I simply refuse to play Overwatch until this April Fools Prank is Over

So yeah, Blizz decided to give us Googly Eyes on all the characters for April Fools. I am sorry Blizz, but if this is going to go on for the whole month of April, I am not playing during the month of April I guess. You can see them on the other team too and they are distracting when you are trying to play the game.

Also couldn’t you guys of waited until it actually was April 1st? It’s only the end of March right now. Mercy having googly eyes takes her hotness away, Reaper having googly eyes just don’t make sense since the dude wears a mask, and Moira having googly eyes just takes any seriousness away from her.

Slow Clap Well done… Tell me when you guys are done screwing with us.


Knowing how it goes its just gona be for one day…
And it have mostly positive reactions from what i saw.


I barely notice it in my games, unless I am right up face to face with them

I beg your pardon, but it increases it by OVER 9000!


Eh, I don’t like it. But then again not everyone will, even if most did. I am not most.

That is the problem…

Personally I don’t care too much, but I am not playing until the prank is over, I don’t really find it amusing. Just annoying.

It isn’t dead, I still use it in jokes when talking to my friends. That one don’t get old for me.


Let’s agree to disagree

Y-you dont find googly eyes funny?


Do you know time zones exist right?


No, no I don’t Jeff… What are you gonna do, nerf my Life steal again?

Just channel your anger towards those to hs people more offten. :man_shrugging:

I didn’t even notice them until the PoG after my first game today

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Not angry, just dissatisfied. XD



Why would it? April Fools is 1 day. It will be gone in a day or so.


Is this real .?! Pics ?!

Opinions and all. I love the Googly Eyes. :grinning:

Edit: Maybe in a few weeks I’ll get tired of it but for now it’s fun to me.

Because sadistic people will fight to keep them forever.

The internet has you covered for this


Yeah, actually I do. But the time zone for California isn’t a day behind, it is a few hours behind other places in USA.

I know people whine on these boards a lot but imagine being so pathetic you gotta cry about googly eyes. A freaking joke, dude.


(You can see them all ingame aswell)