I spent 2 years climbing from silver to GM, ask me anything (1.6k+ Views)(100+ reply)

You talked about damage, but the gold eliminations don’t matter. Sure they do near the beginning but halfway through, they don’t. If you have gold elims, like 51 and your DPS have 44 and you still lost somehow, clearly it isn’t their fault. Even with that much kills, they couldn’t have been killing the wrong targets.

I’m a similar case. I started at 500sr in season 3 and got to GM in season 8, now I’m 4150 peak.

What sr bracket were you in the longest?
Through your journey up to GM what sr bracket do you think is the worst?

Well, Overwatch is a situational game. Just talking about the statistics is a very vague algorithm about how well the person is doing. And just because a dps has gold damage but he doesn’t spam the enemy Rein’s shield, doesn’t mean he is a good dps. But when in situations like (that one’s I have been in) when I have 8k~ gold damage at 10 minutes, or at the end of the game I have 4 gold metals, it just simply implies that my team isn’t doing enough, it’s logic.
Just saying that they are killing the wrong targets doesn’t mean it’s not their fault. I have around 40% shotcaller and I call targets every fight (b/c main tank), if they don’t focus down the target I’m calling, it’s still their fault for not doing so.

I played a game where Brigitte got potg instead of me, when I got a 2k pulse bomb with 2 more kills right after, but she touched all of those players with her flail at the same time and the system just decided to award her the potg… in the same game I had a teammate get a card for 25% of team damage… I literally did 4 less damage than him in the game. So I didn’t get either a card or potg because of those reasons… I felt so cheated :frowning:

Does anybody care that you reached GM? Do the Devs actually reward the 1% who manage to reach such a prestigious rank? I am SR < 500, why should I rank up(I mean other than to silence the attacks of the prominent posters here)?

I care that he reached GM.

He is a fellow human, a young person, who set a goal and achieved it. Hopefully he learned traits that will allow him to achieve further and more important goals in life.

No. One must be inherently motivated much like most things, in the end.

If you are happy the challenge of the game at your rank there is no reason to rank up. You get nothing out of it. You are not a better or worse person due to your rank in a game. Those who state otherwise can be ignored as that very statement indicates that they know very little about anything. Many people that claim to desire to rank up give reasons that aren’t really relevant. There is no magical rank where all the games go well and you’re able to just win and win or barely lose. People think there is, apparently, but a lot of the “problems” with the game have very little to do with the rank one is at.

The ranking system is designed to give you a good challenge regardless of actual skill. You will rank up by increasing your skill. If you have no desire to increase your skill in a video game no one with any real sense will fault you for it.

Though if you complain about your rank while not actually trying to increase your rank people will wonder about how much sense you have. So improve or don’t complain.


“ask me anything”
can you carry me?
anyway, grats!

What do I suck at?

(It’s unedited gameplay footage. So if you feel like watching to some give advice, feel free to skip around as you wish, any advice is welcome, I’m a gold main tank player often sticking to USA LFG.)

I think advertising to everyone is slightly spammy. But if a thread asks for questions I’ll post it

Nah. I’m replying to someone who asked for questions. If others are randomly reading questions then that is their deal

Well, maybe you should make a post about “I spent all my comp time in <500, ask me anything”. Nobody is stopping you from you doing that and you don’t have to comment on this post if you don’t want to. Carry on

(spam spam spam spam)

Sorry I don’t really have the time to watch all the footage. But I think it’s very good to record your plays and analyze upon it. There are few things that I think you can def do better. But just by listing them wouldn’t necessarily help you too much. I recommend checking out Jayne on twitch and youtube for VoD analysis and try to learn how to improve instead of just what to improve on. Because the former will go with you a long way, not just in overwatch but in life as well :DDD

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I just want to say, it’s people like you who make me hate this game (particularly comp) less. Thanks.

As for a question… did you ever metaphorically “hit a wall” while climbing? Have a time where you felt you needed a break from the game for a while? I’ve been playing since launch, essentially plateaued at gold, and am quite jaded at this point. Has your climb been smooth the whole way?

Quit trolling.

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I am learning a lot just by reading your responses. You are a good person and have my greatest respect.


Haha thanks
Yes, taking a break is essential while climbing in my opinion. Just because you are on a 3 game lossing streak doesn’t mean you have to get it back today. I learned my lesson over such a long time and I wished I realized it earlier. I had times when I stayed up to 3 in the morning just to loss 3 hundred SR. Even though lossing can be due to a lot of thing other than just simply mean “I’m bad”, let’s just be honest, it sucks. Sometimes it’s just easier to drop it for the day or for few hours and come back to climb again instead bashing your head against a wall.
I have hit walls while climbing, yes. It’s usually whenever try to get use to the new rank or trying to get out of a rank. This also means that my climb wasn’t even remotely close to smooth. Every season I would go on a lossing streak around 200 -300 SR usually twice. But if your climb is smooth, good for you.
I have taken breaks too. Especially during the mercy meta, oh man that was the worst. I legit dropped the game entirely and went to play Fortnite OMEGALUL.
Hopefully I replied all your questions. You asked a lot so the response is a little messy. If you have any follow on question feel free to ask!

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