm is not used as a poke character for a reason, mind you, Symm is a whole other breed of DPS, maybe standing alone in a weird mobility utility based DPS, talking about her design is a whole another monster.

The devs litterally did several nerfs because they wanted her to be a poke hero, the HP nerfs, the turret nerfs, the orb buffs.

The devs think she is a poke hero when she is not

Not quite, i think, i think the devs are afraid of her potential with teleporter so they never buff her significantly in any form.

You dont need to think, they litterally said in the dev notes when they nerfed her that it was because of her poke.

I mean, thats with combination with her utility.

Having oneshot back, but with damage fall-off isn’t a bad idea, and it’s been mentioned several times in my threads.

I don’t think it should drop to anything less than 100 damage minimum, with Storm Arrows having a 50 damage minimum (resets on bounce) past 30 meters. This keeps a nice counter-matchup with Widow without affecting anyone else. The duel is more in Widow’s favor, but the potential to kill her in the skilled matchup would be good to keep, or else her only DPS threats are realistically only Sombra and another Widow.

So something like 130 damage primary (2x multiplier) with minimum damage at fall-off being 100 sounds like it’d be a good sweet spot. I don’t think it’s necessary to change the damage of Storm Arrows.

If they don’t want to buff his damage, and they do indeed go down the 225 HP path, he could probably use a minor RoF buff and he might feel pretty good. Not fantastic, but workable.

What we have right now feels awful to play, and it can’t remain this way. Too many Hanzo players have quit already.

I think with 140 damage on the primary and 90 on the Storm Arrows, even on most ranges he would still 2 shot Widow alot of the time.

He can only rival Mcree’s primary fire TTK (constant threat) using an ability on an 8 second cooldown. These heroes are in no way equal. I play both heroes at GM, and Cass is far above him in effectiveness.

No. This would defeat the entire purpose of him losing the one shot in the first place and the entire purpose of the health buffs.

And this would be absolute aids to face against as a tank. Let alone the primary fire.

You kinda looked past the fact he would have worst fall-off than Cassidy, requiring him to play up close and never really being able to one shot randomly from range.

It doesn’t matter. A one shot is a one shot. It stills defeats the purpose.

Most hanzo’s played close to medium range regardless because no one is playing hanzo from distance. You’re not hitting anything unless the enemy team is just unaware and just walking into spam.

You’d be giving hanzo his one shot back PLUS the ability to literally microwave tanks with storm arrow.

It definetly matters, the real issue with getting one shot is the unpredictable nature of it, say do you think getting one shot by a Rein charge is just as easy as getting one shot by a Widow across the map in Havana or Circuit?

Him being able to one shot only up close means you pretty much MUST be able to see him unless hes hugging corners, wich case its the same as Reaper.

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The real issue with getting one shot… is with getting one shot. LMFAO.

Rein’s one shot is fair because he’s a massive hulking body who needs to throw himself at you to do it and you can easily see it coming.

Hanzo whether you see him standing there or not, it’s not up to you if you die or not. It’s up to him to miss.

That’s why ranged safe one shots will always be stupid. Putting a 20-40 meter range on it won’t change that. Hog has a 20 meter one shot and guess what! Still stupid!

Hanzo’s one-shot was never a problem. Players just gaslighted themselves and others into thinking it was unhealthy or there was no way to outplay it, because it’s always easier to blame a hero design than it is to blame themselves for poor play.

This is completely false. Hanzo is not a hitscan. You have time to react to it so long as you’re aware. You see players sidestep arrows all the time. I have coached countless players on movement to specifically dodge arrows. Learn to play better instead of sabotaging other people’s fun.

The only reason why Hog one-shot feels stupid is because it’s Hog, and mostly because he’s a gigatank in OW2. I saw very little complaint about it in OW1.

The players who complain about Hanzo are the same players who will complain about anything that kills them. Once Hanzo is gone, it’s on to the next hero you never learned to outplay. I’ve seen this dance before. Players optimizing the fun out of games is nothing new. Now that they see that their clamoring has some bearing over the development process, they’ve gotten too full of themselves.

All one shots that require no risk and have no cooldown, are unhealthy.

Widow? Unhealthy. Hanzo? Unhealthy.

There is no gaslighting. Getting one shot by something that can be missed and just say “Oh well I’ll just try again” because it’s tied to their primary fire, is garbage.

Yes at range you can dodge them. If the hanzo is playing close enough (which hanzo has ALWAYS been played at close to mid range) you have MUCH less time to react to a 100+ m/s projectile flying at you. That is a fact.

And Idgaf about other people’s fun, when that fun directly goes against other people’s fun. Because it’s a one shot hero! Or does only the hanzo players fun matter?

Hog has always had complaints about his one shot since the heroes existence.

No! People complain about one shots, because one shots are stupid! lmao