Sorry I don’t really play in a lot scrims currently. You can look into some of those OW scrim discords as a free agent and they will pull you up from time to time. Or just simply try to join a well origanized team and have the coach/leader schedule a scrim for you that’s fine too ( that’s how I did my scrims for tournies).
Edit: Scrim is a good place to improve and experience what it’s like under a controlled environment. But competitive is a completely different thing just remember that.
Mhmm, I understand it being different. But having to deal with flankers and being punished for positioning is what I wish to gain from it
Dealing with flanker is a team effort. Your team should decide and act on quickly if they are going to fight the flanker or fight the teamfight. But best thing you can do is to deal with the flanker with your other support and usually flanker can’t one shot both of you easily.
Would be one of the first on your bandwagon, LeaF, when you are in the OWL! =)
:DDDD we’ll see haha
But gold medals don’t matter. Literally your DPS could be one behind you but people act like the DPS has no medal. Or you are too aggressive as a tank. Obviously you could use your rank as an excuse to counter what I am trying to say. Just tell me and I’ll listen.
this is so stupid it’s ridiculous. I’m a diamond tank main and when i take a gold account I climb from 2000-2700 winning 4 out of 5 games.
my sr gains look like this:
20, 25, 30, 35, -16, good thing is 2 of the games are stomps and don’t take very long, basically 1 hour per 100 SR. I can climb from 2000 in gold to mid plat in one day, and you think that a grandmaster main tank main would get stuck in plat? stop trolling please
How many hours a day did it take you a day.
Depends. If they are a reinhardt main or Orisa main then yes, they would get stuck in plat.
cough cough you’re stuck in plat right now btw.
yeah be polite be polite…but honestly…i have a hard time understanding what could drive someone who has hit diamond to believe that nonsense…only thing i can imagine is that he has never seen an actual grandmaster reinhardt play in diamond.
also i have a grandmaster reinhardt friend and he doesn’t get stuck in diamond…it’s hard for him to lose if there are no non-diamonds on the enemy team
What’s your age? I’m curious, because age can affect mechanical skill and skill of focus/awareness on so many things that occur during a match, which can get quite excessive in higher ranks.
First, gold medal does not mean anything. Second, just because if I have gold dmg as tank doesn’t mean I’m not doing my job of protecting my team. Third, don’t assume I’ll use my rank as an excuse, rank honestly doesn’t mean anything until you are top 500. Fourth, this is just an example of you should be polite to your team and not blindly yelling at them when things are going south.
(this is a spam bot)
I’m 15 20 characters btw
I wanna climb but why do my teammates play like bots half of the time? I can’t get a decend winstreak because after every win I get those players.
What makes them play like bots? Idk maybe dying in the first 10 seconds making me retreat because I am the last person alive…
well since Overwatch is a team based game, that means you always have to deal with your teammates, good or bad. Some games are just unwinnable. It’s just better to focus on what you are doing at the end of the day.
This is a refreshingly accurate characterization.
From a 15 year old, no less.
Good on you, kid!
I literally said golds don’t matter lmao you just repeated the same thing
Very funny. How about all the other points?