I submit proof that ELO hell can exist under a very specific set of circumstances. I am the most egregious gold smurf in the history of your game. And it was completely unintentional

If you complete your very first competitive placement matches in matchmaking with a GOLD ranked player, you will be placed in gold or (if you can hang, whatever ELO your friend sits in when you do your placement matches), EVEN if you have VASTLY superior mechanical skill to anyone in the next three or more tiers on the ladder above you.

Because you are grouped with an already ranked gold player, you will never be eligible to even get the diamond or higher placement matches to pop, because the gold player in your group is not qualified to appear in matchmaking for diamond+ ELO matches.

The player I played with was an actually gold ranked player (he’s a console cod guy so a mouse and keyboard to him has been an adjustment period) I’ve used the same sens for 20 years, and i’m deadly with it. I don’t have this problem.

I literally have 26 years of experience clicking heads. The first FPS I ever played was return To Castle Wolfenstein in 1993 when I was 14 years old. I played DOOM online before the internet even existed! (we used a local dial-up BBS to find 1v1 matches in the stone ages, the challenger paid the phone charges if the match was a long distance call) I even competed in local regional Quake tournaments in the mid 90’s in LA, we didn’t have much of a pro scene. Thresh and Fatal1ty were the aim gods of my day.

When the 10 year CS veteran coin is finally issued to players, I will be one of the first 10,000 players on the planet to receive it, because I have been playing CS since it was a modification in beta for Half-Life 2. I am also eligible for a 15 year coin, and almost a 20 year coin if they ever issue those.

So if your standard for gold ELO is players new to FPS titles that have issues aiming and moving and shooting properly (mechanical skill) - and I somehow eternally exist here because of a loophole in the system that was never fully considered for (what happens if a REALLY good FPS player does their placement matches with someone who isn’t that good), unable to climb out no matter WHAT I do or how hard I pop off in matchmaking, you have a MAJOR problem on your hands. Because there is simply no way that I am the only player experiencing this issue with your ladder, the law of probability does not allow for it. FPS titles are not new, and we all have friends that are scrubs (that we love).

Because if matchmaking MUST be fair, that means there is an enemy in all of my games on the other team that can frag like I can, and that’s enough to massively imbalance any game, doubly so in an ELO where people cannot AIM properly. You can’t even argue against it. That player is legit high ELO, or cheating, straight up. And my gold team has to deal with that, if that opponent (who I have to identify which player in the match it is by monitoring the kill feed for red arrows (no matter the hero, they will be going for head shots as I would be), and then counter them and push risky 1v1’s repeatedly to shut them down before they destroy my whole team. it’s why I constantly feel that if I die, my team is going to crumble and fall apart immediately. It’s my accurate shot pressure that is creating space in lieu of competent tanks doing their job more often than not in my games.

But, if that skilled pub-slayer, and even one more mediocre enemy player tunnel me, the supports aren’t good enough to keep me alive, and my team loses when I can’t play the game where I am supposed to be dominating in (and thus climbing out) when the enemy win condition evolves into keeping me out of the fight, because the other enemies are actually plat and low diamond players slumming in gold ELO to grief players that cannot aim. Because putting a bunch of actual golds in a match with just me, would be wholesale slaughter for them, and I can dismantle entire teams when I get these matches in off hours (if there is no dps smurf in the pool of available players that fields similar stats when I queue, matchmaking has to put me against the most skilled player they can find.

Plat (aim intensive) DPS players, are plats because they can’t click heads with any level of regular consistency, it’s also what keeps players from ascending to the global elite, and ultimately the pro circuit in CS (their sens is not right for them, typically it is too high, or they use some absurd value like 1000 dpi 15 sens when the pro standard is 400/2.0ish, so when a gold ranked, SILVER BORDER (I play a ton of pub games, comp is too aggravating a lot of times) player shows up and starts putting them in the dirt with head shots in an ELO where head-shots don’t even exist with any sort of regularity - they tilt. hard. (you can merely review this forum to get an idea of how the average player feels about being shot in the head from across the map. And that jealousy of aim, can get easily get you tunneled out of the game, unless your supports (random strangers) pocket you basically 24/7, a tall order to ask for in any ELO that intrinsically and irrationally loathes DPS players to begin with.

Here is my Overbuff and VOD (warm up, widow hs, qp, matchmaking) I tilt in these videos, I’m only human, and it’s a frustrating situation to be in to say the least, I don’t have fun in a lot of these games, and I feel bad for punishing the rookie mistakes some of these players are making, but I also don’t want to remain down here. I tried to minimize what I actually said to my teammates, so please note the muted voice icon when I inevitably flame them out loud.

I am fully aware that they are not the problem. Not truly. They are new, they don’t know any better. But being forced into matches with these nubs over and over, is just making my hair expeditiously grey out even faster. I feel like this account is just toast, and there’s no way to transfer all of the cosmetic skin crap to another account, and I actually like some of the skins in this game that will never be available again (Kerrigan widow).

I should not have to purchase an alternate account to climb to the ELO where I should have been playing at all along. That is wrong. But if my internal MMR is sky high, and matchmaking keeps trying to push my SR up to match it, yet it is being deterred by external variables that matchmaking cannot detect (a player deceiving the system by intentionally avoiding playing a hero that they have mastered until the time is right to avoid detection of being a higher skilled player than is allowed to be in the match) and thus upsetting what the odds even are in the REAL match, as two vastly superior players turn the 50/50, or 60/40 coin flip prediction upside down, and can easily make it 80/20 in reality when they want to go hard, because they are capable of carrying in an ELO far below where they really play at) - The Top 500 players that also boost meet this criteria when their client accounts pass through your ELO. If you get in their way of fulfilling the clients needs by being a nuisance, they will do everything they can to destroy JUST you (they want to avoid detection, so they won’t ravage entire teams, they only do what is necessary to win the match).

For review:

Overbuff - /players/pc/Vyel-11922
VOD - Twitch – /videos/348984607

[Title edited by forum moderator. Forum moderator note: Calling out individual developers or the development team in your title or post is against our forum guidelines. Please focus on discussion of the feedback/suggestion in your thread.]


Soldier - 22.32 Elims per 10 Minutes
Widow - 17.32 Elims per 10 Minutes
Hanzo - 21.16 Elims per 10 Minutes
Ashe doesn’t show up on Oversume yet, and even though she is your highest accuracy at 54%, your McCree sits at 43%, Widow at 40%, and Soldier at 38%.

“Really good”

It really just seems like you overestimate your own skill due to the fact that you have more time on FPS games, though this doesn’t translate over to your stats. You don’t die a ton, which is good, but you don’t do a lot while alive either. And you could be landing a lot more shots.

I will give you this much on widow, your profile on here may reflect unscoped accuracy, not scoped.


I did every placement with my friend while I was in Gold on mercy. She placed Diamond lol.

h ttps://www.overbuff.com/players/psn/ThisNewMoney


Lemme help ya out https://www.overbuff.com/players/psn/ThisNewMoney

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Thanks! Looking at her stats I feel so inadequate haha even tho just QP is visible.

It would if the supports healed adequately. If I Have to fall back to a health pack during the fight because I risk dying to trash damage like a junkrat grenade, sym turret, torb turret damage, moira orb, moira right click - I’m out of the fight. So you’re right, i’m not doing anything during that time. In diamond, the supports would top that healing off so you could stay in the fight longer, and do more work.

That is why the stats are lower, those shots are made under pressure with inadequate supports and tanks. they can’t hold a front line to save their lives. You have players that can COMPETENTLY play their roles in plat and above because plat is the barrier of mastery for mechanical skill. Gold is for players who do not have this mastery PERIOD. This is stated BY Blizzard. Your AIM alone should get you into plat, and keep you there PERMANENTLY. Learning game sense, and improving your aim to head shot level accuracy, allows you to go further. It’s WHY you get so much SR when you play widow and do well. Very few people can do it to a minimum standard at the highest echelons. It’s literally the PINNACLE of showcasing mechanical skill!

What you are not comprehending is that it is not weapon accuracy that allows you to climb beyond platinum, it is head shot accuracy. And my head shot accuracy is vastly superior to the average gold, platinum, or even low diamond player.

I watched your buddy and fellow forum troll Aerocrypt try to play aim heroes at diamond SR. His aim is hot garbage. literally trash, and he one tricked to diamond with Junkrat anyway, so he’s an aimless scrub. If he continued to play those heroes with that potato aim, he would be a gold or maybe even silver player legitimately, it’s merely the powerful kit of Junkrat that got him to diamond to begin with. yet this dude is trying to say “if you improve you will climb” I would absolutely BODY him with zero effort. Are you kidding me?

What are you, 12? Are you just not intellectually advanced enough to understand the correlation of statistics? Or are you so delusional that you think you’re so awesome that there’s no way a gold ranked player could be better than you?

Statistics don’t lie, sport.

I play with lower ranked friends all the time and even any win even if it’s like a near 1k gap will still give me normal if not more sr gains than what people often claim. Placements wont really change where you’re going to place when queued with a lower rank if you do try your best. The only factors then would be if you get out done by golds and you’re “diamond”.

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I watched part of your Tracer vid, some things I noticed

  1. You peeked a Mei icicle way out of your effective range. Lol don’t do that.

  2. You dueled their Tracer and wasted time instead of killing the easy target of the Zen or the Doom that was killing your team.

  3. You go on long detours to ger health packs after or mid fight and are kind of out of place in general. It doesn’t get you killed but you aren’t maximizing your uptime.

  4. Your blinks and aim are good from what I saw but your recalls need work.

  5. You have to be conscious of your team and position around them and get priority kills quickly. Tracer doesn’t pressure the frontline at all so you need to be getting value in the back and kill things that will die the quickest and are a priority.

You seem like you’re tunnel visioning on mechanics and not other aspects of your play. Even tho your teammates might be dummies, you have to think of how your positioning will enable them because you cannot 1v6 and your current positioning is basically single player.


And I did kinda skim through most of the post and it sounds like you believe mechanical skill alone should put you in diamond. You still need some type of effort to play as a team even if you dont verbally communicate you can still help each other. Getting kills is pointless if they’re not the kills that make the win condition.


Link where Blizzard said this.

If this is true, then you not being at plat must mean your aim isn’t that good.

You playing a lot doesn’t automatically mean you’re good. It only means you played a lot.


You kinda have to get health packs when the supports don’t heal you, and you can’t rely on them to heal you, even in a team fight. Maybe this concept is foreign to you because your supports heal the DPS. My supports are Moiras that don’t heal adequately, and Ana’s that can’t hit shots. I have to play defensively.

A few things:

  • If you were truly leagues above the average Gold player, your stats would clearly reflect that. Bad tanks and supports would not prevent you from slaughtering opponents in your average game, and you would be gaining around 30+ SR per win. There are countless streamers and YouTubers who have demonstrated this.

  • Original placements do not make you stuck. Your MMR is regularly adjusted; particularly during placements, when performance can override win-rate. I’ve gone 4-6, and gained SR. So, again, if you were as dominant as you believe, Gold would be no issue.

  • There are actually quite a few players in Gold, and even Silver, who have solid mechanics, but constantly make mistakes when it comes to game sense. They tend to have very inconsistent games, because when someone with game sense is on the opposing team, they struggle to actually play around them. Mechanics do not guarantee you Platinum.


Overbuff shows scoped accuracy (mine is 52%), but it only shows hipfire crit. My scoped crit is 24% usually plus or minus 5% depending on how pressured I am.

Sorry dude, but these are not gold widow stats. you continuing to argue this, is making you look foolish. Pursuit enlightened what the minimum KDR values are to meet the standards of each rank on the ladder. Statistics like this, belong to master and grand master players alone. The aimbot influx is messing with this because a popular setting to blend in, is 50% and 20%. Values that are very hard for the average FPS player (i.e. DPS in platinum) to achieve. It’s literally WHY they are aimbotting in the first place. They CANNOT CLIMB because they can’t click heads. Period.

Look QP MMR is all about KDR and accuracy, okay? there are no ranks in QP, but your MMR (which evaluates your SKILL) still matches you up against equally skilled opponents. If you slay enough golds as a gold in QP, it will start pitting you against higher ELO players, are you with me? Now since QP has it’s OWN MMR, the pool of players is divided up into how you perform on a particular hero.

Out of the 452,828 RANKED Hanzo players. YOU in terms of skill, are ranked in the 97% Percentile at 31,003 - your SR is 3109 currently.

My Hanzo is ranked in the 86% Percentile at 61,088 of 452,828 Hanzo players. the SAME pool of players. It does not match you against golds or diamonds, because the concept of gold and diamond does not exist in MMR. Only skill is evaluated. And my SKILL will not allow me to play with gold players in quickplay matches - because they get absolutely destroyed (because they can’t aim properly). So my QP MMR pits me against EQUALLY skilled opponents. Just as yours does.

The reason why I can win these matches is because I don’t have enemy tryhards in quickplay trying to keep me in spawn like I do in ranked with salty hard stuck derpy DPS players with potato aim like aerocrypt tunneling me 24/7. Comprende?

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Master and GMs maintain those stats against other master/GM players. Not golds.


With a new account perhaps, but not an older account. I do have stats far above the average gold player. I already demonstrated this. I also explained how this can happen. placements with a ranked friend. The system places you within the 1000 max SR differential, so you can queue together. Because if you did your placements together, the game assumes you want to queue together. It allows you to do this with your friends intentionally.

Do you really think I don’t know how to combo an ult, or counter pick. I know my job as DPS, you say positioning like I don’t know how to position myself. it’s insulting. The only problem is the tanks don’t push and the healers don’t heal DPS. how hard is that to understand? If I got healed, I would literally murder everything on the screen. I fragged tons of players in the video, you can see it. I perfectly tracked air targets with Tracer in an ELO where people are crying for a hitscan to save them from Pharah. Because the D.va player is mechanically incapable of aiming while airborne. Stop this nonsense. I have game sense, and I have aim, I don’t have heals and competent tanks doing their jobs to a MINIMUM standard.

If I did, I wouldn’t have to leave the fight to get health packs now would I?

Go towards health packs closer to the fight or your spawn so you can engage as a team. Be efficient as possible game to game. I’m not saying you are bad.

if you are not engaging/pressuring when your team fights even if they are being dumb you are making them fight down a man.

You will climb if you pay attention to your positioning for uptime/pressuring the back, target priority and paying attention to your team. Just watch for that stuff in your games man, it can’t hurt.


I said plat. Not diamond.

No, everything I said was in regard to accounts that have been placed multiple seasons before.

My highest rank was hitting Diamond as a tank/support main. Most of my skill in-game involves game sense. If I were to log into your account, I could play nothing but DPS and still get it to Platinum without much trouble. If you really do have the mechanics you claim, you need to stop discounting game sense. You could probably beat me in a 1v1, but in an actual match I would contribute more towards the win by knowing the game better.


I can’t read it all. I am a player with 15 years playing fps and same running servers. The amount of tight aim locking at all sr is just silly now. People say just good tracking but it isn’t. How do I know! The answer is obvious. I just watched 2 streamers who both are obvious cheats. They should be charge with criminal fraud and so should google for allowing it.

I should add that it is much more than just lock here. The snapping, “flicking”, and ESP are all tells. Of course now when algorithm/AI picking up on this the cheats are just saying they “just to gud” and false positives. And the devs eat this sht up. hmmm… I wonder why.

QP goes super wide on it’s match making and looks to do a team average. I’ve seen random GM with bronze before, not a stack, just how the teams worked out. One can’t really read much into any QP, well anything really. As most players are bringing their B game at best.

and there are ton of CS players who flop hard in other games. It’s always been like that being they can’t adapt to games that are not CS. They use to crouch in UT2k4 being they can’t get their heads around it’s not CS. Decade+ later a lot of decent CS players don’t seem to grasp ULT econ, Overwatch positional play or how a team with supports/tanks etc have synergy.

that game just isn’t about only clicking heads.
A lot of players stumble over the mechanical side of the game, even more stumble over the unique Overwatch side of the game. That’s why the 60%-ish of the player base is gold or lower.