Mod Edit: This thread has been merged into the Mercy feedback thread. Please make sure to submit your feedback about Mercy’s changes last year and current state in that thread. Thank you.
She outshines Ana, Lucio, and basically all other healers, except Zen, since she works so well with him. Shes still over tuned.
Despite all her nerfs to Valk and Rez, her pickrate is still among the best on the ladder. Shes the second most picked hero this month, in competitive, out of ALL other heroes. Even in OWL she has a 93.38% pickrate in Stage 4.
I think its clear that you just cant balance Rez as an ability. Its simply TOO good. Speed boost cannot compete with bringing back your team mate from the dead. Nade cannot compete with bringing back your team mate from the dead. Shield Bash cannot complete with bringing back your team mate from the dead.
Theres no bad time to use Mercy. She can be used in EVERY single comp, and ANY comp. Same cannot be said with any other healer, whatsoever. Her one weakness is her duelling potential, with other heroes. But, honestly, with her being able to fly between her team mates, constantly with a slim hitbox, and her passive kicking in after 1 sec, the rest of her kit makes up for that weakness.
Her kit and synergy with meta heroes like Hanzo/Zen, is simply too good. As long as Mercy is like this, Lucio/Ana/Moira will NEVER be meta, let alone popular. (in OWL)
I think people on here really underestimate the power of supports, and how meta deciding they can be.
Thats my rant done.