I think Hanzo needs fall-off on his arrows

Even more of a reason they should get rid of it in the first place, why leave in something that only happens in a very low chance, basically but completely up to random chance or horrible mistplay (like standing still), if instead they could focus on stuff that actually leaves counterplay and has skill expression?

Because if the numbers are right, its a more fair approach to the character, youre actually getting killed by something that takes skill more often than not instead of just randomly logged with wallhacks or whatnot.

Dont his arrows have an arc to them, or bullet (arrow?) drop? I think thatā€™s good enough, personally.

You can easily account for that and thats besides the point really, its so that theres enough reason to compesate him somewhere else and give him an actual identity.

Why would you nerf one of the only counters to Widow in the DPS role?

This isnā€™t it, SA needs a nerf, and he needs his one shot back. Heā€™s nothing without it. No more nerfs.

Itā€™s no different than what we have now, he already cant one shot. Heā€™s super squishy at close range, nothing is changing apart from him getting the one shot back at close ranges which would get nerfed again because people cant stand it. Im at a point where im already playing the worst hero in the game alongside sym, I donā€™t want another reason for blizzard to kill the hero further after just one change.

Its supposed to be a net buff, Hanzo was never a good counter to Widow anyways.

His damage up-close would be increasing quite significantly, not just his one shot capability, he would just do more damage in general, similiar to Junkrat or Reaper, he would be quite similiar to Junkrat in a sense, bad, inconsistent damage from far but insanely high burst damage up close.

Then you eitherā€¦

1.) Arenā€™t a good Hanzo
2.) Never played with a good Hanzo
3.) Are actively ignoring reality.

I would wager im a pretty good Hanzo, playing him ever since release and barely ever playing Widow but a Widow is always better at countering another Widow, or play Dive if the map allows it.

Yet you claim Hanzo doesnā€™t counter Widow well. I play him in Master, and make Widows swap all day long.

Youre not playing good Widows, is all, ive peaked GM DPS a few times.

Riiiiiight. Tell yourself whatever you need to. ā€œPeakā€ is GM for me, but I settled into Masters consistently.

ā€œBad widowsā€ in master :joy:

Yessir, masters is not that good, specially for Widows, if their Widow is switching against a Hanzo, in a Widow map at least, they are pretty bad, if they are playing Widow in a non Widow map you can just as well play any hitscan and you will do better than Hanzo anyways.

Or just getting off angled and canā€™t get a read on me before I drop them. Do you even understand Overwatch bro? Do you think Iā€™m standing in the open just trying to drop her? :joy:

Doesnt change the fact they are gettign off angled by a worse sniper character.

And I do from distance, I rarely get up close to a Widow.

Careful what you say, according to the forums, Hanzo is ā€œnot a sniperā€.

From a distance they should be able to win that, afterall, they are hitscan, i would argue Hanzo is not a good sniper either, specially now.

Learn to strafe and crouch spam? I sometimes just move slowly and duck as they fire just to make the miss. You can really tell how good a Widow is, based off their first few shots. If I donā€™t fear them, I aintā€™ swappinā€™.

um? what? Hanzo lands 1 headshot then storms arrows, like im not the best hanzo player in the world, but he litterally has a ability to quickly finish someone off.

Storm arrow fires 5 shots in 1.2 seconds, and all you need to do is land 1 of them to finish off a target.

You dink someone in the head then follow up with storm arrow?

Which is why i say a rework is needed for her, not just a loss of 1 shots.

Hanzo has ways to finish people off after landing a shot, widow does not.

As i said, bad Widows, sure, they are at least Masters, then not good enough Widows, to hit crouch strafe spam, specially on a Hanzo, who moves slower.

Point being that Hanzo is just not a good Widow counter, he might be better than say a Cassidy (depending on the map and comp) but hes not a good one or i guarantee you would see alot more Hanzos in response to Widows.

1 shot more than needed still, specially with a projectile, do you see anyone saying Hanzo is good?

A way on a minimum 8 seconds cooldown wich not only is his burst damage ability he might need for another reason, also is still another projectile he has to land, its horribly weak for picking purposes.

By this logic, all DPS and Supports should be lowered to similar levels of kill potential. Team game, so solo kills should be much harder for everyone and not just Hanzo.

Too long a cooldown to be a viable finisher. It would be reasonable if it was a secondary fire. As he is, heā€™s only a real threat every 8 seconds, while most other DPS are much more constant.