I strongly expect them to revert role lock

Here I am sitting firmly in reality and my friends list has seen more people come back to the game, your experience isn’t everyone’s but sure we’re just idiots in La-la land :man_shrugging:t2:

I mean it is just incomparable for me, where is OW and where is destiny2? It is niche game for me, even if they will add tons of content. The fact that pure ow fan can stop play this game when it takes that much time to find a game…

We’ll find out in the next big balance change in about 10 months won’t we!

I decided to play qpc because i didnt want to wait 6 min. Got a match, 5 instalocked dps. Said yeah screw this and went back to role queue.


Not everything happens at the drop of a hat like you want it to, and just because they haven’t acted doesn’t mean they won’t or aren’t considering it.

Role lock made me lose interest in the game after over 3 years.

First they limit the heroes. Then they remove your ability to switch. GG OW.

This is not fun anymore.


Overwatch died - just buy Overwatch 2! :smile:

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I was playing last night, and so was everyone on my friends list that was online. It’s actually still very popular.

Good riddance.
There is role lock qp.

So the main argument is that casuals don’t want to wait too much in ques to play their fav hero.

So, remove it from QP. Keep it in ranked. Problem solved.

So nothing changed.

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~20 people on my friends list quit around the time of the Mercy rework and Dva matrix changes in 2017,

people were vocal back then and nothing was reverted, I doubt this is anything different.

Not that it matters, but my kid and his three friends have all quit.

Yes, they only play heroes where they can pop off like Reaper and Hanzo and Widow. Yes, they were bad and didn’t care about team comp like at all (though they have sick aim, they are mostly hard stuck silver). No, they don’t want to wait 10 minutes to play Reaper in QP.

For me, a support and tank main, it hasn’t been all that great either, but probably better than it was.

I’ve also quit because of role lock.

Edit: I think part of what made 222 such a disaster was the elimination of the “defense” category. Your mileage may vary.

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Lmao are these people high or what? Majority of players aprove role q, reverting it will be a suicide.

I dont know of any valid data to support the claim “Majority of players aprove role q”


Yes but, he wouldn’t say "yeh a lot of players hate it, I think we may have made a serious error here) would he?

Sounds like you were looking for any excuse for a “final nail”

Part of the problem here is they haven’t done anything to gather that data to find out if players approve or not (aside from a 10 minute long survey covering a bunch of topics that was clearly biased on how the questions were asked). So far it looks like they are either covering their ears to the feedback noise or using bad data to determine how well this has worked. Bad data such as “we get less reports now”…which may be somewhat valid data but I think its too limited to use on its own.

I agree with the OP somewhat here, I do feel like they are eventually going to do something about this situation (more then just re-balancing for 2/2/2). There hasn’t been more noise on any one topic, for this long, ever, in this game. Clearly something isn’t working and needs some serious looking into.

I doubt he’d say that outright, but I think there would be a more obvious acknowledgement that there has been negative backlash with some classic Blizzard spin… “We’re happy with the initial rollout but acknowledge that the system has lots of room for improvement” or something like that. I find it hard to believe that he would say “generally positive feedback” if that weren’t the case.

Casual players also don’t like playing game after game of 6 dps.

even if this were true…no player has to do that…ever…

even if all of the other 5 players choose dps, the given player can choose tank or support

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