I submit proof that ELO hell can exist under a very specific set of circumstances. I am the most egregious gold smurf in the history of your game. And it was completely unintentional

Except you can win those games, you just have to play differently to what you would normally do. You need to realise this.

When I am getting 50+ elims and only died 5 times I havent made many mistakes. Never said I didnā€™t make them. They are just very rare. Nice job making an assumption.

You have a 2.87 K/D on your most played herošŸ¤”

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Heā€™s really focused on lambasting spicy for being masters with low playing time i doubt it was an attack on you.

Funny thing is even if we humor him and say people like spicy and myself ā€œdonā€™t deserve mastersā€ for not playing enough hours.
What rank would we deserve then? Couldnā€™t be worse than diamond becuase no way a plat player maintains masters regardless how little they play a season so whatā€™s his point here he acts like someone ā€œsittingā€ on masters should be gold or something itā€™s silly.

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How does this thread have 220 responses. It is full of jibberish. I was interested in the OP and topic but wow.

Iā€™m not going to jump into the personal attacks on the OP, but it is interesting that high mechanics doesnā€™t equal automatic rise to platā€¦ I do agree with others (and I havenā€™t reviews the vod) something must be lacking in your ability to win games.

That said. I do agree with the OP that is some ways your rank is affected by who you group with. It has been my hypothesis for awhile that I dropped to low gold after LFG was implimented from being in low plat from s4-10. The difference was that I changed my grouping habits to only playing comp with my friends (until mid s12 when I started testing the theory). Since I was grouping with high silver/low goldsā€¦ my SR suffered as I couldnā€™t carry them and we would lose. The game then believed since I couldnā€™t win in games lower than my sr at the time, that my SR needed to be heavily adjustedā€¦ and it dropped me very fast, despite having a near 50% win rate.

Midway through s12 when I nearly hit silver while groupingā€¦ I went back into solo qā€¦ and it was a stark difference. I started winning 70% of my games and just easily winning. I ended up still at a lower SR then I started in s12 despite winning 4 more games the I lost over the season.

Who you group with matters if it places you in games of a different SR.

However, if the system is wrongā€¦ even a change of 500sr you will start seeing a drastic change in the ease of games you face. The issues of team comp, your teammates, etc all donā€™t matter when you are playing a level 500 above your competition.

This however is 500 above what the game thinks you belong. If you are grouping with a player 1000sr below you and you are playing at 500sr below your rankā€¦ you wonā€™t necessarily feel it being easy, because the game is weighing you down to make the matchup fair.

What this does NOT mean is what the OP has said later in the thread. The game does not put someone ā€œmaster stuck in goldā€ on the enemy team to even it out.

The game thinks you are a gold playerā€¦ so it places you in gold. If you find the games difficult to bully, then it has placed you correctly, or too high.

The last point Iā€™d like to make is that this game is a mix of shooter and moba. While having good shooter mechanics will take you far, there are more aspects of ā€œskillā€ needed to be good at this game.

In fact, you can play the game in a way to outsmart your enemy and completely negate shooting mechanics because this is an ability based game. The game has been out long enough that the avg player now knows how to do thisā€¦ which is why relying mostly on mechanical shooting aim to bully your way to plat is harder and harder to do. It may have been true a year or two agoā€¦ but there is so much cc, guides, etc that it has really reigned in the overpowered balance that hitscan players orginally had in the gameā€¦ much to the disappointment of all the aim-elitists that throw toxicity around of players with low aim requirements that can get value throughout the ladder.

So OP, it looks like you now have the basical requirements of a hitscan player (if your aim really is that good) and you were based in the ā€œbasicsā€ area of this gameā€™s ladderā€¦ goldā€¦ avg. In order to excell, its time to take those basic skillsā€¦ and apply them to the larger game where you do not NEED above avg shooter aim in order to exceed.

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Everyone even GM players make mistakes if you think your mistakes are ā€œvery rareā€ in gold I donā€™t really know what else to tell you. It just kinda proves my point that your not seeing your own mistakes.


And that would be selfish and not for the betterment of the TEAM which is how this game was designed. Thanks but no thanks. I am a TEAM player, not a selfish person who will just do what I want when I want.

Old news. Its been at 3.0 all day.

Correction. 2.95. Recent loss due to yet againā€¦lack of heals and so much death. Thanks to another DPS Moira.

Regardless, thatā€™s what you average, and thatā€™s all I can go off of.

Dying on point is worth the death especially when you get 2 big picks on every push when it counts. If I kill Rein and Mercy and die that is still giving us a 5v4 advantage that matters if it leads to a win.

A lot of the time people freak out about losing a tick, a majority of the time itā€™s better and more likely to lead to a win if you wait a few seconds and give them more of the point.

Youā€™re not hearing what Iā€™m trying to say, dude. Your entire team needs to play differently, DPS Moira means you need a second main healer, you need to focus on the same targets as the Moira and you need to play better than you would have in most other gold games as a team. Or you need to be so much better than everyone else that you pop off and pick their healers and DPSs before they can capitalise on your insufficient heals.

No actually I donā€™t/ The Moira needs to learn to play her hero and support her team. End of discussion.

One players BAD decision does NOT dictate the decisions other players should make. That player needs to STOP making bad decisions if they expect to win.

If I die because I baited a Rein to Solo ult me thats a GOOD THING!! SOmetimes death is a strategy because you help induce retreat or distractions.

Therein lies your biggest hurdle to ranking up, the Moira wonā€™t rank up, sheā€™ll be a hardstuck gold till she learns to play better, but if you let a sub-optimal tilt you this much and refuse to work around them then you wonā€™t rank up either.

5 SR isnā€™t gonna magically make the supports vastly superior, youā€™ll need to be able to deal with that if you want to keep climbing.


You have 4 % crit acc i donā€™t play alot of ashe but if you ask me that speaks for itself.

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And yoiu DO realize that THE MMR IS PLACING ME WITH LOWER SKILLED PLAYERS IN THE SAME TIER??? Which means the MMR is a joke. Thanks.

You gotta understand that climbing in solo queue in any game requires being willing to adapt to others like it or not itā€™s just as important a skill as anything else.

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Citation? Where do we know you are a higher skilled player? Based on your own analysis?

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Thats mainly because of how I am playing her. I build my ult off Roadhogs, Dvas, Wrecking Balls and other large targets and burn entire teams just to get Bob fast. I focus on landing shots to the body, so no, crit isnt high. My accuracy is 52%.

See thats why you fail to understand the statistics when yoou havenā€™t seen someone play the hero.

I throw my dynamite over rein shields and into the healers and get them to burn.

I throw Bob in behind the enemy to make them turn.

I save people from Rein pins with my Coachgun.

I have plenty of skill and game sense. The ONLY hurdle is luck and not getting placed with people who are horrible healers/tanks.

game sense, ability usage, accuracy etc etc. Ring any bells???