I Refuse To Touch Tank Literally Ever Again

Yes, it is a requirement when you’re playing competitive and the enemy tank counters you on your tank hero, because if you keep playing into your enemy counter and you’re getting rolled, you are throwing which is also a reportable offense aka game play sabotage.

In quick play, not many people care, but in competitive, everyone care.

Doesn’t matter if it’s not written in black and white in the EULA/TOS, it’s how the game is designed that matter and it is designed for counter swapping.

Anyone who thinks the way you think have most likely been living under a rock for the past 8 years and dug themselves even deeper into the ground during the past 2+ years.

Counter swapping is far more important and far more mandatory in OW2 than it was in OW1, especially in competitive.

Do you even play the game?

Oh no! Anything but that! Please don’t report me for being better than you. That will really hurt my feelings…

:muscle: :sob:

If they cared, we wouldn’t be losing to low ranks that do not care. They think they care, but they do not understand they own fee fees or how to play Overwatch.

That is the most interesting way I have ever seen anyone justify being a sheep.

It depends on the matchup.

I do, and I do it without swapping.


Not at all

Every bit of the statement above is entirely incorrect, and indicates the adoption of personal fabricated “rules” that dont apply to anyone

First, swapping is never required. Ever. Under any circumstances. It is an option that the game encourages but never mandates. If swapping were mandatory, the devs would not have stated that otp play is a perfectly legit way to play the game…and yet they have done so multiple times

Second, the definition of throwing exicitly states that poor play is per se not throwing or gameplay sabotage. So the observation above would be an exampke of observing non-reportable poor play. The definition of throwing and if gameplay sabotage are not met…except for when a player has adopted a fabricated rule along the lines of “if teammate x does something i dont like, thats gameplay sabotage”

Reporting a teammate in this scenrio would be a false report. Submitting a false report is an example of breaking the rules of the game. Breaking the rules of the game can lead to a player being actioned/banned

Anyone who thinks their own fabricated rules are the real rules should probably find a different game to play…a game with rules more to their personal liking. Those who do not follow the rules of a given game (any game, not just this one) are generally removed from it

Swapping has never been mandatory in this game


I suspect it never will be either, because each players right to play any available character is even closer to the heart and soul of this game than swapping is

I dont ever see Blizzard finding it acceptable for player a to be able to control the choices and/or actions of player b

Unsure who is being referred to as being a sheep here

I am implying that Splashbang is a sheep and it’s interesting that he is asserting that having a difference of opinion means that I have been living under a rock for 8 years.


As Desdemona might say to Deacon, “Interesting is one word for it”

Thank you for clarifying

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I’ll chime in here with a prediction that in the long term it won’t. There is a surefire way to keep the queue times down, but I doubt that Blizzard will turn to it, as it will negatively impact their bottom line. And considering that for a F2P game it is vitally important not to have long queue times, more so than to keep the 6v6 contingent happy, I seriously doubt that we’ll be going back to the old format in any meaningful capacity. (6v6 Open Queue with its own balance lane would be a good compromise, imo.)

They already discussed this. 6v6 testing will not be hard role lock, they will be trying looser queue systems, stuff like everyone is free to pick what they want but a role is locked out when 2 are picked, or a main queue and secondary queue where you’re more likely to get your main role but not guaranteed.

Tank doesn’t have to be popular, it just has to have a healthy population and for most of 6v6 it did. Tank pop only became a problem post many tank nerfs and CC creep that led to chain stunning tanks to death.

What tanks want is simple. They want

  • To be able to play the tanks they enjoy without getting bullied off by counters
  • No 7 second chain stuns

You give tanks those 2 things, the population will be healthy. The first one is not possible under 5v5 so it must be changed.

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for multiple years overwatch had to offer priority passes specifically because no one was playing tank. queue times for dps and support characters were through the roof because tank was far and away the least popular role.

tank duos weren’t enough to motivate the majority of players who avoided tank to suddenly play it.

6v6 will not be some silver bullet that is the clearly obvious answer that ppl want it to be. it had its own host of issues that were different from the 5v5 issues, but people are playing tank much more now than they were before despite what people are saying online (probably bc the ppl who don’t have an issue with tank aren’t incentivized to come to the forums and say so).

this isn’t to say 5v5 balancing is just better, but that 6v6 creating a sudden influx of tank players just because there’s another player with you doesn’t make sense.

No. Specifically because too many were playing dps. This was also during abandonwatch btw. You all base your “No OnE pLaYEd TaNk iN 6v6” off of a game that literally got no content updates and balance patches once a year.

The reality is that nobody actually knows. It very well could be the clear answer. We have like twice the tanks the game did in OW1. The more heroes a role has, the more often people are going to play it. People don’t click with roles, they click with heroes. Hense why dps has always been the most popular, it just has by far the largest roster.

No it didn’t. The game had issues yes, but that’s very different from the 6v6 format directly causing issues. The format caused 0 problems. 5v5 directly causes MANY problems, cause it is just by design imbalanced. Having 2 players per role and 1 player in a third role is objectively imbalanced. They’ve spent 2 years trying to make it work and it just doesn’t. It’s a proven failed format that causes rock paper scissors tanking and op supports.

Lol kid, all the evidence points to the opposite. 5 second tank queues, dps and supp queues are actually very close to OW1 levels which means tank pop is actually far worse since 2 less tanks are required for every game. Top 500 for tank starts in plat and diamond for console/pc.

Making stuff up to make it look like you have an argument isn’t a good Look.

This guy isn’t top 500, lol.

It’s just way too easy for tanks to counter other tanks nowadays. Too many specifics like ability goes through X and Y but not Z, X ignores this and that etc. Game is just rock paper scissors now, where any value an ability might have is instantly negated by another ability.
Horrible balancing philosophy.


This is why the game sucks.

Your tank either switches every death to a stronger (easier to counter enemy tank) every death or you end up losing.

Every game I play, if your tank is able to swap to counter the enemy you basically have a higher chance of winning. It really is that simple and apparently ‘that’s what they want’ they being Blizzard and nobody agreeing with them.

Ramattra isn’t busted in lower ranks either. OWCS likes him but that’s about it.

My team does too. /shrug

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Okay, take him to Top500 and send all the D. Vas and Winstons packing. Personally I also like playing him, but it’s impossible to ignore the rest of the ladder.

In that case they can remove ults from tanks and just have it on long cool downs…

It is sad that people take the easy route and don’t learn how to play against a counter… The few times I play tank I rarely switch just to learn how to git good!

He’s not a top 500 tank. We don’t have top 500 players in our tournament, but we have a lot of GMs. Both D.VA and Winston are also used. Our comp depends on maps and comps we play against. All this doesn’t matter. OP is low ELO. Is Ram bad in low ELO?

The other tank I am playing against does as well.

:muscle: :weary:

Yeah, I think some use Ram against your Rein.

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