I spent 2 years climbing from silver to GM, ask me anything (1.6k+ Views)(100+ reply)

yeah ping really affects performance. When team Canada “scrimmed” against team Australia, Canada had to play on Asia server and they couldn’t get used to the ping.
I now try play 1- 3 games on weekdays even that might be inconsistent. I tried to only play on weekends but that didn’t work out for a long time.

What is your favorite flavor of deodorant?
What color are your eyes?
Are you left or right handed?
If you are driving down the road in a canoe, how many pancakes would it take to build a dog house, True or false?

in all seriousness, do you think junkrat needs buffs, nerfs or is perfect now?

Don’t use deodorant

Junkrat is in a decent spot right now. He’s situational and is preferred on certain maps. He also fills a role as a projectile hero that has strong choke control. Even though he’s still an annoying hero to play against sometimes, he’s still in a pretty balanced spot in the meta rn.

LeaF, ask you real quick because I am confused and I cannot post the question in my own thread (Question about Tanks and SR in Competitive Mode) because I do not have enough replies.
After a loss, I understand that SR drops by quite a bit. I managed to squeeze in 4 games before logging off and for 2 losses, I lost a grand total of 5-7 SR from 1469 to 1462-1464.

Is this normal?

The SR gain for wins appear to be more or less spot on, I guess. I gained enough from 2 wins to reach 1506 from 1462-4.

Thanks in advance.

After all this time and effort, do you think it was worth it after all?

We must be talking about different things. Kaa posted the new version in this thread. The old was up for months and is part of a major descriptor post. Definitely not a typo. Possibly unclear and misleading, but not a typo.

Anyways, you’re right that as of now there is no known group penalty.

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Does this include a warm up set of games or do you jump right into comp?

SR gain is especially unpredictable in lower ranks. The system will compare your stats to other players who play the same hero as you in the same elo. So if you did, let’s say less dmg or elim than other reins in the elo, you will gain less SR. MMR is involved too. The most constant way to gain SR is to play more games, doesn’t really matter if you win or loss, you MMR is most likely to increase if you play comstantly.

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Thanks for replying, LeaF.
I believe that gaining 44-46 for 2 Wins is kind of within the expected average.

Actually, i was more curious with the SR loss, instead of the gain. Because i lost only about 2-3 SR for each loss and i have read that people usually lose more.

You can strike through this incorrect statement using the <strike> tag like this

That’s an oversimplification. Tracer, sure, it’s imperative to have as low a ping as possible. Pharah? Actually gets better at high ping because opponents can no longer dodge your rockets. Playing at 200+ms ping would probably affect rank a decent amount on the average hero. <100ms it’s a lame excuse for most heroes. I will say though, for Rein vs Rein ping is probably important in order to not get shattered.

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Thanks for the advice, a3gis. Yes, it was a deliberate oversimplication and i am glad that an expert expounded upon it. However, am i right to say that a lower ping is good in general?

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Not an expert :joy: Yes lower is better; LAN is best of course. Not dropping packets is important too

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Yeah, i know the feels, bro. I was on the Asia servers because, well, i am from Asia (Singapore). Latency was 70ms average. Then i switched over to the Americas servers to see how “toxic” it was based off the talk on the forums. Was shocked to see:

  1. latency was at 19-20ms
  2. little to no toxicity (yes, there were more than on the Asia servers but not quite as much as what people say here in the General Discussion sub-forum)

I could immediately feel the difference between 20ms vs 70ms and i asked my daughter to switch over and she could feel it too. EU servers gave me over 200ms and i was fairly much clipping. Yes, with your advice, if i go to EU to play with a friend, ima gonna go Pharah!

P.S. Yes, given your play time, you are more “expert” than i am, for sure =)

Edit: nvm I misread lol

How do you get 70ms latency from Singapore → Asia servers, and only 20ms latency from Singapore → LA? Am I still misreading this?

Also nvm, I remember now. I think Singapore is in the Blizzard “Americas” region on the Battle.net launcher for some strange reason, IIRC.

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For warm up, I usually just do some reaction training and warm up some main tnak techs in training range (winston butt jump, orisa animation cancelling, rein swing tech), which is around 10 mins. Then I jump straight into comp because quick play doesn’t really to improve.

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Sorry, dude. I was working.
Yes, apparently, according to some sources, Blizzard has servers set up in Singapore to cater to the South-East Asian and Pacific regions (Australia).
So it was only after a few months that i realised that.

I think that we are all grouped under “Americas” because Australia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand; the population are all proficient in English.
Whereas for the rest of Asia, other than India, English language proficiency is not a given.

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If you are going pro and want to take gaming to another level, yes. But if you are only playing for fun or for entertainment, in my opinion it’s a waste of time, just like watching TV, Netflix, etc… And for me, I’m the former. :slight_smile:

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How long did it take you to get out of plat? What was it like, and any tips for getting out?

It took me around I would say 5-6 months ( which is an average for me for climbing out of other ranks too). I was a support main during season 4&5. For me, since I’m a tank main now, mechanical skill isn’t my biggest concern. Overwatch is a different and special game because you can use your gamesense and communication to carry yourself to a higher level. Especially in high plat, you should start working on your helpful communication. Simple comms like “walk up” or “reset” can make a huge impact on the team.

Can you add me and have me join some scrims? Lol